Source code for pygeo.pyGeo

# Standard Python modules
import copy
import os

# External modules
from baseclasses.utils import Error
import numpy as np
from pyspline import Curve, Surface
from pyspline.utils import closeTecplot, openTecplot, writeTecplot2D
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized

# Local modules
from . import geo_utils
from .topology import SurfaceTopology

[docs] class pyGeo: """ pyGeo is a (fairly) complete geometry surfacing engine. It performs multiple functions including producing surfaces from cross sections and globally fitting surfaces. The actual b-spline surfaces are of the pySpline Surface type. The initialization type, initType, specifies what type of initialization will be used. There are currently 3 initialization types: plot3d, iges, and liftingSurface Parameters ---------- initType : str, {'plot3d', 'iges', 'liftingSurface'} A key word defining how this geo object will be defined. fileName : str Used for 'plot3d' and 'iges' only. Name of file to load. xsections : list of filenames List of the cross section coordinate files. Length = N scale : list or array List of the scaling factors (chord) for cross sections. Length = N offset : List or array List of x-y offset to apply *before* scaling. Length = N Xsec : List or array List of spatial coordinates as to the placement of cross sections. Size (N, 3) x, y, z : list or array If Xsec is not given, x,y,z arrays each of length N can be given individually. rot : List or array List of x-y-z rotations to apply to cross sections. Length = N rotX, rotY, rotZ : list or arrays Individual lists of x,y, and z rotations. Each of length N nCtl : int Number of control points to use for fitting. If it is None, local interpolation is performed which typically yields better results when a small number of sections. When trying to match wing geometries, a larger number of sections are often required. In this case, the number of control points also needs to be increased to prevent the file from becoming overly large. kSpan : int The spline order in span-wise direction. 2 for linear, 3 for quadratic and 4 for cubic ku : int Spline order in u (for plot3d input files only) kv : int Spline order in v (for plot3d input files only) nCtlu : int Number of control points in u (for plot3d input files only) nCtlv : int Number of control points in v (for plot3d input files only) """ def __init__(self, initType, *args, **kwargs): self.initType = initType print("pyGeo Initialization Type is: %s" % (initType)) # ------------------- pyGeo Class Attributes ----------------- self.topo = None # The topology of the surfaces self.surfs = [] # The list of surface (pySpline surf) # objects self.nSurf = None # The total number of surfaces self.coef = None # The global (reduced) set of control # points if initType == "plot3d": self._readPlot3D(*args, **kwargs) elif initType == "iges": self._readIges(*args, **kwargs) elif initType == "liftingSurface": self._init_lifting_surface(*args, **kwargs) elif initType == "create": # Don't do anything pass else: raise Error("Unknown init type. Valid Init types are 'plot3d', 'iges' and 'liftingSurface'") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization Type Functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _readPlot3D(self, fileName, order="f", ku=4, kv=4, nCtlu=4, nCtlv=4): """Load a plot3D file and create the splines to go with each patch Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name to load. Should end in .xyz order : str 'f' for fortran ordering (usual), 'c' for c ordering ku : int Spline order in u kv : int Spline order in v nCtlu : int Number of control points in u nCtlv : int Number of control points in v """ f = open(fileName) binary = False nSurf = geo_utils.readNValues(f, 1, "int", binary)[0] sizes = geo_utils.readNValues(f, nSurf * 3, "int", binary).reshape((nSurf, 3)) # ONE of Patch Sizes index must be one nPts = 0 for i in range(nSurf): if sizes[i, 0] == 1: # Compress back to indices 0 and 1 sizes[i, 0] = sizes[i, 1] sizes[i, 1] = sizes[i, 2] elif sizes[i, 1] == 1: sizes[i, 1] = sizes[i, 2] elif sizes[i, 2] == 1: pass else: raise Error("One of the plot3d indices must be 1") nPts += sizes[i, 0] * sizes[i, 1] surfs = [] for i in range(nSurf): curSize = sizes[i, 0] * sizes[i, 1] surfs.append(np.zeros([sizes[i, 0], sizes[i, 1], 3])) for idim in range(3): surfs[-1][:, :, idim] = geo_utils.readNValues(f, curSize, "float", binary).reshape( (sizes[i, 0], sizes[i, 1]), order=order ) f.close() # Now create a list of spline surface objects: self.surfs = [] self.surfs0 = surfs # Note This doesn't actually fit the surfaces...just produces # the parametrization and knot vectors self.nSurf = nSurf for