Source code for pygeo.parameterization.DVGeo

# Standard Python modules
from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import os
import warnings

# External modules
from baseclasses.utils import Error
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from pyspline import Curve
from pyspline.utils import closeTecplot, openTecplot, writeTecplot1D, writeTecplot3D
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

# Local modules
from .. import geo_utils, pyBlock, pyNetwork
from .BaseDVGeo import BaseDVGeometry
from .designVars import geoDVComposite, geoDVGlobal, geoDVLocal, geoDVSectionLocal, geoDVShapeFunc, geoDVSpanwiseLocal

[docs] class DVGeometry(BaseDVGeometry): r""" A class for manipulating geometry. The purpose of the DVGeometry class is to provide a mapping from user-supplied design variables to an arbitrary set of discrete, three-dimensional coordinates. These three-dimensional coordinates can in general represent anything, but will typically be the surface of an aerodynamic mesh, the nodes of a FE mesh or the nodes of another geometric construct. In a very general sense, DVGeometry performs two primary functions: 1. Given a new set of design variables, update the three-dimensional coordinates: :math:`X_{DV}\rightarrow X_{pt}` where :math:`X_{pt}` are the coordinates and :math:`X_{DV}` are the user variables. 2. Determine the derivative of the coordinates with respect to the design variables. That is the derivative :math:`\frac{dX_{pt}}{dX_{DV}}` DVGeometry uses the *Free-Form Deformation* approach for geometry manipulation. The basic idea is the coordinates are *embedded* in a clear-flexible jelly-like block. Then by stretching moving and 'poking' the volume, the coordinates that are embedded inside move along with overall deformation of the volume. Parameters ---------- fileName : str filename of FFD file. This must be a ascii formatted plot3D file in fortran ordering. isComplex : bool Make the entire object complex. This should **only** be used when debugging the entire tool-chain with the complex step method. child : bool Flag to indicate that this object is a child of parent DVGeo object faceFreeze : dict A dictionary of lists of strings specifying which faces should be 'frozen'. Each dictionary represents one block in the FFD. For example if faceFreeze =['0':['iLow'],'1':[]], then the plane of control points corresponding to i=0, and i=1, in block '0' will not be able to move in DVGeometry. name : str This is prepended to every DV name for ensuring design variables names are unique to pyOptSparse. Only useful when using multiple DVGeos with :meth:`.addTriangulatedSurfaceConstraint()` kmax : int Maximum order of the splines used for the underlying formulation. Default is a 4th order spline in each direction if the dimensions allow. volBounds : dict Dictionary where volume embedding bounds for each FFD volume is specified. Keys of the dictionary specifies the FFD volume index. Values are lists of lists. First list contains the min and max bounds for the u parameter, second v, third w. This parameter can also be set after initialization using the `setVolBounds` method. For example if the FFD has 3 volumes, setting volBounds to: >>> volBounds = { >>> 0: [[0., 0.5], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]], >>> 1: [[0., 1.], [0.5, 1.], [0., 1.]] >>> } will set the parametric bounds of the first and second volumes, while the third volume can still embed points using the usual bounds of 0 to 1 for all parametric directions. In this example, the first volume only embeds points if the u coordinate of the projection is between 0 and 0.5. Similarly, the second volume only embeds a point if the v coordinate of the projection is between 0.5 and 1.0. This is useful when multiple overlapping FFD volumes are used to either mimic circular or symmetric FFDs. Examples -------- The general sequence of operations for using DVGeometry is as follows:: >>> from pygeo import DVGeometry >>> DVGeo = DVGeometry('FFD_file.fmt') >>> # Embed a set of coordinates Xpt into the object >>> DVGeo.addPointSet(Xpt, 'myPoints') >>> # Associate a 'reference axis' for large-scale manipulation >>> DVGeo.addRefAxis('wing_axis', axis_curve) >>> # Define a global design variable function: >>> def twist(val, geo): >>> geo.rot_z['wing_axis'].coef[:] = val[:] >>> # Now add this as a global variable: >>> DVGeo.addGlobalDV('wing_twist', 0.0, twist, lower=-10, upper=10) >>> # Now add local (shape) variables >>> DVGeo.addLocalDV('shape', lower=-0.5, upper=0.5, axis='y') """ def __init__( self, fileName, *args, isComplex=False, child=False, faceFreeze=None, name=None, kmax=4, volBounds=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(fileName=fileName, name=name) self.DV_listGlobal = OrderedDict() # Global Design Variable List self.DV_listLocal = OrderedDict() # Local Design Variable List self.DV_listSectionLocal = OrderedDict() # Local Normal Design Variable List self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal = OrderedDict() # Local Spanwise Design Variable List self.DVComposite = None # Composite Design Variable # FIXME: for backwards compatibility we still allow the argument complex=True/False # which we now check in kwargs and overwrite if "complex" in kwargs: isComplex = kwargs.pop("complex") warnings.warn("The keyword argument 'complex' is deprecated, use 'isComplex' instead.", stacklevel=2) # Coefficient rotation matrix dict for Section Local variables self.coefRotM = {} # Flags to determine if this DVGeometry is a parent or child self.isChild = child self.children = OrderedDict() self.iChild = None self.masks = None self.finalized = False self.complex = isComplex if self.complex: self.dtype = "D" else: self.dtype = "d" if volBounds is None: volBounds = {} # Load the FFD file in FFD mode. Also note that args and # kwargs are passed through in case additional pyBlock options # need to be set. self.FFD = pyBlock("plot3d", fileName=fileName, FFD=True, kmax=kmax, volBounds=volBounds, **kwargs) self.origFFDCoef = self.FFD.coef.copy() self.coef = None self.coef0 = None self.curPtSet = None self.refAxis = None self.rot_x = None self.rot_y = None self.rot_z = None self.rot_theta = None self.scale = None self.scale_x = None self.scale_y = None self.scale_z = None self.rot_x0 = None self.rot_y0 = None self.rot_z0 = None self.rot_theta0 = None self.scale0 = None self.scale_x0 = None self.scale_y0 = None self.scale_z0 = None self.ptAttach = None self.ptAttachFull = None self.ptAttachInd = None self.nPtAttach = None self.nPtAttachFull = None self.curveIDs = None self.curveIDNames = None self.links_s = None self.links_x = None self.links_n = None # Jacobians: self.JT = {} self.nPts = {} self.dCoefdDVUpdated = False # dictionary to save any coordinate transformations we are given self.coordXfer = {} # Derivatives of Xref and Coef provided by the parent to the # children self.dXrefdXdvg = None self.dCoefdXdvg = None self.dXrefdXdvl = None self.dCoefdXdvl = None # derivative counters for offsets self.nDV_T = None # total number of design variables self.nDVG_T = None self.nDVL_T = None self.nDVSL_T = None self.nDVSW_T = None self.nDVG_count = 0 # number of global (G) variables self.nDVL_count = 0 # number of local (L) variables self.nDVSL_count = 0 # number of section (SL) local variables self.nDVSW_count = 0 # number of spanwise (SW) local variables self.useComposite = False # The set of user supplied axis. self.axis = OrderedDict() # Generate coefMask regardless coefMask = [] for iVol in range(self.FFD.nVol): coefMask.append( np.zeros((self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlu, self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlv, self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlw), dtype=bool) ) # Now do the faceFreeze if faceFreeze is not None: for iVol in range(self.FFD.nVol): key = "%d" % iVol if key in faceFreeze.keys(): if "iLow" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][0, :, :] = True coefMask[iVol][1, :, :] = True if "iHigh" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][-1, :, :] = True coefMask[iVol][-2, :, :] = True if "jLow" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][:, 0, :] = True coefMask[iVol][:, 1, :] = True if "jHigh" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][:, -1, :] = True coefMask[iVol][:, -2, :] = True if "kLow" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][:, :, 0] = True coefMask[iVol][:, :, 1] = True if "kHigh" in faceFreeze[key]: coefMask[iVol][:, :, -1] = True coefMask[iVol][:, :, -2] = True # Finally we need to convert coefMask to the flattened global # coef type: tmp = np.zeros(len(self.FFD.coef), dtype=bool) for iVol in range(self.FFD.nVol): for i in range(coefMask[iVol].shape[0]): for j in range(coefMask[iVol].shape[1]): for k in range(coefMask[iVol].shape[2]): ind = self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol][i, j, k] if coefMask[iVol][i, j, k]: tmp[ind] = True self.masks = tmp
