Source code for pygeo.parameterization.DVGeoMulti

# Standard Python modules
from collections import OrderedDict

# External modules
from baseclasses.utils import Error
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

    # External modules
    from pysurf import (

    pysurfInstalled = True
except ImportError:
    pysurfInstalled = False

[docs] class DVGeometryMulti: """ A class for manipulating multiple components using multiple FFDs and handling design changes near component intersections. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI.IntraComm, optional The communicator associated with this geometry object. This is also used to parallelize the triangulated meshes. checkDVs : bool, optional Flag to check whether there are duplicate DV names in or across components. debug : bool, optional Flag to generate output useful for debugging the intersection setup. isComplex : bool, optional Flag to use complex variables for complex step verification. """ def __init__(self, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, checkDVs=True, debug=False, isComplex=False): # Check to make sure pySurf is installed before initializing if not pysurfInstalled: raise ImportError("pySurf is not installed and is required to use DVGeometryMulti.") self.compNames = [] self.comps = OrderedDict() self.DVGeoDict = OrderedDict() self.points = OrderedDict() self.comm = comm self.updated = {} self.intersectComps = [] self.checkDVs = checkDVs self.debug = debug self.complex = isComplex # Set real or complex Fortran API if isComplex: self.dtype = complex self.adtAPI = adtAPI_cs.adtapi else: self.dtype = float self.adtAPI = adtAPI.adtapi
[docs] def addComponent(self, comp, DVGeo, triMesh=None, scale=1.0, bbox=None, pointSetKwargs=None): """ Method to add components to the DVGeometryMulti object. Parameters ---------- comp : str The name of the component. DVGeo : DVGeometry The DVGeometry object defining the component FFD. triMesh : str, optional Path to the triangulated mesh file for this component. scale : float, optional A multiplicative scaling factor applied to the triangulated mesh coordinates. Useful for when the scales of the triangulated and CFD meshes do not match. bbox : dict, optional Specify a bounding box that is different from the bounds of the FFD. The keys can include ``xmin``, ``xmax``, ``ymin``, ``ymax``, ``zmin``, ``zmax``. If any of these are not provided, the FFD bound is used. pointSetKwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to the component addPointSet call for the triangulated mesh. """ # Assign mutable defaults if bbox is None: bbox = {} if pointSetKwargs is None: pointSetKwargs = {} if triMesh is not None: # We also need to read the triMesh and save the points nodes, triConn, triConnStack, barsConn = self._readCGNSFile(triMesh) # scale the nodes nodes *= scale # We will split up the points by processor when adding them to the component DVGeo # Compute the processor sizes with integer division sizes = np.zeros(self.comm.size, dtype="intc") nPts = nodes.shape[0] sizes[:] = nPts // self.comm.size # Add the leftovers sizes[: nPts % self.comm.size] += 1 # Compute the processor displacements disp = np.zeros(self.comm.size + 1, dtype="intc") disp[1:] = np.cumsum(sizes) # Save the size and displacement in a dictionary triMeshData = {} triMeshData["sizes"] = sizes triMeshData["disp"] = disp # Split up the points into the points for this processor procNodes = nodes[disp[self.comm.rank] : disp[self.comm.rank + 1]] # Add these points to the component DVGeo DVGeo.addPointSet(procNodes, "triMesh", **pointSetKwargs) else: # the user has not provided a triangulated surface mesh for this file nodes = None triConn = None triConnStack = None barsConn = None triMeshData = None # we will need the bounding box information later on, so save this here xMin, xMax = DVGeo.FFD.getBounds() # also we might want to modify the bounding box if the user specified any coordinates if "xmin" in bbox: xMin[0] = bbox["xmin"] if "ymin" in bbox: xMin[1] = bbox["ymin"] if "zmin" in bbox: xMin[2] = bbox["zmin"] if "xmax" in bbox: xMax[0] = bbox["xmax"] if "ymax" in bbox: xMax[1] = bbox["ymax"] if "zmax" in bbox: xMax[2] = bbox["zmax"] # initialize the component object self.comps[comp] = component(comp, DVGeo, nodes, triConn, triConnStack, barsConn, xMin, xMax, triMeshData) # add the name to the list self.compNames.append(comp) # also save the DVGeometry pointer in the dictionary we pass back self.DVGeoDict[comp] = DVGeo
[docs] def addIntersection( self, compA, compB, dStarA=0.2, dStarB=0.2, featureCurves=None, distTol=1e-14, project=False, marchDir=1, includeCurves=False, slidingCurves=None, intDir=None, curveEpsDict=None, trackSurfaces=None, excludeSurfaces=None, remeshBwd=True, anisotropy=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ): """ Method that defines intersections between components. Parameters ---------- compA : str The name of the first component. compB : str The name of the second component. dStarA : float, optional Distance from the intersection over which the inverse-distance deformation is applied on compA. dStarB : float, optional Distance from the intersection over which the inverse-distance deformation is applied on compB. featureCurves : list or dict, optional Points on feature curves will remain on the same curve after deformations and projections. Feature curves can be specified as a list of curve names. In this case, the march direction for all curves is ``marchDir``. Alternatively, a dictionary can be provided. In this case, the keys are the curve names and the values are the march directions for each curve. See ``marchDir`` for the definition of march direction. distTol : float, optional Distance tolerance to merge nearby nodes in the intersection curve. project : bool, optional Flag to specify whether to project points to curves and surfaces after the deformation step. marchDir : int, optional The side of the intersection where the feature curves are remeshed. The sign determines the direction and the value (1, 2, 3) specifies the axis (x, y, z). If ``remeshBwd`` is True, the other side is also remeshed. In this case, the march direction only serves to define the 'free end' of the feature curve. If None, the entire curve is remeshed. This argument is only used if a list is provided for ``featureCurves``. includeCurves : bool, optional Flag to specify whether to include features curves in the inverse-distance deformation. slidingCurves : list, optional The list of curves to project to, but on which the mesh nodes are not frozen in their initial positions. This allows the mesh nodes to slide along the feature curve. intDir : int, optional If there are multiple intersection curves, this specifies which curve to choose. The sign determines the direction and the value (1, 2, 3) specifies the axis (x, y, z). For example, -1 specifies the intersection curve as the one that is further in the negative x-direction. curveEpsDict : dict, optional Required if using feature curves. The keys of the dictionary are the curve names and the values are distances. All points within the specified distance from the curve are considered to be on the curve. trackSurfaces : dict, optional Points on tracked surfaces will remain on the same surfaces after deformations and projections. The keys of the dictionary are the surface names and the values are distances. All points within the specified distance from the surface are considered to be on the surface. excludeSurfaces : dict, optional Points on excluded surfaces are removed from the intersection computations. The keys of the dictionary are the surface names and the values are distances. All points within the specified distance from the surface are considered to be on the surface. remeshBwd : bool, optional Flag to specify whether to remesh feature curves on the side opposite that which is specified by the march direction. anisotropy : list of float, optional List with three entries specifying scaling factors in the [x, y, z] directions. The factors multiply the [x, y, z] distances used in the curve-based deformation. Smaller factors in a certain direction will amplify the effect of the parts of the curve that lie in that direction from the points being warped. This tends to increase the mesh quality in one direction at the expense of other directions. This can be useful when the initial intersection curve is skewed. """ # Assign mutable defaults if featureCurves is None: featureCurves = [] if slidingCurves is None: slidingCurves = [] if curveEpsDict is None: curveEpsDict = {} if trackSurfaces is None: trackSurfaces = {} if excludeSurfaces is None: excludeSurfaces = {} # just initialize the intersection object self.intersectComps.append( CompIntersection( compA, compB, dStarA, dStarB, featureCurves, distTol, self, project, marchDir, includeCurves, slidingCurves, intDir, curveEpsDict, trackSurfaces, excludeSurfaces, remeshBwd, anisotropy, self.debug, self.dtype, ) )
[docs] def getDVGeoDict(self): """Return a dictionary of component DVGeo objects.""" return self.DVGeoDict
[docs] def addPointSet(self, points, ptName, compNames=None, comm=None, applyIC=False, **kwargs): """ Add a set of coordinates to DVGeometryMulti. The is the main way that geometry, in the form of a coordinate list, is manipulated. Parameters ---------- points : array, size (N,3) The coordinates to embed. These coordinates should all be inside at least one FFD volume. ptName : str A user supplied name to associate with the set of coordinates. This name will need to be provided when updating the coordinates or when getting the derivatives of the coordinates. compNames : list, optional A list of component names that this point set should be added to. To ease bookkeepping, an empty point set with ptName will be added to components not in this list. If a list is not provided, this point set is added to all components. comm : MPI.IntraComm, optional The communicator that is associated with the added point set. applyIC : bool, optional Flag to specify whether this point set will follow the updated intersection curve(s). This is typically only needed for the CFD surface mesh. """ # if compList is not provided, we use all components if compNames is None: compNames = self.compNames # before we do anything, we need to create surface ADTs # for which the user provided triangulated meshes for comp in compNames: # check if we have a trimesh for this component if self.comps[comp].triMesh: # Now we build the ADT using pySurf # Set bounding box for new tree BBox = np.zeros((2, 3)) useBBox = False # dummy connectivity data for quad elements since we have all tris quadConn = np.zeros((0, 4)) # Compute set of nodal normals by taking the average normal of all # elements surrounding the node. This allows the meshing algorithms, # for instance, to march in an average direction near kinks. nodal_normals = self.adtAPI.adtcomputenodalnormals( self.comps[comp].nodes.T, self.comps[comp].triConnStack.T, quadConn.T ) self.comps[comp].nodal_normals = nodal_normals.T # Create new tree (the tree itself is stored in Fortran level) self.adtAPI.adtbuildsurfaceadt( self.comps[comp].nodes.T, self.comps[comp].triConnStack.T, quadConn.T, BBox.T, useBBox, MPI.COMM_SELF.py2f(), comp, ) # create the pointset class self.points[ptName] = PointSet(points, comm=comm) for comp in self.compNames: # initialize the list for this component self.points[ptName].compMap[comp] = [] self.points[ptName].compMapFlat[comp] = [] # we now need to create the component mapping information for i in range(self.points[ptName].nPts): # initial flags inFFD = False proj = False projList = [] # loop over components and check if this point is in a single BBox for comp in compNames: # apply a small tolerance for the bounding box in case points are coincident with the FFD boundTol = 1e-16 xMin = self.comps[comp].xMin xMax = self.comps[comp].xMax xMin -= np.abs(xMin * boundTol) + boundTol xMax += np.abs(xMax * boundTol) + boundTol # check if inside if ( xMin[0] < points[i, 0] < xMax[0] and xMin[1] < points[i, 1] < xMax[1] and xMin[2] < points[i, 2] < xMax[2] ): # add this component to the projection list projList.append(comp) # this point was not inside any other FFD before if not inFFD: inFFD = True inComp = comp # this point was inside another FFD, so we need to project it... else: # set the projection flag proj = True # project this point to components, we need to set inComp string if proj: # set a high initial distance dMin2 = 1e10 # loop over the components for comp in compNames: # check if this component is in the projList if comp in projList: # check if we have an ADT: if self.comps[comp].triMesh: # Initialize reference values (see explanation above) numPts = 1 dist2 = np.ones(numPts, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((numPts, 3), dtype=self.dtype) normProjNotNorm = np.zeros((numPts, 3), dtype=self.dtype) # Call projection function _, _, _, _ = self.adtAPI.adtmindistancesearch( points[i].T, comp, dist2, xyzProj.T, self.comps[comp].nodal_normals.T, normProjNotNorm.T ) # if this is closer than the previous min, take this comp if dist2 < dMin2: dMin2 = dist2[0] inComp = comp else: raise Error( f"The point at (x, y, z) = ({points[i, 0]:.3f}, {points[i, 1]:.3f} {points[i, 2]:.3f})" + f"in point set {ptName} is inside multiple FFDs but a triangulated mesh " + f"for component {comp} is not provided to determine which component owns this point." ) # this point was inside at least one FFD. If it was inside multiple, # we projected it before to figure out which component it should belong to if inFFD: # we can add the point index to the list of points inComp owns self.points[ptName].compMap[inComp].append(i) # also create a flattened version of the compMap for j in range(3): self.points[ptName].compMapFlat[inComp].append(3 * i + j) # this point is outside any FFD... else: raise Error( f"The point at (x, y, z) = ({points[i, 0]:.3f}, {points[i, 1]:.3f} {points[i, 2]:.3f}) " + f"in point set {ptName} is not inside any FFDs." ) # using the mapping array, add the pointsets to respective DVGeo objects for comp in self.compNames: compMap = self.points[ptName].compMap[comp] self.comps[comp].DVGeo.addPointSet(points[compMap], ptName, **kwargs) # check if this pointset will get the IC treatment if applyIC: # loop over the intersections and add pointsets for IC in self.intersectComps: IC.addPointSet(points, ptName, self.points[ptName].compMap, comm) # finally, we can deallocate the ADTs for comp in compNames: if self.comps[comp].triMesh: self.adtAPI.adtdeallocateadts(comp) # mark this pointset as up to date self.updated[ptName] = False