isurf in range(self.nSurf): self.surfs.append(Surface(X=surfs[isurf], ku=ku, kv=kv, nCtlu=nCtlu, nCtlv=nCtlv)) def _readIges(self, fileName): """Load a Iges file and create the splines to go with each patch Parameters ---------- fileName : str Name of file to load. """ f = open(fileName) Ifile = [] for line in f: line = line.replace(";", ",") # This is a bit of a hack... Ifile.append(line) f.close() start_lines = int(Ifile[-1][1:8]) general_lines = int(Ifile[-1][9:16]) directory_lines = int(Ifile[-1][17:24]) # parameter_lines = int((Ifile[-1][25:32])) # Now we know how many lines we have to deal with dir_offset = start_lines + general_lines para_offset = dir_offset + directory_lines surf_list = [] # Directory lines is ALWAYS a multiple of 2 for i in range(directory_lines // 2): # 128 is bspline surface type if int(Ifile[2 * i + dir_offset][0:8]) == 128: start = int(Ifile[2 * i + dir_offset][8:16]) num_lines = int(Ifile[2 * i + 1 + dir_offset][24:32]) surf_list.append([start, num_lines]) self.nSurf = len(surf_list) print("Found %d surfaces in Iges File." % (self.nSurf)) self.surfs = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): # Loop over our patches data = [] # Create a list of all data # -1 is for conversion from 1 based (iges) to python para_offset = surf_list[isurf][0] + dir_offset + directory_lines - 1 for i in range(surf_list[isurf][1]): aux = Ifile[i + para_offset][0:69].split(",") for j in range(len(aux) - 1): data.append(float(aux[j])) # Now we extract what we need Nctlu = int(data[1] + 1) Nctlv = int(data[2] + 1) ku = int(data[3] + 1) kv = int(data[4] + 1) counter = 10 tu = data[counter : counter + Nctlu + ku] counter += Nctlu + ku tv = data[counter : counter + Nctlv + kv] counter += Nctlv + kv weights = data[counter : counter + Nctlu * Nctlv] weights = np.array(weights) if weights.all() != 1: print("WARNING: Not all weight in B-spline surface are 1. A NURBS surface CANNOT be replicated exactly") counter += Nctlu * Nctlv coef = np.zeros([Nctlu, Nctlv, 3]) for j in range(Nctlv): for i in range(Nctlu): coef[i, j, :] = data[counter : counter + 3] counter += 3 # Last we need the ranges prange = np.zeros(4) prange[0] = data[counter] prange[1] = data[counter + 1] prange[2] = data[counter + 2] prange[3] = data[counter + 3] # Re-scale the knot vectors in case the upper bound is not 1 tu = np.array(tu) tv = np.array(tv) if not tu[-1] == 1.0: tu /= tu[-1] if not tv[-1] == 1.0: tv /= tv[-1] self.surfs.append(Surface(ku=ku, kv=kv, tu=tu, tv=tv, coef=coef)) # Generate dummy data for connectivity to work u = np.linspace(0, 1, 3) v = np.linspace(0, 1, 3) [V, U] = np.meshgrid(v, u) self.surfs[-1].X = self.surfs[-1](U, V) self.surfs[-1].Nu = 3 self.surfs[-1].Nv = 3 self.surfs[-1].origData = True def _init_lifting_surface( self, xsections, X=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, rot=None, rotX=None, rotY=None, rotZ=None, scale=None, offset=None, nCtl=None, kSpan=3, teHeight=None, teHeightScaled=None, thickness=None, bluntTe=False, roundedTe=False, bluntTaperRange=0.1, squareTeTip=True, teScale=0.75, tip="rounded", tipScale=0.25, leOffset=0.001, teOffset=0.001, spanTang=0.5, upTang=0.5, ): """Create a lifting surface by distributing the cross sections. See pyGeo module documentation for information on the most commonly used options.""" if X is not None: Xsec = np.array(X) else: # We have to use x, y, z Xsec = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T N = len(Xsec) if rot is not None: rot = np.array(rot) else: if rotX is None: rotX = np.zeros(N) if rotY is None: rotY = np.zeros(N) if rotZ is None: rotZ = np.zeros(N) rot = np.vstack([rotX, rotY, rotZ]).T if offset is None: offset = np.zeros((N, 2)) if scale is None: scale = np.ones(N) # Limit kSpan to 2 if we only have two cross section if len(Xsec) == 2: kSpan = 2 if bluntTe: if teHeight is None and teHeightScaled is None: raise Error("teHeight OR teHeightScaled must be supplied for bluntTe option") if teHeight: teHeight = np.atleast_1d(teHeight) if len(teHeight) == 1: teHeight = np.ones(N) * teHeight teHeight /= scale if teHeightScaled: teHeight = np.atleast_1d(teHeightScaled) if len(teHeight) == 1: teHeight = np.ones(N) * teHeight else: teHeight = [None for i in range(N)] # Load in and fit them all curves = [] knots = [] for i in range(len(xsections)): if xsections[i] is not None: x, y = geo_utils.readAirfoilFile( xsections[i], bluntTe, bluntThickness=teHeight[i], bluntTaperRange=bluntTaperRange ) weights = np.ones(len(x)) weights[0] = -1 weights[-1] = -1 if nCtl is not None: c = Curve(x=x, y=y, nCtl=nCtl, k=4, weights=weights) else: c = Curve(x=x, y=y, localInterp=True) curves.append(c) knots.append(c.t) else: curves.append(None) # If we