[docs] def addRefAxis( self, name, curve=None, xFraction=None, yFraction=None, zFraction=None, volumes=None, rotType=5, axis="x", alignIndex=None, rotAxisVar=None, rot0ang=None, rot0axis=[1, 0, 0], includeVols=[], ignoreInd=[], raySize=1.5, ): """ This function is used to add a 'reference' axis to the DVGeometry object. Adding a reference axis is only required when 'global' design variables are to be used, i.e. variables like span, sweep, chord etc --- variables that affect many FFD control points. There are two different ways that a reference can be specified: #. The first is explicitly a pySpline curve object using the keyword argument curve=<curve>. #. The second is to specify the xFraction variable. There are a few caveats with the use of this method. First, DVGeometry will try to determine automatically the orientation of the FFD volume. Then, a reference axis will consist of the same number of control points as the number of span-wise sections in the FFD volume and will be oriented in the streamwise (x-direction) according to the xPercent keyword argument. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the reference axis. This name is used in the user-supplied design variable functions to determine what axis operations occur on. curve : pySpline curve object Supply exactly the desired reference axis xFraction : float Specify the parametric stream-wise (axis: 0) location of the reference axis node relative to front and rear control points location. Constant for every spanwise section. yFraction : float Specify the parametric location of the reference axis node along axis: 1 relative to top and bottom control points location. Constant for every spanwise section. .. note:: if this is the spanwise axis of the FFD box, the refAxis node will remain in-plane and the option will not have any effect. zFraction : float Specify the parametric location of the reference axis node along axis: 2 relative to top and bottom control points location. Constant for every spanwise section. .. note:: if this is the spanwise axis of the FFD box, the refAxis node will remain in-plane and the option will not have any effect. volumes : list or array or integers List of the volume indices, in 0-based ordering that this reference axis should manipulate. If xFraction is specified, the volumes argument must contain at most 1 volume. If the volumes is not given, then all volumes are taken. rotType : int Integer in range 0->6 (inclusive) to determine the order that the rotations are made. 0. Intrinsic rotation, rot_theta is rotation about axis 1. x-y-z 2. x-z-y 3. y-z-x 4. y-x-z 5. z-x-y Default (x-streamwise y-up z-out wing) 6. z-y-x 7. z-x-y + rot_theta 8. z-x-y + rotation about section axis (to allow for winglet rotation) axis: str or numpy array of size 3 This parameter controls how the links between the control points and the reference axis are computed. If the value is set to "x", "y", or "z", then the code will extend rays out from the control points in the direction specified in the "axis" variable, and it will compute the projection of the ray to the reference axis. This returns a point on the reference axis, which is taken as the other end of the link of the control point to the reference axis, where the other point of the link is the control point itself. This approach works well enough for most cases, but may not be ideal when the reference axis sits at an angle (e.g. wing with dihedral). For these cases, setting the axis value with an array of size 3 is the better approach. When axis is set to an array of size 3, the code creates a plane that goes through each control point with the normal that is defined by the direction of the axis parameter. Then the end of the links are computed by finding the intersection of this plane with the reference axis. The benefit of this approach is that all of the reference axis links will lie on the same plane if the original FFD control points were planar on each section. E.g., a wing FFD might have x chordwise, y spanwise out, and z up, but with a dihedral. The FFD control points for each spanwise section can lie on the x-z plane. In this case, we want the links to be in a constant-y plane. To achieve this, we can set the axis variable to [0, 1, 0], which defines the normal of the plane we want. If you want to modify this option and see its effects, consider writing the links between control points and the referece axis using the "writeLinks" method in this class. alignIndex: str FFD axis along which the reference axis will lie. Can be `i`, `j`, or `k`. Only necessary when using xFraction. rotAxisVar: str If rotType == 8, then you must specify the name of the section local variable which should be used to compute the orientation of the theta rotation. rot0ang: float If rotType == 0, defines the offset angle of the (child) FFD with respect to the main system of reference. This is necessary to use the scaling functions `scale_x`, `scale_y`, and `scale_z` with rotType == 0. The axis of rotation is defined by `rot0axis`. rot0axis: list If rotType == 0, defines the rotation axis for the rotation offset of the FFD grid given by `rot0ang`. The variable has to be a list of 3 floats defining the [x,y,z] components of the axis direction. This is necessary to use the scaling functions `scale_x`, `scale_y`, and `scale_z` with rotType == 0. includeVols : list List of additional volumes to add to reference axis after the automatic generation of the ref axis based on the volumes list using xFraction. ignoreInd : list List of indices that should be ignored from the volumes that were added to this reference axis. This can be handy if you have a single volume but you want to link different sets of indices to different reference axes. raySize : float Used in projection to find attachment point on reference axis. See full description in pyNetwork.projectRays function doc string. In most cases the default value is sufficient. In the case of highly swept wings its sometimes necessary to increase this value. Notes ----- One of curve or xFraction must be specified. Examples -------- >>> # Simple wing with single volume FFD, reference axis at 1/4 chord: >>> DVGeo.addRefAxis('wing', xFraction=0.25) >>> # Multiblock FFD, wing is volume 6. >>> DVGeo.addRefAxis('wing', xFraction=0.25, volumes=[6]) >>> # Multiblock FFD, multiple volumes attached refAxis >>> DVGeo.addRefAxis('wing', myCurve, volumes=[2,3,4]) Returns ------- nAxis : int The number of control points on the reference axis. """ # We don't do any of the final processing here; we simply # record the information the user has supplied into a # dictionary structure. if curve is not None: # Explicit curve has been supplied: if self.FFD.symmPlane is None: if volumes is None: volumes = np.arange(self.FFD.nVol) self.axis[name] = { "curve": curve, "volumes": volumes, "rotType": rotType, "axis": axis, "rot0ang": rot0ang, "rot0axis": rot0axis, } else: # get the direction of the symmetry plane if self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "x": index = 0 elif self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "y": index = 1 elif self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "z": index = 2 # mirror the axis and attach the mirrored vols if volumes is None: volumes = np.arange(self.FFD.nVol / 2) volumesSymm = [] for volume in volumes: volumesSymm.append(volume + self.FFD.nVol / 2) # We want to create a curve that is symmetric of the current one symm_curve_X = curve.X.copy() # flip the coefs symm_curve_X[:, index] = -symm_curve_X[:, index] curveSymm = Curve(k=curve.k, X=symm_curve_X) self.axis[name] = { "curve": curve, "volumes": volumes, "rotType": rotType, "axis": axis, "rot0ang": rot0ang, "rot0axis": rot0axis, } self.axis[name + "Symm"] = { "curve": curveSymm, "volumes": volumesSymm, "rotType": rotType, "axis": axis, "rot0ang": rot0ang, "rot0axis": rot0axis, } nAxis = len(curve.coef) elif xFraction is not None or yFraction is not None or zFraction is not None: # Some assumptions # - FFD should be a close approximation of geometry surface so that # xFraction roughly corresponds to airfoil LE, TE, or 1/4 chord # - User provides 'i', 'j' or 'k' to specify which block direction # the reference axis should project # - if no volumes are listed, it is assumed that all volumes are # included # - 'x' is streamwise direction # Default to "mean" ref axis location along non-user specified direction # This is the block direction along which the reference axis will lie # alignIndex = 'k' if alignIndex is None: raise Error("Must specify alignIndex to use xFraction.") # Get index direction along which refaxis will be aligned if alignIndex.lower() == "i": alignIndex = 0 faceCol = 2 elif alignIndex.lower() == "j": alignIndex = 1 faceCol = 4 elif alignIndex.lower() == "k": alignIndex = 2 faceCol = 0 if volumes is None: volumes = range(self.FFD.nVol) # Reorder the volumes in sequential order and check if orientation is correct v = list(volumes) nVol = len(v) volOrd = [v.pop(0)] faceLink = self.FFD.topo.faceLink for _iter in range(nVol): for vInd, i in enumerate(v): for pInd, j in enumerate(volOrd): if faceLink[i, faceCol] == faceLink[j, faceCol + 1]: volOrd.insert(pInd + 1, v.pop(vInd)) break elif faceLink[i, faceCol + 1] == faceLink[j, faceCol]: volOrd.insert(pInd, v.pop(vInd)) break if len(volOrd) < nVol: raise Error( "The volumes are not ordered with matching faces" " in the direction of the reference axis." ) # Count total number of sections and check if volumes are aligned # face to face along refaxis direction # Local indices size is (N_x,N_y,N_z) lIndex = self.FFD.topo.lIndex nSections = [] for i in range(len(volOrd)): if i == 0: nSections.append(lIndex[volOrd[i]].shape[alignIndex]) else: nSections.append(lIndex[volOrd[i]].shape[alignIndex] - 1) refaxisNodes = np.zeros((sum(nSections), 3)) # Loop through sections and compute node location place = 0 for j, vol in enumerate(volOrd): # sectionArr: indices of FFD points grouped by section - i.e. the first tensor index now == nSections sectionArr = np.rollaxis(lIndex[vol], alignIndex, 0) skip = 0 if j > 0: skip = 1 for i in range(nSections[j]): # getting all the section control points coordinates pts_tens = self.FFD.coef[sectionArr[i + skip, :, :], :] # shape=(xAxisNodes,yAxisnodes,3) # reshaping into vector to allow rotation (if needed) - leveraging on pts_tens.shape[2]=3 (FFD cp coordinates) pts_vec = np.copy(pts_tens.reshape(-1, 3)) # new shape=(xAxisNodes*yAxisnodes,3) if rot0ang: # rotating the FFD to be aligned with main axes for ct_ in range(np.shape(pts_vec)[0]): # here we loop over the pts_vec, rotate them and insert them inplace in pts_vec again p_ = np.copy(pts_vec[ct_, :]) p_rot = geo_utils.rotVbyW(p_, rot0axis, np.pi / 180 * (rot0ang)) pts_vec[ct_, :] = p_rot # Temporary ref axis node coordinates - aligned with main system of reference if xFraction is not None: # getting the bounds of the FFD section x_min = np.min(pts_vec[:, 0]) x_max = np.max(pts_vec[:, 0]) x_node = xFraction * (x_max - x_min) + x_min # chordwise else: x_node = np.mean(pts_vec[:, 0]) if yFraction is not None: y_min = np.min(pts_vec[:, 1]) y_max = np.max(pts_vec[:, 1]) y_node = y_max - yFraction * (y_max - y_min) # top-bottom else: y_node = np.mean(pts_vec[:, 1]) if zFraction is not None: z_min = np.min(pts_vec[:, 2]) z_max = np.max(pts_vec[:, 2]) z_node = z_max - zFraction * (z_max - z_min) # top-bottom else: z_node = np.mean(pts_vec[:, 2]) # This is the FFD ref axis node - if the block has not been rotated nd = [x_node, y_node, z_node] nd_final = np.copy(nd) if rot0ang: # rotating the non-aligned FFDs back in position nd_final[:] = geo_utils.rotVbyW(nd, rot0axis, np.pi / 180 * (-rot0ang)) # insert the final coordinates in the var to be passed to pySpline: refaxisNodes[place + i, 0] = nd_final[0] refaxisNodes[place + i, 1] = nd_final[1] refaxisNodes[place + i, 2] = nd_final[2] place += i + 1 # Add additional volumes for iVol in includeVols: if iVol not in volumes: volumes.append(iVol) # Generate reference axis pySpline curve curve = Curve(X=refaxisNodes, k=2) nAxis = len(curve.coef) self.axis[name] = { "curve": curve, "volumes": volumes, "rotType": rotType, "axis": axis, "rot0ang": rot0ang, "rot0axis": rot0axis, "rotAxisVar": rotAxisVar, } else: raise Error("One of 'curve' or 'xFraction' must be " "specified for a call to addRefAxis") # Specify indices to be ignored self.axis[name]["ignoreInd"] = ignoreInd # Add the raySize multiplication factor for this axis self.axis[name]["raySize"] = raySize # do the same for the other half if we have a symmetry plane if self.FFD.symmPlane is not None: # we need to figure out the correct indices to ignore for the mirrored FFDs # first get the matching indices between the current and mirroring FFDs. # we want to include the the nodes on the symmetry plane. # these will appear as the same indices on FFDs on both sides indSetA, indSetB = self.getSymmetricCoefList(getSymmPlane=True) # loop over the inds_to_ignore list and find the corresponding symmetries ignoreIndSymm = [] for ind in ignoreInd: try: tmp = indSetA.index(ind) except ValueError: raise Error( f"""The index {ind} is not in indSetA. This is likely due to a weird issue caused by the point reduction routines during initialization. Reduce the offset of the FFD control points from the symmetry plane to avoid it. The max deviation from the symmetry plane needs to be less than around 1e-5 if rest of the default tolerances in pygeo is used.""" ) ind_mirror = indSetB[tmp] ignoreIndSymm.append(ind_mirror) self.axis[name + "Symm"]["ignoreInd"] = ignoreIndSymm # we just take the same raySize as the original curve self.axis[name + "Symm"]["raySize"] = raySize return nAxis
[docs] def addPointSet(self, points, ptName, origConfig=True, coordXfer=None, activeChildren=None, **kwargs): """ Add a set of coordinates to DVGeometry The is the main way that geometry, in the form of a coordinate list is given to DVGeometry to be manipulated. Parameters ---------- points : array, size (N,3) The coordinates to embed. These coordinates *should* all project into the interior of the FFD volume. ptName : str A user supplied name to associate with the set of coordinates. This name will need to be provided when updating the coordinates or when getting the derivatives of the coordinates. origConfig : bool Flag determine if the coordinates are projected into the undeformed or deformed configuration. This should almost always be True except in circumstances when the user knows exactly what they are doing. coordXfer : function A callback function that performs a coordinate transformation between the DVGeo reference frame and any other reference frame. The DVGeo object uses this routine to apply the coordinate transformation in "forward" and "reverse" directions to go between the two reference frames. Derivatives are also adjusted since they are vectors coming into DVGeo (in the reverse AD mode) and need to be rotated. We have a callback function here that lets the user to do whatever they want with the coordinate transformation. The function must have the first positional argument as