[docs] def setDesignVars(self, dvDict): """ Standard routine for setting design variables from a design variable dictionary. Parameters ---------- dvDict : dict Dictionary of design variables. The keys of the dictionary must correspond to the design variable names. Any additional keys in the dictionary are simply ignored. """ # Check if we have duplicate DV names if self.checkDVs: dvNames = self.getVarNames() duplicates = len(dvNames) != len(set(dvNames)) if duplicates: raise Error( "There are duplicate DV names in a component or across components. " "If this is intended, initialize the DVGeometryMulti class with checkDVs=False." ) # loop over the components and set the values for comp in self.compNames: self.comps[comp].DVGeo.setDesignVars(dvDict) # We need to give the updated coordinates to each of the # intersectComps (if we have any) so they can update the new intersection curve for IC in self.intersectComps: IC.setSurface(self.comm) # Flag all the pointSets as not being up to date: for pointSet in self.updated: self.updated[pointSet] = False
[docs] def getValues(self): """ Generic routine to return the current set of design variables. Values are returned in a dictionary format that would be suitable for a subsequent call to setDesignVars(). Returns ------- dvDict : dict Dictionary of design variables. """ dvDict = {} # we need to loop over each DVGeo object and get the DVs for comp in self.compNames: dvDictComp = self.comps[comp].DVGeo.getValues() # we need to loop over these DVs for k, v in dvDictComp.items(): dvDict[k] = v return dvDict
[docs] def update(self, ptSetName, config=None): """ This is the main routine for returning coordinates that have been updated by design variables. Multiple configs are not supported. Parameters ---------- ptSetName : str Name of point set to return. This must match one of those added in an :func:`addPointSet()` call. """ # get the new points newPts = np.zeros((self.points[ptSetName].nPts, 3), dtype=self.dtype) # we first need to update all points with their respective DVGeo objects for comp in self.compNames: ptsComp = self.comps[comp].DVGeo.update(ptSetName) # now save this info with the pointset mapping ptMap = self.points[ptSetName].compMap[comp] newPts[ptMap] = ptsComp # get the delta delta = newPts - self.points[ptSetName].points # then apply the intersection treatment for IC in self.intersectComps: # check if this IC is active for this ptSet if ptSetName in IC.points: delta = IC.update(ptSetName, delta) # now we are ready to take the delta which may be modified by the intersections newPts = self.points[ptSetName].points + delta # now, project the points that were warped back onto the trimesh for IC in self.intersectComps: if IC.projectFlag and ptSetName in IC.points: # new points will be modified in place using the newPts array IC.project(ptSetName, newPts) # set the pointset up to date self.updated[ptSetName] = True return newPts
[docs] def pointSetUpToDate(self, ptSetName): """ This is used externally to query if the object needs to update its point set or not. When update() is called with a point set, the self.updated value for pointSet is flagged as True. We reset all flags to False when design variables are set because nothing (in general) will up to date anymore. Here we just return that flag. Parameters ---------- ptSetName : str The name of the pointset to check. """ if ptSetName in self.updated: return self.updated[ptSetName] else: return True
[docs] def getNDV(self): """Return the number of DVs.""" # Loop over components and sum the number of DVs nDV = 0 for comp in self.compNames: nDV += self.comps[comp].DVGeo.getNDV() return nDV
[docs] def getVarNames(self, pyOptSparse=False): """ Return a list of the design variable names. This is typically used when specifying a ``wrt=`` argument for pyOptSparse. Examples -------- >>> optProb.addCon(.....wrt=DVGeo.getVarNames()) """ dvNames = [] # create a list of DVs from each comp for comp in self.compNames: # first get the list of DVs from this component varNames = self.comps[comp].DVGeo.getVarNames() # add the component DVs to the full list dvNames.extend(varNames) return dvNames
[docs] def totalSensitivity(self, dIdpt, ptSetName, comm=None, config=None): """ This function computes sensitivity information. Specificly, it computes the following: :math:`\\frac{dX_{pt}}{dX_{DV}}^T \\frac{dI}{d_{pt}}` Parameters ---------- dIdpt : array of size (Npt, 3) or (N, Npt, 3) This is the total derivative of the objective or function of interest with respect to the coordinates in 'ptSetName'. This can be a single array of size (Npt, 3) **or** a group of N vectors of size (Npt, 3, N). If you have many to do, it is faster to do many at once. ptSetName : str The name of set of points we are dealing with comm : MPI.IntraComm, optional The communicator to use to reduce the final derivative. If comm is None, no reduction takes place. config : str or list, optional Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable appies to *ALL* configurations. Returns ------- dIdxDict : dict The dictionary containing the derivatives, suitable for pyOptSparse. Notes ----- The ``child`` and ``nDVStore`` options are only used internally and should not be changed by the user. """ # Compute the total Jacobian for this point set self._computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName) # Make dIdpt at least 3D if len(dIdpt.shape) == 2: dIdpt = np.array([dIdpt]) N = dIdpt.shape[0] # create a dictionary to save total sensitivity info that might come out of the ICs compSensList = [] # if we projected points for any intersection treatment, # we need to propagate the derivative seed of the projected points # back to the seeds for the initial points we get after ID-warping for IC in self.intersectComps: if IC.projectFlag and ptSetName in IC.points: # initialize the seed contribution to the intersection seam and feature curves from project_b IC.seamBarProj[ptSetName] = np.zeros((N, IC.seam0.shape[0], IC.seam0.shape[1])) # we pass in dIdpt and the intersection object, along with pointset information # the intersection object adjusts the entries corresponding to projected points # and passes back dIdpt in place. compSens = IC.project_b(ptSetName, dIdpt, comm) # append this to the dictionary list... compSensList.append(compSens) # do the transpose multiplication if self.debug: print(f"[{self.comm.rank}] finished project_b") # we need to go through all ICs bec even though some procs might not have points on the intersection, # communication is easier and we can reduce compSens as we compute them for IC in self.intersectComps: if ptSetName in IC.points: compSens = IC.sens(dIdpt, ptSetName, comm) # save the sensitivities from the intersection stuff compSensList.append(compSens) if self.debug: print(f"[{self.comm.rank}] finished IC.sens") # reshape the dIdpt array from [N] * [nPt] * [3] to [N] * [nPt*3] dIdpt = dIdpt.reshape((dIdpt.shape[0], dIdpt.shape[1] * 3)) # jacobian for the pointset jac = self.points[ptSetName].jac # this is the mat-vec product for the remaining seeds. # this only contains the effects of the FFD motion, # projections and intersections are handled separately in compSens dIdxT_local = dIdx_local = dIdxT_local.T # If we have a comm, globaly reduce with sum if comm: dIdx = comm.allreduce(dIdx_local, op=MPI.SUM) else: dIdx = dIdx_local # use respective DVGeo's convert to dict functionality dIdxDict = OrderedDict() dvOffset = 0 for comp in self.compNames: DVGeo = self.comps[comp].DVGeo nDVComp = DVGeo.getNDV() # we only do this if this component has at least one DV if nDVComp > 0: # this part of the sensitivity matrix is owned by this dvgeo dIdxComp = DVGeo.convertSensitivityToDict(dIdx[:, dvOffset : dvOffset + nDVComp]) for k, v in dIdxComp.items(): dIdxDict[k] = v # also increment the offset dvOffset += nDVComp # finally, we can add the contributions from triangulated component meshes for compSens in compSensList: # loop over the items of compSens, which are guaranteed to be in dIdxDict for k, v in compSens.items(): # these will bring in effects from projections and intersection computations dIdxDict[k] += v if self.debug: print(f"[{self.comm.rank}] finished DVGeo.totalSensitivity") return dIdxDict
[docs] def addVariablesPyOpt( self, optProb, globalVars=True, localVars=True, sectionlocalVars=True, ignoreVars=None, freezeVars=None, comps=None, ): """ Add the current set of variables to the optProb object. Parameters ---------- optProb : pyOpt_optimization class Optimization problem definition to which variables are added globalVars : bool Flag specifying whether global variables are to be added localVars : bool Flag specifying whether local variables are to be added ignoreVars : list of strings List of design variables the user doesn't want to use as optimization variables. freezeVars : list of string List of design variables the user wants to add as optimization variables, but to have the lower and upper bounds set at the current variable. This effectively eliminates the variable, but it the variable is still part of the optimization. comps : list List of components we want to add the DVs of. If no list is provided, we will add DVs from all components. """ # If no list was provided, we use all components if comps is None: comps = self.compNames # We can simply loop over all DV objects and call their respective addVariablesPyOpt function for comp in comps: self.comps[comp].DVGeo.addVariablesPyOpt( optProb, globalVars=globalVars, localVars=localVars, sectionlocalVars=sectionlocalVars, ignoreVars=ignoreVars, freezeVars=freezeVars, )
[docs] def getLocalIndex(self, iVol, comp): """Return the local index mapping that points to the global coefficient list for a given volume. Parameters ---------- iVol : int Index specifying the FFD volume. comp : str Name of the component. """ # Call this on the component DVGeo DVGeo = self.comps[comp].DVGeo return DVGeo.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].copy()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # THE REMAINDER OF THE FUNCTIONS NEED NOT BE CALLED BY THE USER # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _readCGNSFile(self, filename): # this function reads the unstructured CGNS grid in filename and returns # node coordinates and element connectivities. # Here, only the root proc reads the cgns file, broadcasts node and connectivity info. # only root proc reads the file if self.comm.rank == 0: print(f"Reading file {filename}") # use the default routine in tsurftools nodes, sectionDict = tsurf_tools.getCGNSsections(filename, comm=MPI.COMM_SELF) print("Finished reading the cgns file") # Convert the nodes to complex if necessary nodes = nodes.astype(self.dtype) triConn = {} triConnStack = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.int8) barsConn = {} for part in sectionDict: if "triaConnF" in sectionDict[part].keys(): # this is a surface, read the tri connectivities triConn[part.lower()] = sectionDict[part]["triaConnF"] triConnStack = np.vstack((triConnStack, sectionDict[part]["triaConnF"])) if "barsConn" in sectionDict[part].keys(): # this is a curve, save the curve connectivity barsConn[part.lower()] = sectionDict[part]["barsConn"] print(f"The {filename} mesh has {len(nodes)} nodes and {len(triConnStack)} elements.") else: # create these to recieve the data nodes = None triConn = None triConnStack = None barsConn = None # each proc gets the nodes and connectivities nodes = self.comm.bcast(nodes, root=0) triConn = self.comm.bcast(triConn, root=0) triConnStack = self.comm.bcast(triConnStack, root=0) barsConn = self.comm.bcast(barsConn, root=0) return nodes, triConn, triConnStack, barsConn def _computeTotalJacobian(self, ptSetName): """ This routine computes the total jacobian. It takes the jacobians from respective DVGeo objects and also computes the jacobians for the intersection seams. We then use this information in the totalSensitivity function. """ # number of design variables nDV = self.getNDV() # Initialize the Jacobian as a LIL matrix because this is convenient for indexing jac = sparse.lil_matrix((self.points[ptSetName].nPts * 3, nDV)) # ptset ptSet = self.points[ptSetName] dvOffset = 0 # we need to call computeTotalJacobian from all comps and get the jacobians for this pointset for comp in self.compNames: # number of design variables nDVComp = self.comps[comp].DVGeo.getNDV() # call the function to compute the total jacobian self.comps[comp].DVGeo.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName) if self.comps[comp].DVGeo.JT[ptSetName] is not None: # Get the component Jacobian compJ = self.comps[comp].DVGeo.JT[ptSetName].T # Set the block of the full Jacobian associated with this component jac[ptSet.compMapFlat[comp], dvOffset : dvOffset + nDVComp] = compJ # increment the offset dvOffset += nDVComp # Convert to CSR format because this is better for arithmetic jac = sparse.csr_matrix(jac) # now we can save this jacobian in the pointset ptSet.jac = jac