are fitting curves, blend knot vectors and recompute if nCtl is not None: newKnots = geo_utils.blendKnotVectors(knots, True) for i in range(len(xsections)): if curves[i] is not None: curves[i].t = newKnots.copy() curves[i].recompute(100, computeKnots=False) # If we want a pinched tip will will zero everything here. if tip == "pinched": # Just zero out the last section in y if curves[-1] is not None: print("zeroing tip") curves[-1].coef[:, 1] = 0 else: # Otherwise do knot inserions origKnots = [None for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): if curves[i] is not None: origKnots[i] = curves[i].t.copy() # First take all the knots of the first curve: baseKnots = [] baseKnots.extend(origKnots[0]) # For the rest of the curves for i in range(1, N): if curves[i] is not None: knots = origKnots[i] # Search for all indices indices = np.searchsorted(baseKnots, knots, side="left") toInsert = [] # Now go over the indices and see if we need to add for j in range(len(indices)): if abs(baseKnots[indices[j]] - knots[j]) > 1e-12: toInsert.append(knots[j]) # Finally add the new indices and resort baseKnots.extend(toInsert) baseKnots.sort() # We have to know determine more information about the set # of baseKnots: We want just a list of just the knot # values and their multiplicity. newKnots = [] mult = [] i = 0 Nmax = len(baseKnots) while i < len(baseKnots): curKnot = baseKnots[i] j = 1 while i + j < Nmax and abs(baseKnots[i + j] - curKnot) < 1e-12: j += 1 i += j newKnots.append(curKnot) mult.append(j) # Now we have a knot vector that *ALL* curve *MUST* have # to form our surface. So we loop back over the curves and # insert the knots as necessary. for i in range(N): if curves[i] is not None: for j in range(len(newKnots)): if not newKnots[j] in curves[i].t: curves[i].insertKnot(newKnots[j], mult[j]) # If we want a pinched tip will will zero everything here. if tip == "pinched": # Just zero out the last section in y if curves[-1] is not None: curves[-1].coef[:, 1] = 0 # Finally force ALL curve to have PRECISELY identical knots for i in range(len(xsections)): if curves[i] is not None: curves[i].t = curves[0].t.copy() newKnots = curves[0].t.copy() # end if (nCtl is not none) # Generate a curve from X just for the parametrization Xcurve = Curve(X=Xsec, k=kSpan) # Now blend the missing sections print("Interpolating missing sections ...") for i in range(len(xsections)): if xsections[i] is None: # Fist two curves bounding this unknown one: for j in range(i, -1, -1): if xsections[j] is not None: istart = j break for j in range(i, len(xsections), 1): if xsections[j] is not None: iend = j break # Now generate blending parameter alpha sStart = Xcurve.s[istart] sEnd = Xcurve.s[iend] s = Xcurve.s[i] alpha = (s - sStart) / (sEnd - sStart) coef = curves[istart].coef * (1 - alpha) + curves[iend].coef * (alpha) curves[i] = Curve(coef=coef, k=4, t=newKnots.copy()) # end for (xsections) # Before we continue the user may want to artificially scale # the thickness of the sections. This is useful when a # different airfoil thickness is desired than the actual # airfoil coordinates. if thickness is not None: thickness = np.atleast_1d(thickness) if len(thickness) == 1: thickness = np.ones(len(thickness)) * thickness for i in range(N): # Only scale the interior control points; not the first and last curves[i].coef[1:-1, 1] *= thickness[i] # Now split each curve at uSplit which roughly corresponds to LE topCurves = [] botCurves = [] uSplit = curves[0].t[(curves[0].nCtl + 4 - 1) // 2] for i in range(len(xsections)): c1, c2 = curves[i].splitCurve(uSplit) topCurves.append(c1) c2.reverse() botCurves.append(c2) # Note that the number of control points on the upper and # lower surface MAY not be the same. We can fix this by doing # more knot insertions. knotsTop = topCurves[0].t.copy() knotsBot = botCurves[0].t.copy() print("Symmetrizing Knot Vectors ...") eps = 1e-12 for i in range(len(knotsTop)): # Check if knotsTop[i] is not in knots_bot to within eps found = False for j in range(len(knotsBot)): if abs(knotsTop[i] - knotsBot[j]) < eps: found = True if not found: # Add to all sections for ii in range(len(xsections)): botCurves[ii].insertKnot(knotsTop[i], 1) for i in range(len(knotsBot)): # Check if knotsBot[i] is not in knotsTop to within eps found = False for j in range(len(knotsTop)): if abs(knotsBot[i] - knotsTop[j]) < eps: found = True if not found: # Add to all sections for ii in range(len(xsections)): topCurves[ii].insertKnot(knotsBot[i], 1) # We now have symmetrized knot vectors for the upper and lower # surfaces. We will copy the vectors to make sure they are # precisely the same: for i in range(len(xsections)): topCurves[i].t = topCurves[0].t.copy() botCurves[i].t = topCurves[0].t.copy() # Now we can set the surfaces ncoef = topCurves[0].nCtl coefTop = np.zeros((ncoef, len(xsections), 3)) coefBot = np.zeros((ncoef, len(xsections), 3)) for i in range(len(xsections)): # Scale, rotate and translate the coefficients coefTop[:, i, 0] = scale[i] * (topCurves[i].coef[:, 0] - offset[i, 0]) coefTop[:, i, 1] = scale[i] * (topCurves[i].coef[:, 1] - offset[i, 1]) coefTop[:, i, 2] = 0 coefBot[:, i, 0] = scale[i] * (botCurves[i].coef[:, 0] - offset[i, 0]) coefBot[:, i, 1] = scale[i] * (botCurves[i].coef[:, 1] - offset[i, 1]) coefBot[:, i, 2] = 0 for j in range(ncoef): coefTop[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotzV(coefTop[j, i, :], rot[i, 2] * np.pi / 180) coefTop[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotxV(coefTop[j, i, :], rot[i, 0] * np.pi / 180) coefTop[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotyV(coefTop[j, i, :], rot[i, 1] * np.pi / 180) coefBot[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotzV(coefBot[j, i, :], rot[i, 2] * np.pi / 180) coefBot[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotxV(coefBot[j, i, :], rot[i, 0] * np.pi / 180) coefBot[j, i, :] = geo_utils.rotyV(coefBot[j, i, :], rot[i, 1] * np.pi / 180) # Finally translate according to positions specified coefTop[:, i, :] += Xsec[i, :] coefBot[:, i, :] += Xsec[i, :] # Set the two main surfaces self.surfs.append(Surface(coef=coefTop, ku=4, kv=kSpan, tu=topCurves[0].t, tv=Xcurve.t)) self.surfs.append(Surface(coef=coefBot, ku=4, kv=kSpan, tu=botCurves[0].t, tv=Xcurve.t)) print("Computing TE surfaces ...") if bluntTe: if not roundedTe: coef = np.zeros((len(xsections), 2, 3), "d") coef[:, 0, :] = coefTop[0, :, :] coef[:, 1, :] = coefBot[0, :, :] self.surfs.append(Surface(coef=coef, ku=kSpan, kv=2, tu=Xcurve.t, tv=[0, 0, 1, 1])) else: coef = np.zeros((len(xsections), 4, 3), "d") coef[:, 0, :] = coefTop[0, :, :] coef[:, 3, :] = coefBot[0, :, :] # We need to get the tangent for the top and bottom # surface, multiply by a scaling factor and this gives # us the two inner rows of control points for j in range(len(xsections)): projTop = coefTop[0, j] - coefTop[1, j] projBot = coefBot[0, j] - coefBot[1, j] projTop /= np.linalg.norm(projTop) projBot /= np.linalg.norm(projBot) curTeThick = np.linalg.norm(coefTop[0, j] - coefBot[0, j]) coef[j, 1] = coef[j, 0] + projTop * 0.5 * curTeThick * teScale coef[j, 2] = coef[j, 3] + projBot * 0.5 * curTeThick * teScale self.surfs.append(Surface(coef=coef, ku=kSpan, kv=4, tu=Xcurve.t, tv=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])) self.nSurf = len(self.surfs) print("Computing Tip surfaces ...") # # Add on additional surfaces if required for a rounded pinch tip if tip == "rounded": # Generate the midpoint of the coefficients midPts = np.zeros([ncoef, 3]) upVec = np.zeros([ncoef, 3]) dsNorm = np.zeros([ncoef, 3]) for j in range(ncoef): midPts[j] = 0.5 * (coefTop[j, -1] + coefBot[j, -1]) upVec[j] = coefTop[j, -1] - coefBot[j, -1] ds = 0.5 * ((coefTop[j, -1] - coefTop[j, -2]) + (coefBot[j, -1] - coefBot[j, -2])) dsNorm[j] = ds / np.linalg.norm(ds) # Generate "average" projection Vector projVec = np.zeros((ncoef, 3), "d") for j in range(ncoef): offset = teOffset + (float(j) / (ncoef - 1)) * (leOffset - teOffset) projVec[j] = dsNorm[j] * (np.linalg.norm(upVec[j] * tipScale + offset)) # Generate the tip "line" tipLine = np.zeros([ncoef, 3]) for j in range(ncoef): tipLine[j] = midPts[j] + projVec[j] # Generate a k=4 (cubic) surface coefTopTip = np.zeros([ncoef, 4, 3]) coefBotTip = np.zeros([ncoef, 4, 3]) for j in range(ncoef): coefTopTip[j, 0] = coefTop[j, -1] coefTopTip[j, 1] = coefTop[j, -1] + projVec[j] * spanTang coefTopTip[j, 2] = tipLine[j] + upTang * upVec[j] coefTopTip[j, 3] = tipLine[j] coefBotTip[j, 0] = coefBot[j, -1] coefBotTip[j, 1] = coefBot[j, -1] + projVec[j] * spanTang coefBotTip[j, 2] = tipLine[j] - upTang * upVec[j] coefBotTip[j, 3] = tipLine[j] # Modify for square_te_tip... taper over last 20% if squareTeTip and not roundedTe: tipDist = geo_utils.eDist(tipLine[0], tipLine[-1]) for j in range(ncoef): # Going from back to front: fraction = geo_utils.eDist(tipLine[j], tipLine[0]) / tipDist if fraction < 0.10: fact = (1 - fraction / 0.10) ** 2 omfact = 1.0 - fact coefTopTip[j, 1] = ( fact * ((5.0 / 6.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (1.0 / 6.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefTopTip[j, 1] ) coefTopTip[j, 2] = ( fact * ((4.0 / 6.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (2.0 / 6.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefTopTip[j, 2] ) coefTopTip[j, 3] = ( fact * ((1.0 / 2.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (1.0 / 2.