the array that is (npt, 3) and the two keyword arguments that must be available are "mode" ("fwd" or "bwd") and "applyDisplacement" (True or False). This function can then be passed to DVGeo through something like ADflow, where the set DVGeo call can be modified as: CFDSolver.setDVGeo(DVGeo, pointSetKwargs={"coordXfer": coordXfer}) An example function is as follows: .. code-block:: python def coordXfer(coords, mode="fwd", applyDisplacement=True, **kwargs): # given the (npt by 3) array "coords" apply the coordinate transformation. # The "fwd" mode implies we go from DVGeo reference frame to the # application, e.g. CFD, the "bwd" mode is the opposite; # goes from the CFD reference frame back to the DVGeo reference frame. # the applyDisplacement flag needs to be correctly implemented # by the user; the derivatives are also passed through this routine # and they only need to be rotated when going between reference frames, # and they should NOT be displaced. # In summary, all the displacements MUST be within the if applyDisplacement == True # checks, otherwise the derivatives will be wrong. # Example transfer: The CFD mesh # is rotated about the x-axis by 90 degrees with the right hand rule # and moved 5 units below (in z) the DVGeo reference. # Note that the order of these operations is important. # a different rotation matrix can be created during the creation of # this function. This is a simple rotation about x-axis. # Multiple rotation matrices can be used; the user is completely free # with whatever transformations they want to apply here. rot_mat = np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], ]) if mode == "fwd": # apply the rotation first coords_new =, rot_mat) # then the translation if applyDisplacement: coords_new[:, 2] -= 5 elif mode == "bwd": # apply the operations in reverse coords_new = coords.copy() if applyDisplacement: coords_new[:, 2] += 5 # and the rotation. note the rotation matrix is transposed # for switching the direction of rotation coords_new =, rot_mat.T) return coords_new activeChildren : list List of names of the child FFDs that should be used with this pointset. For example, lets say there are 3 child FFDs with names a, b, and c. When a pointset is added to this DVGeo object, it will always be added to the parent. Then, if the activeChildren argument is none, the pointset will also be added to all 3 child FFDs. If activeChildren argument is ["a", "b"], then the pointset will only be added to the children named "a" and "b", and not "c". If activeChildren argument is an empty dictionary, i.e. [], the pointset wont be added to any of the child FFDs. When a pointset is added to a child FFD, the changes in the child FFD is added to the displacement of the pointset. If it is not added to a child, the changes from that child is not included in this pointset. This is useful to control the effect of different child FFDs on different pointsets. """ # compNames is only needed for DVGeometryMulti, so remove it if passed kwargs.pop("compNames", None) # check if we want a custom subset of child DVGeos if activeChildren is None: # take it all activeChildren = list(self.children.keys()) # save this name so that we can zero out the jacobians properly self.ptSetNames.append(ptName) self.zeroJacobians([ptName]) self.nPts[ptName] = None points = np.array(points).real.astype("d") # save the coordinate transformation info if coordXfer is not None: self.coordXfer[ptName] = coordXfer # Also apply the first coordinate transformation while adding this ptset. # The child FFDs only interact with their parent FFD, and therefore, # do not need to access the coordinate transformation routine; i.e. # all transformations are applied once during the highest level DVGeo object. points = self.coordXfer[ptName](points, mode="bwd", applyDisplacement=True) self.points[ptName] = points # Ensure we project into the undeformed geometry if origConfig: tmpCoef = self.FFD.coef.copy() self.FFD.coef = self.origFFDCoef self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Project the last set of points into the volume if self.isChild: self.FFD.attachPoints(self.points[ptName], ptName, interiorOnly=True, **kwargs) else: self.FFD.attachPoints(self.points[ptName], ptName, interiorOnly=False, **kwargs) if origConfig: self.FFD.coef = tmpCoef self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Now embed into the children: for childName, child in self.children.items(): # only add to the active children for this pointset. # when we are getting the points back from children, # we will check if the ptsetname is already added to the child if childName in activeChildren: child.addPointSet(points, ptName, origConfig, **kwargs) self.FFD.calcdPtdCoef(ptName) self.updated[ptName] = False
[docs] def addChild(self, childDVGeo): """Embed a child FFD into this object. An FFD child is a 'sub' FFD that is fully contained within another, parent FFD. A child FFD is also an instance of DVGeometry which may have its own global and/or local design variables. Coordinates do **not** need to be added to the children. The parent object will take care of that in a call to :func:`addPointSet()`. See for a description of an issue with Child FFDs that you should be aware of if you are combining shape changes of a parent FFD with rotation or shape changes of a child FFD. Parameters ---------- childDVGeo : instance of DVGeometry DVGeo object to use as a sub-FFD """ # Make sure the DVGeo being added is flaged as a child: if childDVGeo.isChild is False: raise Error("Trying to add a child FFD that has NOT been " "created as a child. This operation is illegal.") # set the index iChild = len(self.children) childDVGeo.iChild = iChild # check if a custom name is provided, if not, we will use the old naming scheme based on the iChild index if is None: childName = f"child{iChild:d}" else: childName = # check if this child name has already been used if childName in self.children: raise Error( f"Another child DVGeo has already been added with the name {childName}. Change the name of one of the child FFDs with the same name and try again." ) # Extract the coef from the child FFD and ref axis and embed # them into the parent and compute their derivatives self.FFD.attachPoints(childDVGeo.FFD.coef, f"{childName}_coef") self.FFD.calcdPtdCoef(f"{childName}_coef") # We must finalize the Child here since we need the ref axis # coefficients if len(childDVGeo.axis) > 0: childDVGeo._finalizeAxis() self.FFD.attachPoints(childDVGeo.refAxis.coef, f"{childName}_axis") self.FFD.calcdPtdCoef(f"{childName}_axis") # Add the child to the parent and return self.children[childName] = childDVGeo
[docs] def addGlobalDV(self, dvName, value, func, lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, config=None, prependName=True): """ Add a global design variable to the DVGeometry object. This type of design variable acts on one or more reference axis. Parameters ---------- dvName : str A unique name to be given to this design variable group value : float, or iterable list of floats The starting value(s) for the design variable. This parameter may be a single variable or a numpy array (or list) if the function requires more than one variable. The number of variables is determined by the rank (and if rank ==1, the length) of this parameter. lower : float, or iterable list of floats The lower bound(s) for the variable(s). A single variable is permissable even if an array is given for value. However, if an array is given for ``lower``, it must be the same length as ``value`` func : python function The python function handle that will be used to apply the design variable upper : float, or iterable list of floats The upper bound(s) for the variable(s). Same restrictions as ``lower`` scale : float, or iterable list of floats The scaling of the variables. A good approximate scale to start with is approximately 1.0/(upper-lower). This gives variables that are of order ~1.0. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. prependName : bool Flag to determine if attribute is prepended to this DV name. The attribute of DVGeo objects can be useful when there are several DVGeo objects kicking around. One example use case for this is when we have multiple child DVGeos. In this case, initializing all children DVGeos with the name kwarg helps with bookkeeping; however, if the name attribute is not None, the default behavior is to modify DV names such that the DVGeo's name is prepended to the user provided name. For backwards compatability, this behavior is maintained, but can be disabled by setting the prependName argument to False. """ # if the parent DVGeometry object has a name attribute, prepend it if is not None and prependName: dvName = + "_" + dvName if isinstance(config, str): config = [config] self.DV_listGlobal[dvName] = geoDVGlobal(dvName, value, lower, upper, scale, func, config)