class component: def __init__(self, name, DVGeo, nodes, triConn, triConnStack, barsConn, xMin, xMax, triMeshData): # save the info = name self.DVGeo = DVGeo self.nodes = nodes self.triConn = triConn self.triConnStack = triConnStack self.barsConn = barsConn self.xMin = xMin self.xMax = xMax self.triMeshData = triMeshData # also a dictionary for DV names self.dvDict = {} # set a flag for triangulated meshes if nodes is None: self.triMesh = False else: self.triMesh = True def updateTriMesh(self, comm): # We need the full triangulated surface for this component # Get the stored processor splitting information sizes = self.triMeshData["sizes"] disp = self.triMeshData["disp"] nPts = disp[-1] # Update the triangulated surface mesh to get the points on this processor procNodes = self.DVGeo.update("triMesh") # Create the send buffer procNodes = procNodes.flatten() sendbuf = [procNodes, sizes[comm.rank] * 3] # Set the appropriate type for the receiving buffer if procNodes.dtype == float: mpiType = MPI.DOUBLE elif procNodes.dtype == complex: mpiType = MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX # Create the receiving buffer globalNodes = np.zeros(nPts * 3, dtype=procNodes.dtype) recvbuf = [globalNodes, sizes * 3, disp[0:-1] * 3, mpiType] # Allgather the updated coordinates comm.Allgatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf) # Reshape into a nPts, 3 array self.nodes = globalNodes.reshape((nPts, 3)) class PointSet: def __init__(self, points, comm): self.points = points self.nPts = len(self.points) self.compMap = OrderedDict() self.compMapFlat = OrderedDict() self.comm = comm class CompIntersection: def __init__( self, compA, compB, dStarA, dStarB, featureCurves, distTol, DVGeo, project, marchDir, includeCurves, slidingCurves, intDir, curveEpsDict, trackSurfaces, excludeSurfaces, remeshBwd, anisotropy, debug, dtype, ): """ Class to store information required for an intersection. Here, we use some Fortran code from pySurf. Internally, we store the indices and weights of the points that this intersection will modify. This code is not super efficient because it is in Python. See the documentation for ``addIntersection`` in DVGeometryMulti for the API. """ # same communicator with DVGeo self.comm = DVGeo.comm # define epsilon as a small value to prevent division by zero in the inverse distance computation self.eps = 1e-20 # counter for outputting curves etc at each update self.counter = 0 # flag that determines if we will remesh the other side of the feature curves on compB self.remeshBwd = remeshBwd # Flag for debug ouput self.debug = debug # Set real or complex Fortran APIs self.dtype = dtype if dtype == float: self.adtAPI = adtAPI.adtapi self.curveSearchAPI = curveSearchAPI.curvesearchapi self.intersectionAPI = intersectionAPI.intersectionapi self.utilitiesAPI = utilitiesAPI.utilitiesapi self.mpiType = MPI.DOUBLE elif dtype == complex: self.adtAPI = adtAPI_cs.adtapi self.curveSearchAPI = curveSearchAPI_cs.curvesearchapi self.intersectionAPI = intersectionAPI_cs.intersectionapi self.utilitiesAPI = utilitiesAPI_cs.utilitiesapi self.mpiType = MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX # tolerance used for each curve when mapping nodes to curves self.curveEpsDict = {} for k, v in curveEpsDict.items(): self.curveEpsDict[k.lower()] = v # beginning and end element indices for each curve self.seamBeg = {} self.seamEnd = {} # indices of nodes to be projected to curves. self.curveProjIdx = {} # lists to track which feature curve is on which comp self.curvesOnA = [] self.curvesOnB = [] # a dict to to keep track which curves get points mapped to them # keys will be pointSetNames, then the values will be another dict, # where the keys are curve names and values will be a bool value self.curveProjFlag = {} # dicts to keep track of the coordinates and counts of points projected to curves self.curvePtCounts = {} self.curvePtCoords = {} # dict to keep track of the total number of points on each curve self.nCurvePts = {} # dictionary to keep the seam seeds that come from curve projections self.seamBarProj = {} # dictionaries to save the indices of points mapped to surfaces for each comp self.surfIdxA = {} self.surfIdxB = {} # names of compA and compB must be provided self.compA = DVGeo.comps[compA] self.compB = DVGeo.comps[compB] self.dStarA = dStarA self.dStarB = dStarB self.points = OrderedDict() # Make surface names lowercase self.trackSurfaces = {} for k, v in trackSurfaces.items(): self.trackSurfaces[k.lower()] = v self.excludeSurfaces = {} for k, v in excludeSurfaces.items(): if k.lower() in self.trackSurfaces: raise Error(f"Surface {k} cannot be in both trackSurfaces and excludeSurfaces.") self.excludeSurfaces[k.lower()] = v # Save anisotropy list self.anisotropy = anisotropy # process the feature curves # list to save march directions marchDirs = [] # list to save curve names where we remesh all the curve self.remeshAll = [] # if a list is provided, we use this and the marchdir information if type(featureCurves) is list: self.featureCurveNames = featureCurves for i in range(len(self.featureCurveNames)): self.featureCurveNames[i] = self.featureCurveNames[i].lower() # get one march dir per curve marchDirs.append(marchDir) else: # if a dict is provided, the marchdirs are the dict values # we save this info in lists self.featureCurveNames = [] # save the curve name and march direction information for k, v in featureCurves.items(): self.featureCurveNames.append(k.lower()) marchDirs.append(v) # now loop over the feature curves and flip if necessary for ii, curveName in enumerate(self.featureCurveNames): # figure out which comp owns this curve... if curveName in self.compB.barsConn: curveComp = self.compB self.curvesOnB.append(curveName) elif curveName in self.compA.barsConn: curveComp = self.compA self.curvesOnA.append(curveName) else: raise Error(f"Curve {curveName} does not belong in {} or {}.") # sort the feature curve newConn, newMap = tsurf_tools.FEsort(curveComp.barsConn[curveName].tolist()) # we only want to have a single curve if len(newConn) > 1: raise Error(f"The curve {curveName} generated more than one curve with FESort.") # get the connectivity newConn = newConn[0] # we may also need to flip the curve curveNodes = curveComp.nodes if marchDirs[ii] is None: # we remesh all of this curve self.remeshAll.append(curveName) curveComp.barsConn[curveName] = newConn else: # get the direction we want to march mdir = abs(marchDirs[ii]) - 1 msign = np.sign(marchDirs[ii]) # check if we need to flip if msign * curveNodes[newConn[0][0]][mdir] > msign * curveNodes[newConn[0][1]][mdir]: # flip on both axes newConn = np.flip(newConn, axis=0) newConn = np.flip(newConn, axis=1) # save the new connectivity curveComp.barsConn[curveName] = newConn self.distTol = distTol # flag to determine if we want to project nodes after intersection treatment self.projectFlag = project # create the dictionary if we are projecting. if project: self.projData = {} if includeCurves: # dict to save the data related to projection to curves self.curveProjData = {} # flag to include feature curves in ID-warping self.incCurves = includeCurves # List of curves that allow nodes to slide on them. We only use these for the projection step, # but these curves are not included as seeds in the curve-based deformation. self.slidingCurves = slidingCurves # direction to pick if we have multiple intersection curves self.intDir = intDir # only the node coordinates will be modified for the intersection calculations because we have calculated and saved all the connectivity information if self.comm.rank == 0: print(f"Computing initial intersection between {compA} and {compB}") self.seam0 = self._getIntersectionSeam(self.comm, firstCall=True) self.seam = self.seam0.copy() def setSurface(self, comm): """This set the new udpated surface on which we need to compute the new intersection curve""" # get the updated surface coordinates self._getUpdatedCoords(comm) self.seam = self._getIntersectionSeam(comm) def addPointSet(self, pts, ptSetName, compMap, comm): # Figure out which points this intersection object has to deal with # Use pySurf to project the point on curve # Get number of points nPoints = len(pts) # Initialize references if user provided none dist2 = np.ones(nPoints, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) tanProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) elemIDs = np.zeros((nPoints), dtype="int32") # Only call the Fortran code if we have at least one point if nPoints > 0: # This will modify xyzProj, tanProj, dist2, and elemIDs if we find better projections than dist2. # Remember that we should adjust some indices before calling the Fortran code # Remember to use [:] to don't lose the pointer (elemIDs is an input/output variable) elemIDs[:] = ( elemIDs + 1 ) # (we need to do this separetely because Fortran will actively change elemIDs contents. self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve( pts.T, self.nodes0.T, self.conn0.T + 1, xyzProj.T, tanProj.T, dist2, elemIDs ) # Adjust indices back to Python standards elemIDs[:] = elemIDs - 1 # dist2 has the array of squared distances d = np.sqrt(dist2) indices = [] factors = [] for i in range(len(pts)): # figure out which component this point is mapped to if i in compMap[]: # component A owns this dStar = self.dStarA else: # comp B owns this point dStar = self.dStarB # then get the halfdStar for that component halfdStar = dStar / 2.0 if d[i] < dStar: # Compute the factor if d[i] < halfdStar: factor = 0.5 * (d[i] / halfdStar) ** 3 else: factor = 0.5 * (2 - ((dStar - d[i]) / halfdStar) ** 3) # Save the index and factor indices.append(i) factors.append(factor) # Get all points included in the intersection computation intersectPts = pts[indices] nPoints = len(intersectPts) if self.projectFlag: # Create the dictionaries to save projection data self.projData[ptSetName] = { # We need one dictionary for each component "compA": {"surfaceIndMapDict": {}}, "compB": {"surfaceIndMapDict": {}}, } if nPoints > 0 and self.excludeSurfaces: # Associate points with the excluded surfaces for surface in self.excludeSurfaces: surfaceEps = self.excludeSurfaces[surface] self.associatePointsToSurface(intersectPts, ptSetName, surface, surfaceEps) # Combine the excluded indices using a set to avoid duplicates excludeSet = set() for surface in self.excludeSurfaces: surfaceIndMapDictA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["surfaceIndMapDict"] surfaceIndMapDictB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["surfaceIndMapDict"] if surface in surfaceIndMapDictA: # Pop this surface from the saved data surfaceIndMap = surfaceIndMapDictA.pop(surface) elif surface in surfaceIndMapDictB: surfaceIndMap = surfaceIndMapDictB.pop(surface) else: # This processor has no points on this excluded surface surfaceIndMap = set() excludeSet.update(surfaceIndMap) # Invert excludeSet to get the points we want to keep oneToN = set(range(nPoints)) includeSet = oneToN.difference(excludeSet) # Keep only the points not associated with the excluded surfaces indices = [indices[i] for i in includeSet] factors = [factors[i] for i in includeSet] # Save the affected indices and the factor in the little dictionary self.points[ptSetName] = [pts.copy(), indices, factors, comm] # now we need to figure out which components we are projecting to if projection is enabled # this can be done faster above but whatever if self.projectFlag: flagA = False flagB = False indices = self.points[ptSetName][1] # create the list we use to map the points to projection components indA = [] indB = [] # maybe we can do this vectorized for ind in indices: # check compA if ind in compMap[]: flagA = True indA.append(ind) # check compB if ind in compMap[]: flagB = True indB.append(ind) # Save the flags and indices self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["flag"] = flagA self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["ind"] = indA self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["flag"] = flagB