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefTopTip[j, 3] ) coefBotTip[j, 1] = ( fact * ((1.0 / 6.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (5.0 / 6.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefBotTip[j, 1] ) coefBotTip[j, 2] = ( fact * ((2.0 / 6.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (4.0 / 6.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefBotTip[j, 2] ) coefBotTip[j, 3] = ( fact * ((1.0 / 2.0) * coefTopTip[j, 0] + (1.0 / 2.0) * coefBotTip[j, 0]) + omfact * coefBotTip[j, 3] ) surfTopTip = Surface(coef=coefTopTip, ku=4, kv=4, tu=topCurves[0].t, tv=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) surfBotTip = Surface(coef=coefBotTip, ku=4, kv=4, tu=botCurves[0].t, tv=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) self.surfs.append(surfTopTip) self.surfs.append(surfBotTip) self.nSurf += 2 if bluntTe: # This is the small surface at the trailing edge # tip. There are a couple of different things that can # happen: If we rounded TE we MUST have a # rounded-spherical-like surface (second piece of code # below). Otherwise we only have a surface if # square_te_tip is false in which case a flat curved # surface results. if not roundedTe and not squareTeTip: coef = np.zeros((4, 2, 3), "d") coef[:, 0] = coefTopTip[0, :] coef[:, 1] = coefBotTip[0, :] self.surfs.append(Surface(coef=coef, ku=4, kv=2, tu=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], tv=[0, 0, 1, 1])) self.nSurf += 1 elif roundedTe: coef = np.zeros((4, 4, 3), "d") coef[:, 0] = coefTopTip[0, :] coef[:, 3] = coefBotTip[0, :] # We will actually recompute the coefficients # on the last sections since we need to do a # couple of more for this surface for i in range(4): projTop = coefTopTip[0, i] - coefTopTip[1, i] projBot = coefBotTip[0, i] - coefBotTip[1, i] projTop /= np.linalg.norm(projTop) projBot /= np.linalg.norm(projBot) curTeThick = np.linalg.norm(coefTopTip[0, i] - coefBotTip[0, i]) coef[i, 1] = coef[i, 0] + projTop * 0.5 * curTeThick * teScale coef[i, 2] = coef[i, 3] + projBot * 0.5 * curTeThick * teScale self.surfs.append( Surface(coef=coef, ku=4, kv=4, tu=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], tv=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) ) self.nSurf += 1 # end if bluntTe elif tip == "pinched": pass else: print("No tip specified") # Cheat and make "original data" so that the edge connectivity works u = np.linspace(0, 1, 3) v = np.linspace(0, 1, 3) [V, U] = np.meshgrid(u, v) for i in range(self.nSurf): self.surfs[i].origData = True self.surfs[i].X = self.surfs[i](U, V) self.surfs[i].Nu = 3 self.surfs[i].Nv = 3 self._calcConnectivity(1e-6, 1e-6) sizes = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): sizes.append([self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu, self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv]) self.topo.calcGlobalNumbering(sizes) self.setSurfaceCoef()
[docs] def fitGlobal(self): """ Perform a global B-spline surface fit to determine the coefficients of each patch. This is only used with an plot3D init type """ print("Global Fitting") nCtl = self.topo.nGlobal print(" -> Copying Topology") origTopo = copy.deepcopy(self.topo) print(" -> Creating global numbering") sizes = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): sizes.append([self.surfs[isurf].Nu, self.surfs[isurf].Nv]) # Get the Global number of the original data origTopo.calcGlobalNumbering(sizes) N = origTopo.nGlobal print(" -> Creating global point list") pts = np.zeros((N, 3)) for ii in range(N): pts[ii] = self.surfs[origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][0]].X[origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][1], origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][2]] # Get the maximum k (ku, kv for each surf) kmax = 2 for isurf in range(self.nSurf): if self.surfs[isurf].ku > kmax: kmax = self.surfs[isurf].ku if self.surfs[isurf].kv > kmax: kmax = self.surfs[isurf].kv nnz = N * kmax * kmax vals = np.zeros(nnz) rowPtr = [0] colInd = np.zeros(nnz, "intc") for ii in range(N): isurf = origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][0] i = origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][1] j = origTopo.gIndex[ii][0][2] u = self.surfs[isurf].U[i, j] v = self.surfs[isurf].V[i, j] vals, colInd = self.surfs[isurf].getBasisPt(u, v, vals, rowPtr[ii], colInd, self.topo.lIndex[isurf]) kinc = self.surfs[isurf].ku * self.surfs[isurf].kv rowPtr.append(rowPtr[-1] + kinc) # Now we can crop out any additional values in col_ptr and vals vals = vals[: rowPtr[-1]] colInd = colInd[: rowPtr[-1]] # Now make a sparse matrix NN = sparse.csr_matrix((vals, colInd, rowPtr)) print(" -> Multiplying N^T * N") NNT = NN.T NTN = NNT * NN print(" -> Factorizing...") solve = factorized(NTN) print(" -> Back Solving...") self.coef = np.zeros((nCtl, 3)) for idim in range(3): self.coef[:, idim] = solve(NNT * pts[:, idim]) print(" -> Setting Surface Coefficients...") self._updateSurfaceCoef()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Topology Information Functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def doConnectivity(self, fileName=None, nodeTol=1e-4, edgeTol=1e-4): """ This is the only public edge connectivity function. If fileName exists it loads the file OR it calculates the connectivity and saves to that file. Parameters ---------- fileName : str Filename for con file nodeTol : float The tolerance for identical nodes edgeTol : float The tolerance for midpoint of edges being identical """ if fileName is not None and os.path.isfile(fileName): print("Reading Connectivity File: %s" % (fileName)) self.topo = SurfaceTopology(fileName=fileName) if self.initType != "iges": self._propagateKnotVectors() sizes = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): sizes.append([self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu, self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv]) self.surfs[isurf].recompute() self.topo.calcGlobalNumbering(sizes) else: self._calcConnectivity(nodeTol, edgeTol) sizes = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): sizes.append([self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu, self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv]) self.topo.calcGlobalNumbering(sizes) if self.initType != "iges": self._propagateKnotVectors() if fileName is not None: print("Writing Connectivity File: %s" % (fileName)) self.topo.writeConnectivity(fileName) if self.initType == "iges": self.setSurfaceCoef()
def _calcConnectivity(self, nodeTol, edgeTol): """This function attempts to automatically determine the connectivity between the patches""" # Calculate the 4 corners and 4 midpoints for each surface coords = np.zeros((self.nSurf, 8, 3)) for isurf in range(self.nSurf): beg, mid, end = self.surfs[isurf].getOrigValuesEdge(0) coords[isurf][0] = beg coords[isurf][1] = end coords[isurf][4] = mid beg, mid, end = self.surfs[isurf].getOrigValuesEdge(1) coords[isurf][2] = beg coords[isurf][3] = end coords[isurf][5] = mid beg, mid, end = self.surfs[isurf].getOrigValuesEdge(2) coords[isurf][6] = mid beg, mid, end = self.surfs[isurf].getOrigValuesEdge(3) coords[isurf][7] = mid self.topo = SurfaceTopology(coords=coords, nodeTol=nodeTol, edgeTol=edgeTol)
[docs] def printConnectivity(self): """ Print the Edge connectivity to the screen """ self.topo.printConnectivity()
def _propagateKnotVectors(self): """Propagate the knot vectors to make consistent""" # First get the number of design groups nDG = -1 ncoef = [] for i in range(self.topo.nEdge): if self.topo.edges[i].dg > nDG: nDG = self.topo.edges[i].dg ncoef.append(self.topo.edges[i].N) nDG += 1 for isurf in range(self.nSurf): dgU = self.topo.edges[self.topo.edgeLink[isurf][0]].dg dgV = self.topo.edges[self.topo.edgeLink[isurf][2]].dg self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu = ncoef[dgU] self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv = ncoef[dgV] if self.surfs[isurf].ku < self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu: if self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu > 4: self.surfs[isurf].ku = 4 else: self.surfs[isurf].ku = self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu if self.surfs[isurf].kv < self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv: if self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv > 4: self.surfs[isurf].kv = 4 else: self.surfs[isurf].kv = self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv self.surfs[isurf].calcKnots() # Now loop over the number of design groups, accumulate all # the knot vectors that corresponds to this dg, then merge them all for idg in range(nDG): knotVectors = [] flip = [] for isurf in range(self.nSurf): for iedge in range(4): if self.topo.edges[self.topo.edgeLink[isurf][iedge]].dg == idg: if self.topo.edgeDir[isurf][iedge] == -1: flip.append(True) else: flip.append(False) if iedge in [0, 1]: knotVec = self.surfs[isurf].tu elif iedge in [2, 3]: knotVec = self.surfs[isurf].tv if flip[-1]: knotVectors.append((1 - knotVec)[::-1].copy()) else: knotVectors.append(knotVec) # end for (isurf) # Now blend all the knot vectors newKnotVec = geo_utils.blendKnotVectors(knotVectors, False) newKnotVecFlip = (1 - newKnotVec)[::-1] counter = 0 for isurf in range(self.nSurf): for iedge in range(4): if self.topo.edges[self.topo.edgeLink[isurf][iedge]].dg == idg: if iedge in [0, 1]: if flip[counter]: self.surfs[isurf].tu = newKnotVecFlip.copy() else: self.surfs[isurf].tu = newKnotVec.copy() elif iedge in [2, 3]: if flip[counter]: self.surfs[isurf].tv = newKnotVecFlip.copy() else: self.surfs[isurf].tv = newKnotVec.copy() counter += 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Surface Writing Output Functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def writeTecplot( self, fileName, orig=False, surfs=True, coef=True, directions=False, surfLabels=False, edgeLabels=False, nodeLabels=False, ): """Write the pyGeo Object to Tecplot dat file Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name for tecplot file. Should have .dat extension surfs : bool Flag to write discrete approximation of the actual surface coef: bool Flag to write b-spline coefficients directions : bool Flag to write surface direction visualization surfLabels : bool Flag to write file with surface labels edgeLabels : bool Flag to write file with edge labels nodeLabels : bool Falg to write file with node labels """ f = openTecplot(fileName, 3) # Write out the Interpolated Surfaces if surfs: for isurf in range(self.nSurf): self.surfs[isurf].computeData() writeTecplot2D(f, "interpolated", self.surfs[isurf].data) # Write out the Control Points if coef: for isurf in range(self.nSurf): writeTecplot2D(f, "control_pts", self.surfs[isurf].coef) # Write out the Original Data if orig: for isurf in range(self.nSurf): writeTecplot2D(f, "control_pts", self.surfs[isurf].X) # Write out The Surface Directions if directions: for isurf in range(self.nSurf): self.surfs[isurf].writeDirections(f, isurf) # Write out The Surface, Edge and Node Labels dirName, fileName = os.path.split(fileName) fileBaseName, _ = os.path.splitext(fileName) if surfLabels: # Split the filename off labelFilename = dirName + "./" + fileBaseName + ".surf_labels.dat" f2 = open(labelFilename, "w") for isurf in range(self.nSurf): midu = np.floor(self.surfs[isurf].nCtlu / 2) midv = np.floor(self.surfs[isurf].nCtlv / 2) textString = 'TEXT CS=GRID3D, X=%f, Y=%f, Z=%f, ZN=%d, T="S%d"\n' % ( self.surfs[isurf].coef[midu, midv, 0], self.surfs[isurf].coef[midu, midv, 1], self.surfs[isurf].coef[midu, midv, 2], isurf + 1, isurf, ) f2.write("%s" % (textString)) f2.close() if edgeLabels: # Split the filename off labelFilename = dirName + "./" + fileBaseName + "edge_labels.dat" f2 = open(labelFilename, "w") for iedge in range(self.topo.nEdge): surfaces = self.topo.getSurfaceFromEdge(iedge) pt = self.surfs[surfaces[0][0]].edgeCurves[surfaces[0][1]](0.5) textString = 'TEXT CS=GRID3D X=%f, Y=%f, Z=%f, T="E%d"\n' % (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], iedge) f2.write("%s" % (textString)) f2.close() if nodeLabels: # First we need to figure out where the corners actually *are* nNodes = len(geo_utils.unique(self.topo.nodeLink.flatten())) nodeCoord = np.zeros((nNodes, 3)) for i in range(nNodes): # Try to find node i for isurf in range(self.nSurf): if self.topo.nodeLink[isurf][0] == i: coordinate = self.surfs[isurf].getValueCorner(0) break elif self.topo.nodeLink[isurf][1] == i: coordinate = self.surfs[isurf].getValueCorner(1) break elif self.topo.nodeLink[isurf][2] == i: coordinate = self.surfs[isurf].getValueCorner(2) break elif self.topo.nodeLink[isurf][3] == i: coordinate = self.surfs[isurf].getValueCorner(3) break nodeCoord[i] = coordinate # Split the filename off labelFilename = dirName + "./" + fileBaseName + ".node_labels.dat" f2 = open(labelFilename, "w") for i in range(nNodes): textString = 'TEXT CS=GRID3D, X=%f, Y=%f, Z=%f, T="n%d"\n' % ( nodeCoord[i][0], nodeCoord[i][1], nodeCoord[i][2], i, ) f2.write("%s" % (textString)) f2.close() # Close out the file closeTecplot(f)
[docs] def writeIGES(self, fileName): """ Write the surface to IGES format Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name of iges file. Should have .igs extension. """ f = open(fileName, "w") # Note: Eventually we may want to put the CORRECT Data here f.write(" S 1\n") f.write("1H,,1H;,7H128-000,11H128-000.IGS,9H{unknown},9H{unknown},16,6,15,13,15, G 1\n") f.write("7H128-000,1.,6,1HM,8,0.016,15H19970830.165254, 0.0001,0., G 2\n") f.write("[email protected],23HLegacy PDD AP Committee,11,3, G 3\n") f.write("13H920717.080000,23HMIL-PRF-28000B0,CLASS 1; G 4\n") Dcount = 1 Pcount = 1 for isurf in range(self.nSurf): Pcount, Dcount = self.surfs[isurf].writeIGES_directory(f, Dcount, Pcount) Pcount = 1 counter = 1 for isurf in range(self.nSurf): Pcount, counter = self.surfs[isurf].writeIGES_parameters(f, Pcount, counter) # Write the terminate statement f.write("S%7dG%7dD%7dP%7d%40sT%6s1\n" % (1, 4, Dcount - 1, counter - 1, " ", " ")) f.close()