[docs] def addLocalDV( self, dvName, lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, axis="y", volList=None, pointSelect=None, config=None, prependName=True, ): """ Add one or more local design variables ot the DVGeometry object. Local variables are used for small shape modifications. Parameters ---------- dvName : str A unique name to be given to this design variable group lower : float The lower bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables upper : float The upper bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables scale : float The scaling of the variables. A good approximate scale to start with is approximately 1.0/(upper-lower). This gives variables that are of order ~1.0. axis : str. Default is `y` The coordinate directions to move. Permissible values are `x`, `y` and `z`. If more than one direction is required, use multiple calls to :func:`addLocalDV` with different axis values. volList : list Use the control points on the volume indices given in volList. You should use pointSelect = None, otherwise this will not work. pointSelect : pointSelect object. Default is None Use a pointSelect object to select a subset of the total number of control points. See the documentation for the pointSelect class in geo_utils. Using pointSelect discards everything in volList. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. prependName : bool Flag to determine if attribute is prepended to this DV name. The attribute of DVGeo objects can be useful when there are several DVGeo objects kicking around. One example use case for this is when we have multiple child DVGeos. In this case, initializing all children DVGeos with the name kwarg helps with bookkeeping; however, if the name attribute is not None, the default behavior is to modify DV names such that the DVGeo's name is prepended to the user provided name. For backwards compatability, this behavior is maintained, but can be disabled by setting the prependName argument to False. Returns ------- N : int The number of design variables added. Examples -------- >>> # Add all variables in FFD as local shape variables >>> # moving in the y direction, within +/- 1.0 units >>> DVGeo.addLocalDV('shape_vars', lower=-1.0, upper= 1.0, axis='y') >>> # As above, but moving in the x and y directions. >>> nVar = DVGeo.addLocalDV('shape_vars_x', lower=-1.0, upper= 1.0, axis='x') >>> nVar = DVGeo.addLocalDV('shape_vars_y', lower=-1.0, upper= 1.0, axis='y') >>> # Create a point select to use: (box from (0,0,0) to (10,0,10) with >>> # any point projecting into the point along 'y' axis will be selected. >>> PS = geo_utils.PointSelect(type = 'y', pt1=[0,0,0], pt2=[10, 0, 10]) >>> nVar = DVGeo.addLocalDV('shape_vars', lower=-1.0, upper=1.0, pointSelect=PS) """ if is not None and prependName: dvName = + "_" + dvName if isinstance(config, str): config = [config] if pointSelect is not None: if pointSelect.type != "ijkBounds": _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints(self.FFD.coef) else: _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints_ijk(self) elif volList is not None: if self.FFD.symmPlane is not None: volListTmp = [] for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol) for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol + self.FFD.nVol // 2) volList = volListTmp volList = np.atleast_1d(volList).astype("int") ind = [] for iVol in volList: ind.extend(self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].flatten()) ind = geo_utils.unique(ind) else: # Just take'em all ind = np.arange(len(self.FFD.coef)) self.DV_listLocal[dvName] = geoDVLocal(dvName, lower, upper, scale, axis, ind, self.masks, config) return self.DV_listLocal[dvName].nVal
[docs] def addSpanwiseLocalDV( self, dvName, spanIndex, axis="y", lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, pointSelect=None, volList=None, config=None, ): """ Add one or more spanwise local design variables to the DVGeometry object. Spanwise local variables are alternative form of local shape variables used to apply equal DV changes in a chosen direction. Some scenarios were this could be useful are: 1. 2D airfoil shape optimization. Because adflow works with 3D meshes, 2D problems are represented my a mesh a single cell wide. Therefor, to change the 2D representation of the airfoil both sides of the mesh must be moved equally. This can be done with the addition of linear constraints on a set of local shape variables, however this approach requires more DVs than necessary (which complicates DV sweeps) and the constaints are only enforced to a tolerance. Using spanwise local design variables insures the airfoil is always correctly represented in the 3D mesh using the correct amount of design variables. 2. 3D wing optimization with constant airfoil shape. If the initial wing geometry has a constant airfoil shape and constant chord, then spanwise local dvs can be used to change the airfoil shape of the wing while still keeping it constant along the span of the wing. Parameters ---------- dvName : str A unique name to be given to this design variable group spanIndex : str, ('i', 'j', 'k') the axis of the FFD along which the DVs are constant all shape variables axis : str. Default is `y` The coordinate directions to move. Permissible values are `x`, `y` and `z`. If more than one direction is required, use multiple calls to addLocalDV with different axis values. lower : float The lower bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables upper : float The upper bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables scale : float The scaling of the variables. A good approximate scale to start with is approximately 1.0/(upper-lower). This gives variables that are of order ~1.0. pointSelect : pointSelect object. Default is None Use a pointSelect object to select a subset of the total number of control points. See the documentation for the pointSelect class in geo_utils. Using pointSelect discards everything in volList. volList : list Use the control points on the volume indices given in volList. You should use pointSelect = None, otherwise this will not work. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. Returns ------- N : int The number of design variables added. Examples -------- >>> # Add all spanwise local variables >>> # moving in the y direction, within +/- 0.5 units >>> DVGeo.addSpanwiseLocalDV("shape", 'k', lower=-0.5, upper=0.5, axis="z", scale=1.0) """ if isinstance(config, str): config = [config] if pointSelect is not None: if pointSelect.type != "ijkBounds": _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints(self.FFD.coef) else: _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints_ijk(self) elif volList is not None: if self.FFD.symmPlane is not None: volListTmp = [] for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol) for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol + self.FFD.nVol // 2) volList = volListTmp volList = np.atleast_1d(volList).astype("int") ind = [] for iVol in volList: ind.extend(self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].flatten()) ind = geo_utils.unique(ind) else: # Just take'em all volList = np.arange(self.FFD.nVol) ind = np.arange(len(self.FFD.coef)) # secLink = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape[0], dtype=int) # secTransform = [np.eye(3)] if isinstance(spanIndex, str): spanIndex = [spanIndex] * len(volList) elif isinstance(spanIndex, list): if len(spanIndex) != len(volList): raise Error("If a list is given for spanIndex, the length must be" " equal to the length of volList.") ijk_2_idx = {"i": 0, "j": 1, "k": 2} volDVMap = [] for ivol in volList: spanIdx = ijk_2_idx[spanIndex[ivol]] lIndex = self.FFD.topo.lIndex[ivol] topo_shape = lIndex.shape # remove the span axis since all dv in that axis are linked n_linked_coef = topo_shape[spanIdx] dvs_shape = np.delete(topo_shape, spanIdx) # get total number of dvs n_dvs = np.product(dvs_shape) # make a map from dvs to the ind that are controlled by that dv. # (phrased another way) map from dv to all ind in the same span size position dv_to_coef_ind = np.zeros((n_dvs, n_linked_coef), dtype="intc") # slice lIndex to get the indices of the coeffs that are in the same # spanwise position dv_idx = 0 for i in range(dvs_shape[0]): for j in range(dvs_shape[1]): # no need to use fancy axis manipulation, since it doesn't need # to be fast and if statements are expressive if spanIndex[ivol] == "i": coef_ind = lIndex[:, i, j] elif spanIndex[ivol] == "j": coef_ind = lIndex[i, :, j] elif spanIndex[ivol] == "k": coef_ind = lIndex[i, j, :] dv_to_coef_ind[dv_idx] = coef_ind dv_idx += 1 # the for this volume is complete and can be added to the list of maps volDVMap.append(dv_to_coef_ind) self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[dvName] = geoDVSpanwiseLocal( dvName, lower, upper, scale, axis, volDVMap, self.masks, config ) return self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[dvName].nVal
[docs] def addLocalSectionDV( self, dvName, secIndex, lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, axis=1, pointSelect=None, volList=None, orient0=None, orient2="svd", config=None, prependName=True, ): """ Add one or more section local design variables to the DVGeometry object. Section local variables are used as an alternative to local variables when it is desirable to deform a cross-section shape within a plane that is consistent with the original cross-section orientation. This is helpful in at least two common scenarios: 1. The original geometry has cross-sections that are not aligned with the global coordinate axes. For instance, with a winglet, we want the shape variables to deform normal to the winglet surface instead of in the x, y, or z directions. 2. The global design variables cause changes in the geometry that rotate the orientation of the original cross-section planes. In this case, we want the shape variables to deform in directions aligned with the rotated cross-section plane, which may not be the x, y, or z directions. ** Warnings ** - Rotations in an upper level (parent) FFD will not propagate down to the lower level FFDs due to limitations of the current implementation. - Section local design variables should not be specified at the same time as local design variables. This will most likely not result in the desired behavior. Parameters ---------- dvName : str A unique name to be given to this design variable group lower : float The lower bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables upper : float The upper bound for the variable(s). This will be applied to all shape variables scale : float The scaling of the variables. A good approximate scale to start with is approximately 1.0/(upper-lower). This gives variables that are of order ~1.0. axis : int The coordinate directions to move. Permissible values are 0: longitudinal direction (in section plane) 1: latitudinal direction (in section plane) 2: transverse direction (out of section plane) If more than one direction is required, use multiple calls to `addLocalSectionDV` with different axis values. :: 1 ^ | o-----o--------o----|----o--------o--------o-----o | | | j | x---------> 0 | ^ | / | | o-----o--------o--/------o--------o--------o-----o / ----> i / 2 pointSelect : pointSelect object. Default is None Use a pointSelect object to select a subset of the total number of control points. See the documentation for the pointSelect class in geo_utils. Using pointSelect discards everything in volList. You can create a PointSelect object by using, for instance: >>> PS = geo_utils.PointSelect(type = `y`, pt1=[0,0,0], pt2=[10, 0, 10]) Check the other PointSelect options in volList : list Use the control points on the volume indices given in volList. If None, all volumes will be included. PointSelect has priority over volList. So if you use PointSelect, the values defined in volList will have no effect. secIndex : char or list of chars For each volume, we need to specify along which index we would like to subdivide the volume into sections. Entries in list can be `i`, `j`, or `k`. This index will be designated as the transverse (2) direction in terms of the direction of perturbation for the 'axis' parameter. orient0 : None, `i`, `j`, `k`, or numpy vector. Default is None. Although secIndex defines the `2` axis, the `0` and `1` axes are still free to rotate within the section plane. We will choose the orientation of the `0` axis and let `1` be orthogonal. We have three options: 1. <None> (default) If nothing is prescribed, the `0` direction will be the best fit line through the section points. In the case of an airfoil, this would roughly align with the chord. 2. <`i`,`j` or `k`> In this case, the `0` axis will be aligned with the mean vector between the FFD edges corresponding to this index. In the ascii art above, if `j` were given for this option, we would average the vectors between the points on the top and bottom surfaces and project this vector on to the section plane as the `0` axis. If a list is given, each index will be applied to its corresponding volume in volList. 3. <[`x`, `y`, `z`]> If a numpy vector is given, the `0` axis will be aligned with a projection of this vector onto the section plane. If a numpy array of len(volList) x 3 is given, each vector will apply to its corresponding volume. orient2 : `svd` or `ffd`. Default is `svd` How to compute the orientation `2` axis. SVD is the default behaviour and is taken from the svd of the plane points. `ffd` Uses the vector along the FFD direction of secIndex. This is required to get consistent normals if you have a circular-type FFD when the SVD will swap the normals. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. prependName : bool Flag to determine if attribute is prepended to this DV name. The attribute of DVGeo objects can be useful when there are several DVGeo objects kicking around. One example use case for this is when we have multiple child DVGeos. In this case, initializing all children DVGeos with the name kwarg helps with bookkeeping; however, if the name attribute is not None, the default behavior is to modify DV names such that the DVGeo's name is prepended to the user provided name. For backwards compatability, this behavior is maintained, but can be disabled by setting the prependName argument to False. Returns ------- N : int The number of design variables added. Examples -------- >>> # Add all control points in FFD as local shape variables >>> # moving in the 1 direction, within +/- 1.0 units >>> DVGeo.addLocalSectionDV('shape_vars', secIndex='k', lower=-1, upper=1, axis=1) """ if is not None and prependName: dvName = + "_" + dvName if isinstance(config, str): config = [config] # Pick out control points if pointSelect is not None: if pointSelect.type != "ijkBounds": _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints(self.FFD.coef) volList = np.arange(self.FFD.nVol) # Select all volumes else: _, ind = pointSelect.getPoints_ijk(self) volList = pointSelect.ijkBounds.keys() # Select only volumes used by pointSelect elif volList is not None: if self.FFD.symmPlane is not None: volListTmp = [] for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol) for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol + self.FFD.nVol // 2) volList = volListTmp volList = np.atleast_1d(volList).astype("int") ind = [] for iVol in volList: ind.extend(self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].flatten()) # Get all indices from this block ind = geo_utils.unique(ind) else: # Just take'em all volList = np.arange(self.FFD.nVol) ind = np.arange(len(self.FFD.coef)) secLink = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape[0], dtype=int) secTransform = [np.eye(3)] if isinstance(secIndex, str): secIndex = [secIndex] * len(volList) elif isinstance(secIndex, list): if len(secIndex) != len(volList): raise Error("If a list is given for secIndex, the length must be" " equal to the length of volList.") if orient0 is not None: # 'i', 'j', or 'k' if isinstance(orient0, str): orient0 = [orient0] * len(volList) # ['k', 'k', 'i', etc.] elif isinstance(orient0, list): if len(orient0) != len(volList): raise Error("If a list is given for orient0, the length must" " be equal to the length of volList.") # np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) elif isinstance(orient0, np.ndarray): # vector if len(orient0.shape) == 1: orient0 = np.reshape(orient0, (1, 3)) orient0 = np.repeat(orient0, len(volList), 0) elif orient0.shape[0] == 1: orient0 = np.repeat(orient0, len(volList), 0) elif orient0.shape[0] != len(volList): raise Error( "If an array is given for orient0, the row dimension" " must be equal to the length of volList." ) for i, iVol in enumerate(volList): self.sectionFrame(secIndex[i], secTransform, secLink, iVol, orient0[i], orient2=orient2) else: for i, iVol in enumerate(volList): self.sectionFrame(secIndex[i], secTransform, secLink, iVol, orient2=orient2) self.DV_listSectionLocal[dvName] = geoDVSectionLocal( dvName, lower, upper, scale, axis, ind, self.masks, config, secTransform, secLink ) return self.DV_listSectionLocal[dvName].nVal
[docs] def addCompositeDV(self, dvName, ptSetName=None, u=None, scale=None, prependName=True): """ Add composite DVs. Note that this is essentially a preprocessing call which only works in serial at the moment. Parameters ---------- dvName : str The name of the composite DVs ptSetName : str, optional If the matrices need to be computed, then a point set must be specified, by default None u : ndarray, optional The u matrix used for the composite DV, by default None scale : float or ndarray, optional The scaling applied to this DV, by default None prependName : bool Flag to determine if attribute is prepended to this DV name. The attribute of DVGeo objects can be useful when there are several DVGeo objects kicking around. One example use case for this is when we have multiple child DVGeos. In this case, initializing all children DVGeos with the name kwarg helps with bookkeeping; however, if the name attribute is not None, the default behavior is to modify DV names such that the DVGeo's name is prepended to the user provided name. For backwards compatability, this behavior is maintained, but can be disabled by setting the prependName argument to False. """ NDV = self.getNDV() if is not None and prependName: dvName = f"{}_{dvName}" if u is not None: # we are after a square matrix if u.shape != (NDV, NDV): raise ValueError(f"The shapes don't match! Got shape = {u.shape} but NDV = {NDV}") if scale is None: raise ValueError("If u is provided, then scale must also be provided.") s = None else: if ptSetName is None: raise ValueError("If u and s need to be computed, you must specify the ptSetName") self.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName) J_full = self.JT[ptSetName].toarray() # this is in CSR format but we convert it to a dense matrix u, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(J_full, full_matrices=False) scale = np.sqrt(s) # normalize the scaling scale = scale * (NDV / np.sum(scale)) # map the initial design variable values # we do this manually instead of calling self.mapVecToComp # because self.DVComposite.u isn't available yet values = u.T @ self.convertDictToSensitivity(self.getValues()) self.DVComposite = geoDVComposite(dvName, values, NDV, u, scale=scale, s=s) self.useComposite = True
[docs] def addShapeFunctionDV( self, dvName, shapes, lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, config=None, prependName=True, ): """ Add shape function design variables to the DVGeometry. Shape functions contain displacement vectors for one or more FFD control points and can be used to define design variables that move a set of control points together according to some shape function determined by the user. Parameters ---------- dvName : str A unique name to be given to this design variable group shapes : list of dictionaries, or a single dictionary If a single dictionary is provided, it will be converted to a list with a single entry. The dictionaries in the list provide the shape functions for each DV; so a list with N dictionaries will result in N DVs. The dictionary keys are global point indices, and the values are 3d numpy arrays that prescribe the direction of the shape function displacement for that node. The magnitudes of the arrays determine how much the FFD point moves with a unit change in the DV. If an FFD point is controlled by multiple shape DVs, the changes from each shape function is superposed in the order shape functions are sorted in the list. The order of the shape functions does not matter because the final control point location only depends on the shapes and magnitude of the DV. However, the order of the shapes must be consistent across processors when running in parallel. lower : float, or array size (N) The lower bound for the variable(s). If a single float is provided, it will be applied to all shape variables. If an array is provided, it will be applied to each individual shape function. upper : float, or array size (N) The upper bound for the variable(s). If a single float is provided, it will be applied to all shape variables. If an array is provided, it will be applied to each individual shape function. scale : float, or array size (N) The scaling of the variables. A good approximate scale to start with is approximately 1.0/(upper-lower). This gives variables that are of order ~1.0. If a single value is provided, it will be applied to all shape functions. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. prependName : bool Flag to determine if attribute is prepended to this DV name. The attribute of DVGeo objects can be useful when there are several DVGeo objects kicking around. One example use case for this is when we have multiple child DVGeos. In this case, initializing all children DVGeos with the name kwarg helps with bookkeeping; however, if the name attribute is not None, the default behavior is to modify DV names such that the DVGeo's name is prepended to the user provided name. For backwards compatability, this behavior is maintained, but can be disabled by setting the prependName argument to False. Returns ------- N : int The number of design variables added. Examples -------- We can add two shape functions as follows. The first shape moves the FFD control points on indices 0,0,0 and 0,0,1 together in the +y direction. A value of 1.0 for this DV will result in these points moving by 1 distance unit. The second shape moves the point at 1,0,0 in the same direction and two other points at 1,0,1 and 2,0,1 in the same direction but by half the magnitude. >>> lidx = DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0) >>> dir_up = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) >>> shape_1 = {lidx[0, 0, 0]: dir_up, lidx[0, 0, 1]: dir_up} >>> shape_2 = {lidx[1, 0, 0]: dir_up, lidx[1, 0, 1]: dir_up * 0.5, lidx[2, 0, 1]: dir_up * 0.5, } >>> shapes = [shape_1, shape_2] >>> DVGeo.addShapeFunctionDV("shape_func", shapes) """ if is not None and prependName: dvName = + "_" + dvName if isinstance(config, str): config = [config] # convert the input shapes to a list if a single dictionary is provided. if isinstance(shapes, dict): shapes = [shapes] # this is treated the same way as local DVs self.DV_listLocal[dvName] = geoDVShapeFunc(dvName, shapes, lower, upper, scale, config) return self.DV_listLocal[dvName].nVal