self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["ind"] = indB # Initialize component-wide projection indices as all the indices # We will remove points associated with tracked surfaces below indAComp = indA.copy() indBComp = indB.copy() self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indSurfDict"] = {} self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indSurfDict"] = {} # Associate points with the tracked surfaces for surface in self.trackSurfaces: surfaceEps = self.trackSurfaces[surface] if surface in self.compA.triConn: compPoints = pts[indA] elif surface in self.compB.triConn: compPoints = pts[indB] else: raise Error(f"Surface {surface} was not found in {} or {}.") # This proc has some points to project if len(compPoints) > 0: self.associatePointsToSurface(compPoints, ptSetName, surface, surfaceEps) # Determine the component-wide projection indices for compA # Also remove any duplicates if points are assigned to multiple surfaces surfaceIndMapDictA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["surfaceIndMapDict"] for surface in surfaceIndMapDictA: surfaceIndMapA = surfaceIndMapDictA[surface] # Get the subset of indices that is associated with this surface indASurf = [indA[i] for i in surfaceIndMapA] # Iterate over a copy of the indices because they might change in the loop for ind in indASurf.copy(): try: # Remove this point from the component-wide projection indices indAComp.remove(ind) except ValueError: # This point is already associated with another surface so remove it from this surface indASurf.remove(ind) # Store the projection indices for this surface if there are any if indASurf: self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indSurfDict"][surface] = indASurf # Store the component-wide projection indices self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indAComp"] = indAComp # Do the same for compB surfaceIndMapDictB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["surfaceIndMapDict"] for surface in surfaceIndMapDictB: surfaceIndMapB = surfaceIndMapDictB[surface] indBSurf = [indB[i] for i in surfaceIndMapB] for ind in indBSurf.copy(): try: indBComp.remove(ind) except ValueError: indBSurf.remove(ind) if indBSurf: self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indSurfDict"][surface] = indBSurf self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indBComp"] = indBComp # if we include the feature curves in the warping, we also need to project the added points to the intersection and feature curves and determine how the points map to the curves if self.incCurves: # convert the list to an array # we specify the dtype because numpy cannot know the type when 'indices' is empty indices = np.array(indices, dtype="intc") # get the coordinates of all points affected by this intersection ptsToCurves = pts[indices] # project these to the combined curves # Use pySurf to project the point on curve # Get number of points nPoints = len(ptsToCurves) # Initialize references if user provided none dist2 = np.ones(nPoints, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) tanProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) elemIDs = np.zeros((nPoints), dtype="int32") # Only call the Fortran code if we have at least one point if nPoints > 0: # This will modify xyzProj, tanProj, dist2, and elemIDs if we find better projections than dist2. # Remember that we should adjust some indices before calling the Fortran code # Remember to use [:] to don't lose the pointer (elemIDs is an input/output variable) elemIDs[:] = elemIDs + 1 # (we need to do this separetely because Fortran will actively change elemIDs contents. self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve( ptsToCurves.T, self.seam0.T, self.seamConnFull.T + 1, xyzProj.T, tanProj.T, dist2, elemIDs ) # Adjust indices back to Python standards elemIDs[:] = elemIDs - 1 # dist2 has the array of squared distances d = np.sqrt(dist2) # get the names of all curves including the intersection allCurves = ["intersection"] for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: allCurves.append(curveName) # track the points that dont get associated with any curve # get a full masking array with zeros allNodesBool = np.zeros(len(elemIDs)) # dict to save the pt indices self.curveProjIdx[ptSetName] = {} # dict to save other data self.curveProjData[ptSetName] = {} # now loop over feature curves and use the epsilon that each curve has # to determine which points maps to which curve for curveName in allCurves: # get the epsilon for this curve # we map the points closer than eps to this curve eps = self.curveEpsDict[curveName] # also get the range of element IDs this curve owns seamBeg = self.seamBeg[curveName] seamEnd = self.seamEnd[curveName] # this returns a bool array of indices that satisfy the conditions # we check for elemIDs because we projected to all curves at once curveBool = np.all([d < eps, elemIDs >= seamBeg, elemIDs < seamEnd], axis=0) # get the indices of the points mapped to this element idxs = np.nonzero(curveBool) # save the indices. idx has the indices of the "indices" array # that had the indices of points that get any intersection treatment self.curveProjIdx[ptSetName][curveName] = np.array(indices[idxs]) if self.debug: ptCoords = ptsToCurves[idxs] tecplot_interface.write_tecplot_scatter( f"{curveName}.plt", curveName, ["X", "Y", "Z"], ptCoords ) # also update the masking array # we will use this to figure out the indices that did not get attached to any curves allNodesBool = np.any([curveBool, allNodesBool], axis=0) # create an empty dict to save aux data later on self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName] = {} # negate the surface mask and get indices surfPtIdx = np.nonzero(np.logical_not(allNodesBool)) # figure out which of these surfNodes live only on components A and B allSurfIdx = np.array(indices[surfPtIdx[0]]) # component A mask = np.in1d(allSurfIdx, indA, assume_unique=True) # this is the local indices of the points affected self.surfIdxA[ptSetName] = allSurfIdx[np.nonzero(mask)] # component B mask = np.in1d(allSurfIdx, indB, assume_unique=True) self.surfIdxB[ptSetName] = allSurfIdx[np.nonzero(mask)] # initialize the bool dict for this pointset self.curveProjFlag[ptSetName] = {} self.curvePtCounts[ptSetName] = {} self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName] = {} self.nCurvePts[ptSetName] = {} # we need to figure out if we have any points mapped to curves on comp A for curveName in allCurves: # get the indices mapped to this curve, on this proc idxs = self.curveProjIdx[ptSetName][curveName] # call the utility function nPtsTotal, nPtsProcs, curvePtCoords = self._commCurveProj(pts, idxs, comm) # save the displacements and points self.curvePtCounts[ptSetName][curveName] = nPtsProcs self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName][curveName] = curvePtCoords # also save the total number for convenience self.nCurvePts[ptSetName][curveName] = nPtsTotal def update(self, ptSetName, delta): """Update the delta in ptSetName with our correction. The delta need to be supplied as we will be changing it and returning them """ # original coordinates of the added pointset pts = self.points[ptSetName][0] # indices of the points that get affected by this intersection indices = self.points[ptSetName][1] # factors for each node in pointSet factors = self.points[ptSetName][2] # coordinates for the remeshed curves # we use the initial seam coordinates here coor = self.seam0 # bar connectivity for the remeshed elements conn = self.seamConnWarp # deltas for each point (nNode, 3) in size if self.seam.shape == self.seam0.shape: dr = self.seam - self.seam0 else: # The topology has changed so we do not update the intersection # This will most likely break the mesh but allows # 1) the mesh to be output for visualization # 2) the optimization to continue after raising a fail flag if self.comm.rank == 0: print("The intersection topology has changed. The intersection will not be updated.") return delta # Get the two end points for the line elements r0 = coor[conn[:, 0]] r1 = coor[conn[:, 1]] # Get the deltas for two end points dr0 = dr[conn[:, 0]] dr1 = dr[conn[:, 1]] # Compute the lengths of each element in each coordinate direction length_x = r1[:, 0] - r0[:, 0] length_y = r1[:, 1] - r0[:, 1] length_z = r1[:, 2] - r0[:, 2] # Compute the 'a' coefficient a = (length_x) ** 2 + (length_y) ** 2 + (length_z) ** 2 # Compute the total length of each element length = np.sqrt(a) # loop over the points that get affected for i in range(len(factors)): # j is the index of the point in the full set we are working with. j = indices[i] # coordinates of the original point rp = pts[j] # Run vectorized weighted interpolation # Compute the distances from the point being updated to the first end point of each element # The distances are scaled by the user-specified anisotropy in each direction dist_x = (r0[:, 0] - rp[0]) * self.anisotropy[0] dist_y = (r0[:, 1] - rp[1]) * self.anisotropy[1] dist_z = (r0[:, 2] - rp[2]) * self.anisotropy[2] # Compute b and c coefficients b = 2 * (length_x * dist_x + length_y * dist_y + length_z * dist_z) c = dist_x**2 + dist_y**2 + dist_z**2 # Compute some recurring terms # The discriminant can be zero or negative, but it CANNOT be positive # This is because the quadratic that defines the distance from the line cannot have two roots # If the point is on the line, the quadratic will have a single root disc = b * b - 4 * a * c # Clip a + b + c might because it might be negative 1e-20 or so # Analytically, it cannot be negative sabc = np.sqrt(np.maximum(a + b + c, 0.0)) sc = np.sqrt(c) # Compute denominators for the integral evaluations # We clip these values so that they are at max -eps to prevent them from getting a value of zero. # disc <= 0, sabc and sc >= 0, therefore the den1 and den2 should be <=0. # The clipping forces these terms to be <= -eps den1 = np.minimum(disc * sabc, -self.eps) den2 = np.minimum(disc * sc, -self.eps) # integral evaluations eval1 = (-2 * (2 * a + b) / den1 + 2 * b / den2) * length eval2 = ((2 * b + 4 * c) / den1 - 4 * c / den2) * length # denominator only gets one integral den = np.sum(eval1) # do each direction separately interp = np.zeros(3, dtype=self.dtype) for iDim in range(3): # numerator gets two integrals with the delta components num = np.sum((dr1[:, iDim] - dr0[:, iDim]) * eval2 + dr0[:, iDim] * eval1) # final result interp[iDim] = num / den # Now the delta is replaced by 1-factor times the weighted # interp of the seam * factor of the original: delta[j] = factors[i] * delta[j] + (1 - factors[i]) * interp return delta def sens(self, dIdPt, ptSetName, comm): # Return the reverse accumulation of dIdpt on the seam # nodes. Also modifies the dIdp array accordingly. # original coordinates of the added pointset pts = self.points[ptSetName][0] # indices of the points that get affected by this intersection indices = self.points[ptSetName][1] # factors for each node in pointSet factors = self.points[ptSetName][2] # coordinates for the remeshed curves # we use the initial seam coordinates here coor = self.seam0 # bar connectivity for the remeshed elements conn = self.seamConnWarp # Get the two end points for the line elements r0 = coor[conn[:, 0]] r1 = coor[conn[:, 1]] # Compute the lengths of each element in each coordinate direction length_x = r1[:, 0] - r0[:, 0] length_y = r1[:, 1] - r0[:, 1] length_z = r1[:, 2] - r0[:, 2] # Compute the 'a' coefficient a = (length_x) ** 2 + (length_y) ** 2 + (length_z) ** 2 # Compute the total length of each element length = np.sqrt(a) # if we are handling more than one function, # seamBar will contain the seeds for each function separately seamBar = np.zeros((dIdPt.shape[0], self.seam0.shape[0], self.seam0.shape[1])) # if we have the projection flag, then we need to add the contribution to seamBar from that if self.projectFlag: seamBar += self.seamBarProj[ptSetName] for i in range(len(factors)): # j is the index of the point in the full set we are working with. j = indices[i] # coordinates of the original point rp = pts[j] # Compute the distances from the point being updated to the first end point of each element # The distances are scaled by the user-specified anisotropy in each direction dist_x = (r0[:, 0] - rp[0]) * self.anisotropy[0] dist_y = (r0[:, 1] - rp[1]) * self.anisotropy[1] dist_z = (r0[:, 2] - rp[2]) * self.anisotropy[2] # Compute b and c coefficients b = 2 * (length_x * dist_x + length_y * dist_y + length_z * dist_z) c = dist_x**2 + dist_y**2 + dist_z**2 # Compute some reccurring terms disc = b * b - 4 * a * c sabc = np.sqrt(np.maximum(a + b + c, 0.0)) sc = np.sqrt(c) # Compute denominators for the integral evaluations den1 = np.minimum(disc * sabc, -self.eps) den2 = np.minimum(disc * sc, -self.eps) # integral evaluations eval1 = (-2 * (2 * a + b) / den1 + 2 * b / den2) * length eval2 = ((2 * b + 4 * c) / den1 - 4 * c / den2) * length # denominator only gets one integral den = np.sum(eval1) evalDiff = eval1 - eval2 for k in range(dIdPt.shape[0]): # This is the local seed (well the 3 seeds for the point) localVal = dIdPt[k, j, :] * (1 - factors[i]) # Scale the dIdpt by the factor..dIdpt