[docs] def writeTin(self, fileName): """ Write the surfaces to ICEMCFD .tin format Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name of tin file. Should have .tin extension. """ f = open(fileName, "w") # Standard Python modules import datetime # Write the required header info here: f.write("// tetin file version 1.1\n") f.write("// written by pyLayoutGeo - on %s\n" % ( f.write("set_triangulation_tolerance 0.001\n") # Now loop over the componets and each will write the info it # has to the .tin file: for i in range(self.nSurf): if self.surfs[i].name is None: name = "surface_%d" % i else: name = self.surfs[i].name s = "define_surface name surf.%d family %s tetra_size %f\n" % (i, name, 1.0) f.write(s) self.surfs[i].writeTin(f) # Write the closing info: f.write("affix 0\n") f.write("define_model 1e+10 reference_size 1\n") f.write("return\n") f.close()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update and Derivative Functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _updateSurfaceCoef(self): """Copy the pyGeo list of control points back to the surfaces""" for ii in range(len(self.coef)): for jj in range(len(self.topo.gIndex[ii])): isurf = self.topo.gIndex[ii][jj][0] i = self.topo.gIndex[ii][jj][1] j = self.topo.gIndex[ii][jj][2] self.surfs[isurf].coef[i, j] = self.coef[ii].astype("d") for isurf in range(self.nSurf): self.surfs[isurf].setEdgeCurves()
[docs] def setSurfaceCoef(self): """Set the surface coef list from the pyspline surfaces""" self.coef = np.zeros((self.topo.nGlobal, 3)) for isurf in range(self.nSurf): surf = self.surfs[isurf] for i in range(surf.nCtlu): for j in range(surf.nCtlv): self.coef[self.topo.lIndex[isurf][i, j]] = surf.coef[i, j]
[docs] def getBounds(self, surfs=None): """Determine the extents of the collection of surfaces Parameters ---------- surfs : list or array Indices of surfaces defining subset for which to get the bounding box Returns ------- xMin : array of length 3 Lower corner of the bounding box xMax : array of length 3 Upper corner of the bounding box """ if surfs is None: surfs = np.arange(self.nSurf) Xmin0, Xmax0 = self.surfs[surfs[0]].getBounds() for i in range(1, len(surfs)): isurf = surfs[i] Xmin, Xmax = self.surfs[isurf].getBounds() # Now check them if Xmin[0] < Xmin0[0]: Xmin0[0] = Xmin[0] if Xmin[1] < Xmin0[1]: Xmin0[1] = Xmin[1] if Xmin[2] < Xmin0[2]: Xmin0[2] = Xmin[2] if Xmax[0] > Xmax0[0]: Xmax0[0] = Xmax[0] if Xmax[1] > Xmax0[1]: Xmax0[1] = Xmax[1] if Xmax[2] > Xmax0[2]: Xmax0[2] = Xmax[2] return Xmin0, Xmax0
[docs] def projectCurve(self, curve, *args, surfs=None, **kwargs): """ Project a pySpline curve onto the pyGeo object Parameters ---------- curve : pySpline.Curve object Curve to use for the intersection surfs : list or array Indices of surface defining subset for which to get the bounding box Returns ------- Try it and see! Notes ----- This algorithm is not efficient at all. We basically do the curve-surface projection algorithm for each surface the loop back over them to see which is the best in terms of closest distance. This intent is that the curve *actually* intersects one of the surfaces. """ if surfs is None: surfs = np.arange(self.nSurf) temp = np.zeros((len(surfs), 4)) result = np.zeros((len(surfs), 4)) patchID = np.zeros(len(surfs), "intc") for i in range(len(surfs)): isurf = surfs[i] u, v, s, d = self.surfs[isurf].projectCurve(curve, *args, **kwargs) temp[i, :] = [u, v, s, np.linalg.norm(d)] # Sort the results by distance index = np.argsort(temp[:, 3]) for i in range(len(surfs)): result[i] = temp[index[i]] patchID[i] = surfs[index[i]] return result, patchID
[docs] def projectPoints(self, points, *args, surfs=None, **kwargs): """Project on or more points onto the nearest surface. Parameters ---------- points : list or array Singe point (size 3) or list of points size (N,3) points to project onto the surfaces surfs : list or array Indices of surface defining subset for which to use for projection Returns ------- u : float or array u parameter values of closest point v : float or array v parameter values of closest point PID : int or int array Patch index corresponding to the u,v parameter values """ if surfs is None: surfs = np.arange(self.nSurf) N = len(points) U = np.zeros((N, len(surfs))) V = np.zeros((N, len(surfs))) D = np.zeros((N, len(surfs), 3)) for i in range(len(surfs)): isurf = surfs[i] U[:, i], V[:, i], D[:, i, :] = self.surfs[isurf].projectPoint(points, *args, **kwargs) u = np.zeros(N) v = np.zeros(N) patchID = np.zeros(N, "intc") # Now post-process to get the lowest one for i in range(N): d0 = np.linalg.norm(D[i, 0]) u[i] = U[i, 0] v[i] = V[i, 0] patchID[i] = surfs[0] for j in range(len(surfs)): if np.linalg.norm(D[i, j]) < d0: d0 = np.linalg.norm(D[i, j]) u[i] = U[i, j] v[i] = V[i, j] patchID[i] = surfs[j] return u, v, patchID