is input/output dIdPt[k, j, :] *= factors[i] # do each direction separately for iDim in range(3): # seeds for the r0 point seamBar[k, conn[:, 0], iDim] += localVal[iDim] * evalDiff / den # seeds for the r1 point seamBar[k, conn[:, 1], iDim] += localVal[iDim] * eval2 / den # seamBar is the bwd seeds for the intersection curve... # it is N,nseampt,3 in size # now call the reverse differentiated seam computation compSens = self._getIntersectionSeam_b(seamBar, comm) return compSens def project(self, ptSetName, newPts): # we need to build ADTs for both components if we have any components that lie on either # we also need to save ALL intermediate variables for gradient computations in reverse mode # get the comm for this point set comm = self.points[ptSetName][3] self.comm.Barrier() # check if we need to worry about either surface # we will use these flags to figure out if we need to do warping. # we need to do the comm for the updated curves regardless flagA = False flagB = False if len(self.curvesOnA) > 0: flagA = True if len(self.curvesOnB) > 0: flagB = True # do the pts on the intersection outside the loop nptsg = self.nCurvePts[ptSetName]["intersection"] # the deltas for these points are zero. they should already be on the intersection # also get the initial coordinates of these points. We use this during warping # intersection curve will be on both components if flagA: deltaA = np.zeros((nptsg, 3), dtype=self.dtype) curvePtCoordsA = self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName]["intersection"].copy() else: deltaA = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) curvePtCoordsA = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) if flagB: deltaB = np.zeros((nptsg, 3), dtype=self.dtype) curvePtCoordsB = self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName]["intersection"].copy() else: deltaB = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) curvePtCoordsB = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) # loop over the feature curves that we need to project for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: # get the indices of points we need to project idx = self.curveProjIdx[ptSetName][curveName] # these are the updated coordinates that will be projected to the curve ptsOnCurve = newPts[idx, :].copy() if self.debug: tecplot_interface.write_tecplot_scatter( f"{curveName}_warped_pts.plt", "intersection", ["X", "Y", "Z"], ptsOnCurve ) # conn of the current curve seamBeg = self.seamBeg[curveName] seamEnd = self.seamEnd[curveName] curveConn = self.seamConnFull[seamBeg:seamEnd] # Project these to the combined curves using pySurf # Get number of points nPoints = ptsOnCurve.shape[0] if self.debug: print(f"[{self.comm.rank}] curveName: {curveName}, nPoints on the fwd pass: {nPoints}") # Initialize references if user provided none dist2 = np.ones(nPoints, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) tanProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) elemIDs = np.zeros((nPoints), dtype="int32") # only call the Fortran code if we have at least one point if nPoints > 0: # This will modify xyzProj, tanProj, dist2, and elemIDs if we find better projections than dist2. # Remember that we should adjust some indices before calling the Fortran code # Remember to use [:] to don't lose the pointer (elemIDs is an input/output variable) elemIDs[:] = ( elemIDs + 1 ) # (we need to do this separetely because Fortran will actively change elemIDs contents. curveMask = self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve( ptsOnCurve.T, self.seam.T, curveConn.T + 1, xyzProj.T, tanProj.T, dist2, elemIDs ) # Adjust indices back to Python standards elemIDs[:] = elemIDs - 1 # we only have the curvemask if we do the projection on this proc self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["curveMask"] = curveMask # save some information for gradient comp self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["xyz"] = ptsOnCurve.copy() self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["coor"] = self.seam.copy() self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["barsConn"] = curveConn.copy() self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["xyzProj"] = xyzProj.copy() self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["tanProj"] = tanProj.copy() self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["elemIDs"] = elemIDs.copy() # get the delta for the points on this proc deltaLocal = xyzProj - ptsOnCurve if self.debug: tecplot_interface.write_tecplot_scatter( f"{curveName}_projected_pts.plt", curveName, ["X", "Y", "Z"], xyzProj ) # update the point coordinates on this processor. # we do not need to do any communication for this # since newPts is the final coordinates of the points we just projected newPts[idx] = xyzProj # communicate the deltas if comm: sizes = self.curvePtCounts[ptSetName][curveName] disp = np.array([np.sum(sizes[:i]) for i in range(comm.size)], dtype="intc") # save these for grad comp self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["sizes"] = sizes self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["disp"] = disp # sendbuf deltaLocal = deltaLocal.flatten() sendbuf = [deltaLocal, sizes[comm.rank] * 3] # recvbuf nptsg = self.nCurvePts[ptSetName][curveName] deltaGlobal = np.zeros(nptsg * 3, dtype=self.dtype) recvbuf = [deltaGlobal, sizes * 3, disp * 3, self.mpiType] # do an allgatherv comm.Allgatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf) # reshape into a nptsg,3 array deltaGlobal = deltaGlobal.reshape((nptsg, 3)) else: # we dont have a comm, so this is a "serial" pointset deltaGlobal = deltaLocal # also save the sizes and disp stuff as if we have one proc self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["sizes"] = self.curvePtCounts[ptSetName][curveName] self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["disp"] = [0] # we only add the deltaLocal to deltaA if this curve is on compA, # and we have points on compA surface if curveName in self.curvesOnA and flagA: # stack the deltas deltaA = np.vstack((deltaA, deltaGlobal)) # also stack the original coordinates for warping curvePtCoordsNew = self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName][curveName] curvePtCoordsA = np.vstack((curvePtCoordsA, curvePtCoordsNew)) # do the same for compB # we can use elif bec. one curve cannot be on both comps elif curveName in self.curvesOnB and flagB: # stack the deltas deltaB = np.vstack((deltaB, deltaGlobal)) # also stack the original coordinates for warping curvePtCoordsNew = self.curvePtCoords[ptSetName][curveName] curvePtCoordsB = np.vstack((curvePtCoordsB, curvePtCoordsNew)) self.comm.Barrier() # then, we warp all of the nodes that were affected by the intersection treatment # using the deltas from the previous project to curve step if flagA: self._warpSurfPts(self.points[ptSetName][0], newPts, self.surfIdxA[ptSetName], curvePtCoordsA, deltaA) if flagB: self._warpSurfPts(self.points[ptSetName][0], newPts, self.surfIdxB[ptSetName], curvePtCoordsB, deltaB) # save some info for the sens. computations self.curveProjData[ptSetName]["curvePtCoordsA"] = curvePtCoordsA self.curveProjData[ptSetName]["curvePtCoordsB"] = curvePtCoordsB # get the flags for components flagA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["flag"] flagB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["flag"] # Get the component-wide projection indices indAComp = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indAComp"] indBComp = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indBComp"] # call the actual driver with the info to prevent code multiplication if flagA: # First project points on the tracked surfaces indSurfDictA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indSurfDict"] for surface in indSurfDictA: indASurf = indSurfDictA[surface] # get the points using the mapping ptsA = newPts[indASurf] # call the projection routine with the info # this returns the projected points and we use the same mapping to put them back in place newPts[indASurf] = self._projectToComponent( ptsA, self.compA, self.projData[ptSetName][surface], surface=surface ) # Project remaining points to the component as a whole if indAComp: ptsA = newPts[indAComp] newPts[indAComp] = self._projectToComponent(ptsA, self.compA, self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]) # do the same for B if flagB: indSurfDictB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indSurfDict"] for surface in indSurfDictB: indBSurf = indSurfDictB[surface] ptsB = newPts[indBSurf] newPts[indBSurf] = self._projectToComponent( ptsB, self.compB, self.projData[ptSetName][surface], surface=surface ) if indBComp: ptsB = newPts[indBComp] newPts[indBComp] = self._projectToComponent(ptsB, self.compB, self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]) def project_b(self, ptSetName, dIdpt, comm): # call the functions to propagate ad seeds bwd # we need to build ADTs for both components if we have any components that lie on either # we also need to save ALL intermediate variables for gradient computations in reverse mode # number of functions we have N = dIdpt.shape[0] # get the flags for components flagA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["flag"] flagB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["flag"] # Initialize dictionaries to accumulate triangulated mesh sensitivities compSens_local = {} compSensA = {} compSensB = {} # call the actual driver with the info to prevent code multiplication if flagA: # Project remaining points to the component as a whole indAComp = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indAComp"] if indAComp: dIdptA = dIdpt[:, indAComp] dIdpt[:, indAComp], dIdptTriA = self._projectToComponent_b( dIdptA, self.compA, self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"] ) # First project points on the tracked surfaces indSurfDictA = self.projData[ptSetName]["compA"]["indSurfDict"] for surface in indSurfDictA: indASurf = indSurfDictA[surface] # get the points using the mapping dIdptA = dIdpt[:, indASurf] # call the projection routine with the info # this returns the projected points and we use the same mapping to put them back in place dIdpt[:, indASurf], dIdptTriA_temp = self._projectToComponent_b( dIdptA, self.compA, self.projData[ptSetName][surface], surface=surface ) # Accumulate triangulated mesh seeds try: dIdptTriA += dIdptTriA_temp except NameError: dIdptTriA = dIdptTriA_temp # Set the triangulated mesh seeds to all zeros on these procs else: dIdptTriA = np.zeros(self.compA.nodes.shape) # Allreduce the triangulated mesh seeds dIdptTriA = self.comm.allreduce(dIdptTriA) # Extract the entries of dIdptTri that are for points on this processor disp = self.compA.triMeshData["disp"] dIdptTriA = dIdptTriA[:, disp[self.comm.rank] : disp[self.comm.rank + 1], :] # Call the total sensitivity of the component's DVGeo compSensA = self.compA.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(dIdptTriA, "triMesh") for k, v in compSensA.items(): compSens_local[k] = v # do the same for B if flagB: indBComp = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indBComp"] if indBComp: dIdptB = dIdpt[:, indBComp] dIdpt[:, indBComp], dIdptTriB = self._projectToComponent_b( dIdptB, self.compB, self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"] ) indSurfDictB = self.projData[ptSetName]["compB"]["indSurfDict"] for surface in indSurfDictB: indBSurf = indSurfDictB[surface] dIdptB = dIdpt[:, indBSurf] dIdpt[:, indBSurf], dIdptTriB_temp = self._projectToComponent_b( dIdptB, self.compB, self.projData[ptSetName][surface], surface=surface ) try: dIdptTriB += dIdptTriB_temp except NameError: dIdptTriB = dIdptTriB_temp else: dIdptTriB = np.zeros(self.compB.nodes.shape) dIdptTriB = self.comm.allreduce(dIdptTriB) disp = self.compB.triMeshData["disp"] dIdptTriB = dIdptTriB[:, disp[self.comm.rank] : disp[self.comm.rank + 1], :] compSensB = self.compB.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(dIdptTriB, "triMesh") for k, v in compSensB.items(): compSens_local[k] = v # finally sum the results across procs if we are provided with a comm if comm: compSens = {} # because the results are in a dictionary, we need to loop over the items and sum for k in compSens_local: compSens[k] = comm.allreduce(compSens_local[k], op=MPI.SUM) else: # we can just pass the dictionary compSens = compSens_local # now we do the warping # get the comm for this point set ptSetComm = self.points[ptSetName][3] # check if any processor did any warping on compA curvePtCoordsA = self.curveProjData[ptSetName]["curvePtCoordsA"] curvePtCoordsB = self.curveProjData[ptSetName]["curvePtCoordsB"] if ptSetComm: nCurvePtCoordsAG = ptSetComm.allreduce(len(curvePtCoordsA), op=MPI.MAX) nCurvePtCoordsBG = ptSetComm.allreduce(len(curvePtCoordsB), op=MPI.MAX) else: nCurvePtCoordsAG = len(curvePtCoordsA) nCurvePtCoordsBG = len(curvePtCoordsB) # check if we need to worry about either surface # we will use these flags to figure out if we need to do warping. # we need to do the comm for the updated curves regardless flagA = False flagB = False if len(self.curvesOnA) > 0: flagA = True if len(self.curvesOnB) > 0: flagB = True if ptSetComm: rank = ptSetComm.rank else: rank = 0 # call the bwd warping routine # deltaA_b is the seed for the points projected to curves if flagA: deltaA_b_local = self._warpSurfPts_b( dIdpt, self.points[ptSetName][0], self.surfIdxA[ptSetName], curvePtCoordsA ) else: deltaA_b_local = np.zeros((N, nCurvePtCoordsAG, 3)) # do the same for comp B if flagB: deltaB_b_local = self._warpSurfPts_b( dIdpt, self.points[ptSetName][0], self.surfIdxB[ptSetName], curvePtCoordsB ) else: deltaB_b_local = np.zeros((N, nCurvePtCoordsBG, 3)) # reduce seeds for both if ptSetComm: deltaA_b = ptSetComm.allreduce(deltaA_b_local, op=MPI.SUM) deltaB_b = ptSetComm.allreduce(deltaB_b_local, op=MPI.SUM) # no comm, local is global else: deltaA_b = deltaA_b_local deltaB_b = deltaB_b_local # remove the seeds for the intersection, the disps are zero (constant) so no need to diff. those if flagA: # this just returns the seeds w/o the intersection seeds deltaA_b = deltaA_b[:, self.nCurvePts[ptSetName]["intersection"] :] if flagB: # this just returns the seeds w/o the intersection seeds deltaB_b = deltaB_b[:, self.nCurvePts[ptSetName]["intersection"] :] # loop over the curves for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: # sizes and displacements for this curve sizes = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["sizes"] disp = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["disp"] # we get the seeds from compA seeds if curveName in self.curvesOnA: if flagA: # contribution on this proc deltaBar = deltaA_b[:, disp[rank] : disp[rank] + sizes[rank]].copy() # this proc does not have any pts projected, so set the seed to zero else: deltaBar = np.zeros((N, 0, 3)) # remove the seeds for this curve from deltaA_b seeds deltaA_b = deltaA_b[:, disp[-1] + sizes[-1] :] # seeds from compB elif curveName in self.curvesOnB: if flagB: # contribution on this proc deltaBar = deltaB_b[:, disp[rank] : disp[rank] + sizes[rank]].copy() # this proc does not have any pts projected, so set the seed to zero else: deltaBar = np.zeros((N, 0, 3)) # remove the seeds for this curve from deltaA_b seeds deltaB_b = deltaB_b[:, disp[-1] + sizes[-1] :] else: print("This should not happen") # now we have the local seeds of projection points for all functions in xyzProjb # get the indices of points we need to project idx = self.curveProjIdx[ptSetName][curveName] nPoints = len(idx) # get some data from the fwd run xyz = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["xyz"] coor = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["coor"] barsConn = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["barsConn"] xyzProj = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["xyzProj"] tanProj = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["tanProj"] elemIDs = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["elemIDs"] # we dont use tangents so seeds are zero tanProjb = np.zeros_like(tanProj) if nPoints > 0: # also get the curveMask curveMask = self.curveProjData[ptSetName][curveName]["curveMask"] # run the bwd projection for everyfunction for k in range(N): # contribution from delta xyzProjb = deltaBar[k].copy() # add the contribution from dIdpt for the idx points themselves xyzProjb += dIdpt[k, idx] # Call Fortran code (This will accumulate seeds in xyzb and self.coorb) xyzb_new, coorb_new = self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve_b( xyz.T, coor.T, barsConn.T + 1, xyzProj.T, xyzProjb.T, tanProj.T, tanProjb.T, elemIDs + 1, curveMask, ) # Accumulate derivatives with the correct k # replace the seed in dIdpt. we subtract deltaBar here # because delta was equal to the projected points minus the original points. # So the delta seeds contribute with a negative sign # to the seeds of the points before projection dIdpt[k, idx, :] = xyzb_new.T - deltaBar[k] # add the seed to the seam seed self.seamBarProj[ptSetName][k, :, :] += coorb_new.T return compSens def _commCurveProj(self, pts, indices, comm): """ This function will get the points, indices, and comm. This function is called once for each feature curve. The indices are the indices of points that was mapped to this curve. We compute how many points we have mapped to this curve globally. Furthermore, we compute the displacements. Finally, we communicate the initial coordinates of these points. These will later be used in the point-based warping. """ # only do this fancy stuff if this is a "parallel" pointset if comm: nproc = comm.size # communicate the counts sizes = np.array(comm.allgather(len(indices)), dtype="intc") # total number of points nptsg = np.sum(sizes) # get the displacements disp = np.array([np.sum(sizes[:i]) for i in range(nproc)], dtype="intc") # sendbuf ptsLocal = pts[indices].flatten() sendbuf = [ptsLocal, len(indices) * 3] # recvbuf ptsGlobal = np.zeros(3 * nptsg, dtype=self.dtype) recvbuf = [ptsGlobal, sizes * 3, disp * 3, self.mpiType] # do an allgatherv comm.Allgatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf) # reshape into a nptsg,3 array curvePtCoords = ptsGlobal.reshape((nptsg, 3)) # this is a "serial" pointset, so the results are just local else: nptsg = len(indices) sizes = [nptsg] curvePtCoords = pts[indices] return nptsg, sizes, curvePtCoords def _warpSurfPts(self, pts0, ptsNew, indices, curvePtCoords, delta): """ This function warps points using the displacements from curve projections. pts0: The original surface point coordinates. ptsNew: Updated surface pt coordinates. We will add the warped delta to these inplace. indices: Indices of the points that we will use for this operation. curvePtCoords: Original coordinates of points on curves. delta: Displacements of the points on curves after projecting them. """ # Return if curvePtCoords is empty if not np.any(curvePtCoords): return for j in indices: # point coordinates with the baseline design # this is the point we will warp ptCoords = pts0[j] # Vectorized point-based warping rr = ptCoords - curvePtCoords LdefoDist = 1.0 / np.sqrt(rr[:, 0] ** 2 + rr[:, 1] ** 2 + rr[:, 2] ** 2 + 1e-16) LdefoDist3 = LdefoDist**3 Wi = LdefoDist3 den = np.sum(Wi) interp = np.zeros(3, dtype=self.dtype) for iDim in range(3): interp[iDim] = np.sum(Wi * delta[:, iDim]) / den # finally, update the coord in place ptsNew[j] = ptsNew[j] + interp def _warpSurfPts_b(self, dIdPt, pts0, indices, curvePtCoords): # seeds for delta deltaBar = np.zeros((dIdPt.shape[0], curvePtCoords.shape[0], 3)) # Return zeros if curvePtCoords is empty if not np.any(curvePtCoords): return deltaBar for k in range(dIdPt.shape[0]): for j in indices: # point coordinates with the baseline design # this is the point we will warp ptCoords = pts0[j] # local seed for 3 coords localVal = dIdPt[k, j] # Vectorized point-based warping rr = ptCoords - curvePtCoords LdefoDist = 1.0 / np.sqrt(rr[:, 0] ** 2 + rr[:, 1] ** 2 + rr[:, 2] ** 2 + 1e-16) LdefoDist3 = LdefoDist**3 Wi = LdefoDist3 den = np.sum(Wi) for iDim in range(3): deltaBar[k, :, iDim] += Wi * localVal[iDim] / den # return the seeds for the delta vector return deltaBar def _projectToComponent(self, pts, comp, projDict, surface=None): # We build an ADT for this component using pySurf # Set bounding box for new tree BBox = np.zeros((2, 3)) useBBox = False # dummy connectivity data for quad elements since we have all tris quadConn = np.zeros((0, 4)) if surface is not None: # Use the triConn for just this surface triConn = comp.triConn[surface] # Set the adtID as the surface name adtID = surface else: # Use the stacked triConn for the whole component triConn = comp.triConnStack # Set the adtID as the component name adtID = # Compute set of nodal normals by taking the average normal of all # elements surrounding the node. This allows the meshing algorithms, # for instance, to march in an average direction near kinks. nodal_normals = self.adtAPI.adtcomputenodalnormals(comp.nodes.T, triConn.T, quadConn.T) comp.nodal_normals = nodal_normals.T # Create new tree (the tree itself is stored in Fortran level) self.adtAPI.adtbuildsurfaceadt( comp.nodes.T, triConn.T, quadConn.T, BBox.T, useBBox, MPI.COMM_SELF.py2f(), adtID ) # project numPts = pts.shape[0] dist2 = np.ones(numPts, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((numPts, 3), dtype=self.dtype) normProjNotNorm = np.zeros((numPts, 3), dtype=self.dtype) if self.debug: print(f"[{self.comm.rank}] Projecting to component {}, pts.shape = {pts.shape}") # Call projection function procID, elementType, elementID, uvw = self.adtAPI.adtmindistancesearch( pts.T, adtID, dist2, xyzProj.T, comp.nodal_normals.T, normProjNotNorm.T ) # Adjust indices and ordering elementID = elementID - 1 uvw = uvw.T # normalize the normals normProj = tsurf_tools.normalize(normProjNotNorm) # deallocate ADT self.adtAPI.adtdeallocateadts(adtID) # save the data projDict["procID"] = procID.copy() projDict["elementType"] = elementType.copy() projDict["elementID"] = elementID.copy() projDict["uvw"] = uvw.copy() projDict["dist2"] = dist2.copy() projDict["normProjNotNorm"] = normProjNotNorm.copy() projDict["normProj"] = normProj.copy() # also save the original and projected points projDict["xyz"] = pts.copy() projDict["xyzProj"] = xyzProj.copy() # return projected points return xyzProj def _projectToComponent_b(self, dIdpt, comp, projDict, surface=None): # We build an ADT for this component using pySurf # Set bounding box for new tree BBox = np.zeros((2, 3)) useBBox = False # dummy connectivity data for quad elements since we have all tris quadConn = np.zeros((0, 4)) if surface is not None: # Use the triConn for just this surface triConn = comp.triConn[surface] # Set the adtID as the surface name adtID = surface else: # Use the stacked triConn for the whole component triConn = comp.triConnStack # Set the adtID as the component name adtID = # Compute set of nodal normals by taking the average normal of all # elements surrounding the node. This allows the meshing algorithms, # for instance, to march in an average direction near kinks. nodal_normals = self.adtAPI.adtcomputenodalnormals(comp.nodes.T, triConn.T, quadConn.T) comp.nodal_normals = nodal_normals.T # Create new tree (the tree itself is stored in Fortran level) self.adtAPI.adtbuildsurfaceadt( comp.nodes.T, triConn.T, quadConn.T, BBox.T, useBBox, MPI.COMM_SELF.py2f(), adtID ) # also extract the projection data we have from the fwd pass procID = projDict["procID"] elementType = projDict["elementType"] elementID = projDict["elementID"] uvw = projDict["uvw"] dist2 = projDict["dist2"] normProjNotNorm = projDict["normProjNotNorm"] # get the original and projected points too xyz = projDict["xyz"] xyzProj = projDict["xyzProj"] # also, we dont care about the normals, so the AD seeds for them should (?) be zero normProjb = np.zeros_like(normProjNotNorm) # also create the dIdtp for the triangulated surface nodes dIdptTri = np.zeros((dIdpt.shape[0], comp.nodes.shape[0], 3)) # now propagate the ad seeds back for each function for i in range(dIdpt.shape[0]): # the derivative seeds for the projected points xyzProjb = dIdpt[i].copy() # Compute derivatives of the normalization process normProjNotNormb = tsurf_tools.normalize_b(normProjNotNorm, normProjb) # Call projection function # ATTENTION: The variable "xyz" here in Python corresponds to the variable "coor" in the Fortran code. # On the other hand, the variable "coor" here in Python corresponds to the variable "adtCoor" in Fortran. # I could not change this because the original ADT code already used "coor" to denote nodes that should be # projected. xyzb, coorb, nodal_normalsb = self.adtAPI.adtmindistancesearch_b( xyz.T, adtID, procID, elementType, elementID + 1, uvw.T, dist2, xyzProj.T, xyzProjb.T, comp.nodal_normals.T, normProjNotNorm.T, normProjNotNormb.T, ) # Transpose results to make them consistent xyzb = xyzb.T coorb = coorb.T # Put the reverse ad seed back into dIdpt dIdpt[i] = xyzb # Also save the triangulated surface node seeds dIdptTri[i] = coorb # Now we are done with the ADT self.adtAPI.adtdeallocateadts(adtID) # The entries in dIdpt are replaced with AD seeds of initial points that were projected # We also return the seeds for the component's triangulated mesh in dIdptTri return dIdpt, dIdptTri def _getUpdatedCoords(self, comm): # this code returns the updated coordinates # first comp a self.compA.updateTriMesh(comm) # then comp b self.compB.updateTriMesh(comm) return def _getIntersectionSeam(self, comm, firstCall=False): # we can parallelize here. each proc gets one intersection, but needs re-structuring of some of the code. # this function computes the intersection curve, cleans up the data and splits the curve based on features or curves specified by the user. # create the dictionary to save all intermediate variables for reverse differentiation self.seamDict = {} # Call pySurf with the quad information. dummyConn = np.zeros((0, 4)) # compute the intersection curve, in the first step we just get the array sizes to hide allocatable arrays from python arraySizes = self.intersectionAPI.computeintersection( self.compA.nodes.T, self.compA.triConnStack.T, dummyConn.T, self.compB.nodes.T, self.compB.triConnStack.T, dummyConn.T, self.distTol, comm.py2f(), ) # Retrieve results from Fortran if we have an intersection if np.max(arraySizes[1:]) > 0: # Second Fortran call to retrieve data from the CGNS file. intersectionArrays = self.intersectionAPI.retrievedata(*arraySizes) # We need to do actual copies, otherwise data will be overwritten if we compute another intersection. # We subtract one to make indices consistent with the Python 0-based indices. # We also need to transpose it since Python and Fortran use different orderings to store matrices in memory. intNodes = np.array(intersectionArrays[0]).T # The last entry of intNodes is always 0,0,0 for some reason, even for a proper intersection # This is probably a bug in pySurf # It has no effect here because the computation relies on connectivity, not individual points barsConn = np.array(intersectionArrays[1]).T - 1 parentTria = np.array(intersectionArrays[2]).T - 1 # Save these intermediate variables self.seamDict["barsConn"] = barsConn self.seamDict["parentTria"] = parentTria else: raise Error(f"The components {} and {} do not intersect.") # Release memory used by Fortran self.intersectionAPI.releasememory() # Sort the output newConn, newMap = tsurf_tools.FEsort(barsConn.tolist()) # newConn might have multiple intersection curves if len(newConn) == 1: # we have a single intersection curve, just take this. seamConn = newConn[0].copy() # We have multiple intersection curves else: if self.intDir is None: # we have multiple intersection curves but the user did not specify which direction to pick for i in range(len(newConn)): curvename = f"{}_{}_{i}" tecplot_interface.writeTecplotFEdata(intNodes, newConn[i], curvename, curvename) raise Error( f"More than one intersection curve between comps {} and {}. " + "The curves are written as Tecplot files in the current directory. " + "Try rerunning after specifying intDir for the intersection." ) # the user did specify which direction to pick else: int_centers = np.zeros(len(newConn), dtype=self.dtype) # we will figure out the locations of these points and pick the one closer to the user picked direction for i in range(len(newConn)): # get all the points int_pts = intNodes[newConn[i]][:, 0] # average the values # the API uses a 1 based indexing, but here, we convert to a zero based indexing int_centers[i] = np.average(int_pts[abs(self.intDir) - 1]) # multiply the values with the sign of intDir int_centers *= np.sign(self.intDir) # get the argmax int_index = np.argmax(int_centers) # this is the intersection seam seamConn = newConn[int_index].copy() # Get the number of elements nElem = seamConn.shape[0] # now that we have a continuous, ordered seam connectivity in seamConn, we can try to detect features # we need to track the nodes that are closest to the supplied feature curves breakList = [] curveBeg = {} curveBegCoor = {} # loop over the feature curves for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: # we need to initialize the dictionary here # to get the intermediate output from mindistancecurve call self.seamDict[curveName] = {} # if this curve is on compB, we use it to track intersection features if curveName in self.compB.barsConn and curveName not in self.remeshAll: # get the curve connectivity curveConn = self.compB.barsConn[curveName] # Use pySurf to project the point on curve # First, we need to get a list of nodes that define the intersection intNodesOrd = intNodes[seamConn[:, 0]] # Get number of points nPoints = len(intNodesOrd) # Initialize references dist2 = np.ones(nPoints, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) tanProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) elemIDs = np.zeros((nPoints), dtype="int32") # then find the closest point to the curve # only call the Fortran code if we have at least one point # this is redundant but it is how its done in pySurf if nPoints > 0: # This will modify xyzProj, tanProj, dist2, and elemIDs if we find better projections than dist2. # Remember that we should adjust some indices before calling the Fortran code # Remember to use [:] to don't lose the pointer (elemIDs is an input/output variable) elemIDs[:] = ( elemIDs + 1 ) # (we need to do this separetely because Fortran will actively change elemIDs contents. curveMask = self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve( intNodesOrd.T, self.compB.nodes.T, curveConn.T + 1, xyzProj.T, tanProj.T, dist2, elemIDs ) # Adjust indices back to Python standards elemIDs[:] = elemIDs - 1 self.seamDict[curveName]["curveMask"] = curveMask.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["elemIDs"] = elemIDs.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["intNodesOrd"] = intNodesOrd.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["xyzProj"] = xyzProj.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["tanProj"] = tanProj.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["dist2"] = dist2.copy() self.seamDict[curveName]["projPtIndx"] = seamConn[:, 0][np.argmin(dist2)].copy() # now, find the index of the smallest distance breakList.append(np.argmin(dist2)) # also get which element is the closest to the feature point curveBeg[curveName] = elemIDs[np.argmin(dist2)] # get which point on this element we projected to. curveBegCoor[curveName] = xyzProj[np.argmin(dist2)] else: # if it is not on compB, we still need to set up some variables so that we remesh the whole curve # set the beginning to the first element curveBeg[curveName] = 0 # number of features we detected. This will be equal to the number of feature curves on compB nFeature = len(breakList) # if this is the first call, if firstCall: # we also save the initial curve with nodes and connectivities for distance calculations self.conn0 = seamConn.copy() self.nodes0 = intNodes.copy() self.nFeature = nFeature else: if nFeature != self.nFeature: raise Error("Number of features on the intersection curve has changed.") # flip # we want breakList to be in increasing order... ii = 0 for i in range(nFeature): # we loop over the breaklist elements and check if the element index is going up or down if breakList[i] < breakList[np.mod(i + 1, nFeature)]: ii += 1 # now check if we need to flip the curve if ii == 1: # we need at least 2 features where the element number increases... # we need to reverse the order of our feature curves # and we will flip the elements too so keep track of this change breakList = np.mod(seamConn.shape[0] - np.array(breakList), seamConn.shape[0]) # and we need to invert the curves themselves seamConn = np.flip(seamConn, axis=0) seamConn = np.flip(seamConn, axis=1) # roll so that the first breakList entry is the first node seamConn = np.roll(seamConn, -breakList[0], axis=0) # also adjust the feature indices breakList = np.mod(breakList - breakList[0], nElem) # get the number of elements between each feature curveSizes = [] for i in range(nFeature - 1): curveSizes.append(np.mod(breakList[i + 1] - breakList[i], nElem)) # check the last curve outside the loop curveSizes.append(np.mod(breakList[0] - breakList[-1], nElem)) # copy the curveSizes for the first call if firstCall: self.nElems = curveSizes[:] # now loop over the curves between the feature nodes. We will remesh them separately to retain resolution between curve features, and just append the results since the features are already ordered curInd = 0 seam = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) finalConn = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype="int32") for i in range(nFeature): # just use the same number of points *2 for now nNewNodes = self.nElems[i] + 1 coor = intNodes barsConn = seamConn[curInd : curInd + curveSizes[i]] curInd += curveSizes[i] method = "linear" spacing = "linear" initialSpacing = 0.1 finalSpacing = 0.1 # re-sample the curve (try linear for now), to get N number of nodes on it spaced linearly # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices newCoor, newBarsConn = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh( nNewNodes, coor.T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing ) newCoor = newCoor.T newBarsConn = newBarsConn.T - 1 # add these n -resampled nodes back to back in seam and return a copy of the array # we don't need the connectivity info for now? we just need the coords # first increment the new connectivity by number of coordinates already in seam newBarsConn += len(seam) # now stack the nodes seam = np.vstack((seam, newCoor)) # and the conn finalConn = np.vstack((finalConn, newBarsConn)) if firstCall: # save the beginning and end indices of these elements self.seamBeg["intersection"] = 0 self.seamEnd["intersection"] = len(finalConn) # save stuff to the dictionary for sensitivity computations... self.seamDict["intNodes"] = intNodes.copy() self.seamDict["seamConn"] = seamConn.copy() self.seamDict["curveSizes"] = curveSizes.copy() # size of the intersection seam w/o any feature curves self.seamDict["seamSize"] = len(seam) self.seamDict["curveBegCoor"] = curveBegCoor.copy() # Output the intersection curve if self.comm.rank == 0 and self.debug: curvename = f"{}_{}_{self.counter}" tecplot_interface.writeTecplotFEdata(intNodes, seamConn, curvename, curvename) # we need to re-mesh feature curves if the user wants... if self.incCurves: # we need to set up some variables if firstCall: self.nNodeFeature = {} self.distFeature = {} remeshedCurves = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self.dtype) remeshedCurveConnFull = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype="int32") remeshedCurveConnWarp = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype="int32") # loop over each curve, figure out what nodes get re-meshed, re-mesh, and append to seam... for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: # figure out which comp owns this curve... if curveName in self.compB.barsConn: curveComp = self.compB dStarComp = self.dStarB elif curveName in self.compA.barsConn: curveComp = self.compA dStarComp = self.dStarA # connectivity for this curve. curveConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName] # we already have the element that is closest to the intersection # or if this curve does not start from the intersection, # this is simply the first element elemBeg = curveBeg[curveName] # now lets split this element so that we get a better initial point... # this has to be on compB if curveName in curveBegCoor: # save the original coordinate of the first point ptBegSave = self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]].copy() # and replace this with the starting point we want self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]] = curveBegCoor[curveName].copy() # compute the element lengths starting from elemBeg firstNodes = curveComp.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg:, 0]] secondNodes = curveComp.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg:, 1]] diff = secondNodes - firstNodes dist2 = diff[:, 0] ** 2 + diff[:, 1] ** 2 + diff[:, 2] ** 2 elemDist = np.sqrt(dist2) # get the cumulative distance cumDist = np.cumsum(elemDist) # if no marchdir for this curve, we use all of it if curveName in self.remeshAll: # we remesh all of this curve elemBeg = 0 elemEnd = len(curveConn) if firstCall: self.nNodeFeature[curveName] = elemEnd + 1 else: # do the regular thing if firstCall: # compute the distances from curve nodes to intersection seam curvePts = curveComp.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg:, 0]] # Get number of points nPoints = len(curvePts) # Initialize references if user provided none dist2 = np.ones(nPoints, dtype=self.dtype) * 1e10 xyzProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) tanProj = np.zeros((nPoints, 3), dtype=self.dtype) elemIDs = np.zeros((nPoints), dtype="int32") # then find the closest point to the curve # Only call the Fortran code if we have at least one point if nPoints > 0: # This will modify xyzProj, tanProj, dist2, and elemIDs if we find better projections than dist2. # Remember that we should adjust some indices before calling the Fortran code # Remember to use [:] to don't lose the pointer (elemIDs is an input/output variable) elemIDs[:] = ( elemIDs + 1 ) # (we need to do this separetely because Fortran will actively change elemIDs contents. curveMask = self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve( curvePts.T, self.nodes0.T, self.conn0.T + 1, xyzProj.T, tanProj.T, dist2, elemIDs ) dNodes = np.sqrt(dist2) # number of elements to use, subtract one to get the correct element count nElem = (np.abs(dNodes - dStarComp * 1.3)).argmin() - 1 # we want to be one after the actual distance, so correct if needed if dNodes[nElem] < dStarComp * 1.3: nElem += 1 elemEnd = elemBeg + nElem # get the total curve distance from elemBeg to this element. distCurve = cumDist[nElem] # save this distance as the remesh distance self.distFeature[curveName] = distCurve # also save how many nodes we have, we want 2 times this when re-meshing self.nNodeFeature[curveName] = nElem + 1 else: # figure out how many elements we need to go in this direction elemEnd = (np.abs(cumDist - self.distFeature[curveName])).argmin() + elemBeg # get the new connectivity data between the initial and final elements curveConnTrim = curveConn[elemBeg : elemEnd + 1] # remesh the new connectivity curve, using nNode*2 times nodes nNewNodes = self.nNodeFeature[curveName] coor = curveComp.nodes barsConn = curveConnTrim method = "linear" spacing = "linear" initialSpacing = 0.1 finalSpacing = 0.1 # now re-sample the curve (try linear for now), to get N number of nodes on it spaced linearly # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices newCoor, newBarsConn = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh( nNewNodes, coor.T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing ) newCoor = newCoor.T newBarsConn = newBarsConn.T - 1 # increment the connectivitiy data newBarsConn += len(remeshedCurves) # Append this new curve to the featureCurve data. remeshedCurves = np.vstack((remeshedCurves, newCoor)) # By excluding sliding curves here in the 'warp' array, # they are not used as seeds for the curved-based deformation. # This means that points on these curves get warped like any other point. # We also still want the 'full' connectivity because that is used for projections. remeshedCurveConnFull = np.vstack((remeshedCurveConnFull, newBarsConn)) if curveName not in self.slidingCurves: remeshedCurveConnWarp = np.vstack((remeshedCurveConnWarp, newBarsConn)) # number of new nodes added in the opposite direction nNewNodesReverse = 0 if elemBeg > 0 and self.remeshBwd: # also re-mesh the initial part of the curve, to prevent any negative volumes there curveConnTrim = curveConn[:elemBeg] nNewNodesReverse = self.nNodeFeature[curveName] coor = self.compB.nodes barsConn = curveConnTrim method = "linear" spacing = "linear" initialSpacing = 0.1 finalSpacing = 0.1 # now re-sample the curve (try linear for now), to get N number of nodes on it spaced linearly # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices newCoor, newBarsConn = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh( nNewNodesReverse, coor.T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing ) newCoor = newCoor.T newBarsConn = newBarsConn.T - 1 newBarsConn = newBarsConn + len(remeshedCurves) remeshedCurves = np.vstack((remeshedCurves, newCoor)) remeshedCurveConnFull = np.vstack((remeshedCurveConnFull, newBarsConn)) if curveName not in self.slidingCurves: remeshedCurveConnWarp = np.vstack((remeshedCurveConnWarp, newBarsConn)) if curveName in curveBegCoor: # finally, put the modified initial and final points back in place. self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]] = ptBegSave.copy() # save some info for gradient computations later on self.seamDict[curveName]["nNewNodes"] = nNewNodes self.seamDict[curveName]["nNewNodesReverse"] = nNewNodesReverse self.seamDict[curveName]["elemBeg"] = elemBeg self.seamDict[curveName]["elemEnd"] = elemEnd # this includes the initial coordinates of the points for each curve # that has a modified initial curve self.seamDict["curveBegCoor"] = curveBegCoor if firstCall: # save the beginning and end indices of these elements self.seamBeg[curveName] = ( len(finalConn) + len(remeshedCurveConnFull) - (nNewNodes + nNewNodesReverse) + 2 ) self.seamEnd[curveName] = len(finalConn) + len(remeshedCurveConnFull) # Output the feature curves if self.comm.rank == 0 and self.debug: curvename = f"featureCurves_{self.counter}" tecplot_interface.writeTecplotFEdata(remeshedCurves, remeshedCurveConnFull, curvename, curvename) # now we are done going over curves, # so we can append all the new curves to the "seam", # which now contains the intersection, and re-meshed feature curves # increment the conn from curves remeshedCurveConnFull += len(seam) remeshedCurveConnWarp += len(seam) # stack the nodes seam = np.vstack((seam, remeshedCurves)) # stack the conn finalConnFull = np.vstack((finalConn, remeshedCurveConnFull)) finalConnWarp = np.vstack((finalConn, remeshedCurveConnWarp)) # save the connectivity self.seamConnFull = finalConnFull self.seamConnWarp = finalConnWarp self.counter += 1 return seam.copy() def _getIntersectionSeam_b(self, seamBar, comm): # seamBar contains all the bwd seeds for all coordinates in self.seam # seam bar has shape [N, nSeamPt, 3] # seeds for N functions N = seamBar.shape[0] # n points in total in the combined seam # 3 coordinates for each point # allocate the space for component coordinate seeds coorAb = np.zeros((N, self.compA.nodes.shape[0], self.compA.nodes.shape[1])) coorBb = np.zeros((N, self.compB.nodes.shape[0], self.compB.nodes.shape[1])) # first, extract the actual intersection coordinates from feature curves. # we might not have any feature curves but the intersection curve will be there seamSize = self.seamDict["seamSize"] # coordinates of the beginning points for feature curves on compB curveBegCoor = self.seamDict["curveBegCoor"] intBar = seamBar[:, :seamSize, :] curveBar = seamBar[:, seamSize:, :] # dictionary to save the accumulation of curve projection seeds curveProjb = {} # check if we included feature curves if self.incCurves: # offset for the derivative seeds for this curve iBeg = 0 # loop over each curve for curveName in self.featureCurveNames: # get the fwd data curveDict = self.seamDict[curveName] nNewNodes = curveDict["nNewNodes"] elemBeg = curveDict["elemBeg"] elemEnd = curveDict["elemEnd"] # get the derivative seeds newCoorb = curveBar[:, iBeg : iBeg + nNewNodes, :].copy() iBeg += nNewNodes # figure out which comp owns this curve... if curveName in self.compB.barsConn: curveComp = self.compB coorb = coorBb elif curveName in self.compA.barsConn: curveComp = self.compA coorb = coorAb # connectivity for this curve. curveConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName] # adjust the first coordinate of the curve if curveName in curveBegCoor: # save the original coordinate of the first point ptBegSave = self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]].copy() # and replace this with the starting point we want self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]] = curveBegCoor[curveName].copy() # get the coordinates of points coor = curveComp.nodes # connectivity for this curve. curveConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName] # trim the connectivity data barsConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName][elemBeg : elemEnd + 1] # constant inputs method = "linear" spacing = "linear" initialSpacing = 0.1 finalSpacing = 0.1 cb = np.zeros((N, coor.shape[0], coor.shape[1])) # loop over functions for ii in range(N): # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices _, _, cbi = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh_b( nNewNodes - 1, coor.T, newCoorb[ii].T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing, ) # derivative seeds for the coordinates. cb[ii] = cbi.T.copy() # check if we adjusted the initial coordinate of the curve w/ a seam coordinate if elemBeg > 0: if self.remeshBwd: # first, we need to do the re-meshing of the other direction # get the fwd data nNewNodes = curveDict["nNewNodesReverse"] # get the derivative seeds newCoorb = curveBar[:, iBeg : iBeg + nNewNodes, :].copy() iBeg += nNewNodes # bars conn is everything up to elemBeg barsConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName][:elemBeg] # loop over functions for ii in range(N): # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices _, _, cbi = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh_b( nNewNodes - 1, coor.T, newCoorb[ii].T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing, ) # derivative seeds for the coordinates. cb[ii] += cbi.T.copy() # the first seed is for the projected point... projb = cb[:, curveConn[elemBeg, 0], :].copy() # zero out the seed of the replaced node cb[:, curveConn[elemBeg, 0], :] = np.zeros((N, 3)) # put the modified initial and final points back in place. self.compB.nodes[curveConn[elemBeg, 0]] = ptBegSave.copy() # we need to call the curve projection routine to propagate the seed... intNodesOrd = self.seamDict[curveName]["intNodesOrd"] curveMask = self.seamDict[curveName]["curveMask"] elemIDs = self.seamDict[curveName]["elemIDs"] xyzProj = self.seamDict[curveName]["xyzProj"] tanProj = self.seamDict[curveName]["tanProj"] dist2 = self.seamDict[curveName]["dist2"] # we need the full bars conn for this barsConn = curveComp.barsConn[curveName] # allocate zero seeds xyzProjb = np.zeros_like(xyzProj) tanProjb = np.zeros_like(tanProj) curveProjb[curveName] = np.zeros((N, 3)) for ii in range(N): # the only nonzero seed is indexed by argmin dist2 xyzProjb[np.argmin(dist2)] = projb[ii].copy() xyzb_new, coorb_new = self.curveSearchAPI.mindistancecurve_b( intNodesOrd.T, self.compB.nodes.T, barsConn.T + 1, xyzProj.T, xyzProjb.T, tanProj.T, tanProjb.T, elemIDs + 1, curveMask, ) # add the coorb_new to coorBb[ii] since coorb_new has the seeds from mindistancecurve_b coorBb[ii] += coorb_new.T # xyzb_new is the seed for the intersection seam node # instead of saving the array full of zeros, we just save the entry we know is nonzero curveProjb[curveName][ii] = xyzb_new.T[np.argmin(dist2)] # all the remaining seeds in coorb live on the component tri-mesh... coorb += cb # now we only have the intersection seam... nFeature = len(self.nElems) intNodes = self.seamDict["intNodes"] seamConn = self.seamDict["seamConn"] curveSizes = self.seamDict["curveSizes"] # seeds for the original intersection intNodesb = np.zeros((N, intNodes.shape[0], intNodes.shape[1])) # loop over each feature and propagate the sensitivities curInd = 0 curSeed = 0 for i in range(nFeature): # just use the same number of points *2 for now nNewElems = self.nElems[i] nNewNodes = nNewElems + 1 coor = intNodes barsConn = seamConn[curInd : curInd + curveSizes[i]] curInd += curveSizes[i] method = "linear" spacing = "linear" initialSpacing = 0.1 finalSpacing = 0.1 for ii in range(N): newCoorb = intBar[ii, curSeed : curSeed + nNewNodes, :] # re-sample the curve (try linear for now), to get N number of nodes on it spaced linearly # Call Fortran code. Remember to adjust transposes and indices newCoor, newBarsConn, cb = self.utilitiesAPI.remesh_b( nNewElems, coor.T, newCoorb.T, barsConn.T + 1, method, spacing, initialSpacing, finalSpacing ) intNodesb[ii] += cb.T curSeed += nNewNodes # add the contributions from the curve projection if we have any for curveName, v in curveProjb.items(): # get the index idx = self.seamDict[curveName]["projPtIndx"] if self.debug: print(f"Adding contributions from {curveName}") for ii in range(N): # add the contribution intNodesb[ii, idx] += v[ii] dummyConn = np.zeros((0, 4)) barsConn = self.seamDict["barsConn"] parentTria = self.seamDict["parentTria"] # do the reverse intersection computation to get the seeds of coordinates for ii in range(N): cAb, cBb = self.intersectionAPI.computeintersection_b( self.compA.nodes.T, self.compA.triConnStack.T, dummyConn.T, self.compB.nodes.T, self.compB.triConnStack.T, dummyConn.T, intNodes.T, intNodesb[ii].T, barsConn.T + 1, parentTria.T + 1, self.distTol, ) coorAb[ii] += cAb.T coorBb[ii] += cBb.T # Allreduce the derivative seeds coorAb = self.comm.allreduce(coorAb) coorBb = self.comm.allreduce(coorBb) # Extract the entries of coorAb and coorBb that are for points on this processor disp = self.compA.triMeshData["disp"] coorAb = coorAb[:, disp[self.comm.rank] : disp[self.comm.rank + 1], :] disp = self.compB.triMeshData["disp"] coorBb = coorBb[:, disp[self.comm.rank] : disp[self.comm.rank + 1], :] # get the total sensitivities from both components compSens_local = {} compSensA = self.compA.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(coorAb, "triMesh") for k, v in compSensA.items(): compSens_local[k] = v compSensB = self.compB.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(coorBb, "triMesh") for k, v in compSensB.items(): compSens_local[k] = v # finally sum the results across procs if we are provided with a comm if comm: compSens = {} # because the results are in a dictionary, we need to loop over the items and sum for k, v in compSens_local.items(): compSens[k] = comm.allreduce(v, op=MPI.SUM) else: # we can just pass the dictionary compSens = compSens_local return compSens def associatePointsToSurface(self, points, ptSetName, surface, surfaceEps): projDict = {} # Compute the distance from each point to this surface and store it in projDict if surface in self.compA.triConn: self._projectToComponent(points, self.compA, projDict, surface=surface) comp = "compA" elif surface in self.compB.triConn: self._projectToComponent(points, self.compB, projDict, surface=surface) comp = "compB" else: raise Error(f"Surface {surface} was not found in {} or {}.") # Identify the points that are within the given tolerance from this surface # surfaceIndMap contains indices of the provided points, not the entire point set # These get mapped to indices for the entire point set later surfaceDist = np.sqrt(np.array(projDict["dist2"])) surfaceIndMap = [ind for ind, value in enumerate(surfaceDist) if (value < surfaceEps)] # Output the points associated with this surface if self.debug: data = [np.append(points[i], surfaceDist[i]) for i in surfaceIndMap] tecplot_interface.write_tecplot_scatter( f"{surface}_points_{self.comm.rank}.plt", f"{surface}", ["X", "Y", "Z", "dist"], data ) # Save the indices only if there is at least one point if surfaceIndMap: self.projData[ptSetName][comp]["surfaceIndMapDict"][surface] = surfaceIndMap # Initialize a data dictionary for this surface self.projData[ptSetName][surface] = {}