[docs] def getSymmetricCoefList(self, volList=None, pointSelect=None, tol=1e-8, getSymmPlane=False): """ Determine the pairs of coefs that need to be constrained for symmetry. Parameters ---------- volList : list Use the control points on the volume indices given in volList pointSelect : pointSelect object. Default is None Use a pointSelect object to select a subset of the total number of control points. See the documentation for the pointSelect class in geo_utils. tol : float Tolerance for ignoring nodes around the symmetry plane. These should be merged by the network/connectivity anyway getSymmPlane : bool If this flag is set to True, we also return the points on the symmetry plane for all volumes. e.g. a reduced point on the symmetry plane with the same indices on both volumes will show up as the same value in both arrays. This is useful when determining the indices to ignore when adding pointsets. The default behavior will not include the points exactly on the symmetry plane. this is more useful for adding them as linear constraints Returns ------- indSetA : list of ints One half of the coefs to be constrained indSetB : list of ints Other half of the coefs to be constrained """ if self.FFD.symmPlane is None: # nothing to be done indSetA = [] indSetB = [] else: # get the direction of the symmetry plane if self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "x": index = 0 elif self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "y": index = 1 elif self.FFD.symmPlane.lower() == "z": index = 2 # get the points to be matched up if pointSelect is not None: pts, ind = pointSelect.getPoints(self.FFD.coef) elif volList is not None: volListTmp = [] for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol) for vol in volList: volListTmp.append(vol + self.FFD.nVol // 2) volList = volListTmp volList = np.atleast_1d(volList).astype("int") ind = [] for iVol in volList: ind.extend(self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].flatten()) ind = geo_utils.unique(ind) pts = self.FFD.coef[ind] else: # Just take'em all ind = np.arange(len(self.FFD.coef)) pts = self.FFD.coef # Create the base points for the KD tree search. We will take the abs # value of the symmetry direction, that way when we search we will get # back index pairs which is what we want. baseCoords = copy.copy(pts) baseCoords[:, index] = abs(baseCoords[:, index]) # now use the baseCoords to create a KD tree # so we can use it to find the unique nodes tree = cKDTree(baseCoords) # Now search through the +ve half of the points, ignoring anything within # tol of the symmetry plane to find pairs indSetA = [] indSetB = [] for pt in pts: if pt[index] > tol: # Now find any matching nodes within tol. there should be 2 and # only 2 if the mesh is symmetric Ind = tree.query_ball_point(pt, tol) # should this be a separate tol if len(Ind) == 2: # check which point is on which side if pts[Ind[0], index] > 0: # first one is on the primary side indSetA.append(Ind[0]) indSetB.append(Ind[1]) else: # flip the order indSetA.append(Ind[1]) indSetB.append(Ind[0]) else: raise Error("more than 2 coefs found that match pt") elif (abs(pt[index]) < tol) and getSymmPlane: # this point is on the symmetry plane # if everything went right so far, this should return only one point Ind = tree.query_ball_point(pt, tol) if len(Ind) == 1: indSetA.append(Ind[0]) indSetB.append(Ind[0]) else: raise Error("more than 1 coefs found that match pt on symmetry plane") return indSetA, indSetB
[docs] def setDesignVars(self, dvDict): """ Standard routine for setting design variables from a design variable dictionary. Parameters ---------- dvDict : dict Dictionary of design variables. The keys of the dictionary must correspond to the design variable names. Any additional keys in the dictionary are simply ignored. """ # Coefficients must be complexifed from here on if complex if self.complex: self._finalize() self._complexifyCoef() if self.useComposite: dvDict = self.mapXDictToDVGeo(dvDict) def _checkArrLength(key, nIn, nRef): if nIn != nRef: raise Error( f"Incorrect number of design variables for DV: {key}.\n" + f"Expecting {nRef} variables but received {nIn}" ) for key in dvDict: if key in self.DV_listGlobal: vals_to_set = np.atleast_1d(dvDict[key]).astype("D") _checkArrLength(key, len(vals_to_set), self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal) self.DV_listGlobal[key].value = vals_to_set if key in self.DV_listLocal: vals_to_set = np.atleast_1d(dvDict[key]).astype("D") _checkArrLength(key, len(vals_to_set), self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal) self.DV_listLocal[key].value = vals_to_set if key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: vals_to_set = np.atleast_1d(dvDict[key]).astype("D") _checkArrLength(key, len(vals_to_set), self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal) self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value = vals_to_set if key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: vals_to_set = np.atleast_1d(dvDict[key]).astype("D") _checkArrLength(key, len(vals_to_set), self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal) self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value = vals_to_set # Jacobians are, in general, no longer up to date self.zeroJacobians(self.ptSetNames) # Flag all the pointSets as not being up to date: for pointSet in self.updated: self.updated[pointSet] = False # also flag the dCoefdDV as out of date self.dCoefdDVUpdated = False # Now call setValues on the children. This way the # variables will be set on the children for child in self.children.values(): child.setDesignVars(dvDict)
[docs] def zeroJacobians(self, ptSetNames): """ set stored jacobians to None for ptSetNames Parameters ---------- ptSetNames : list list of ptSetNames to zero the jacobians. """ for name in ptSetNames: self.JT[name] = None # J is no longer up to date
[docs] def getValues(self): """ Generic routine to return the current set of design variables. Values are returned in a dictionary format that would be suitable for a subsequent call to :func:`setDesignVars` Returns ------- dvDict : dict Dictionary of design variables """ dvDict = {} for key in self.DV_listGlobal: dvDict[key] = self.DV_listGlobal[key].value # and now the local DVs for key in self.DV_listLocal: dvDict[key] = self.DV_listLocal[key].value # and now the section local DVs for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: dvDict[key] = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value # and now the Spanwise local DVs for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dvDict[key] = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value # Now call getValues on the children. This way the # returned dictionary will include the variables from # the children for child in self.children.values(): childdvDict = child.getValues() dvDict.update(childdvDict) if self.useComposite: dvDict = self.mapXDictToComp(dvDict) # cast DVs to real if we are in real mode if not self.complex: for key, val in dvDict.items(): dvDict[key] = val.real return dvDict
[docs] def extractCoef(self, axisID): """Extract the coefficients for the selected reference axis. This should be used only inside design variable functions""" axisNumber = self._getAxisNumber(axisID) C = np.zeros((len(self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber]), 3), self.coef.dtype) C[:, 0] = np.take(self.coef[:, 0], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber]) C[:, 1] = np.take(self.coef[:, 1], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber]) C[:, 2] = np.take(self.coef[:, 2], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber]) return C
[docs] def restoreCoef(self, coef, axisID): """Restore the coefficients for the selected reference axis. This should be used inside design variable functions""" # Reset axisNumber = self._getAxisNumber(axisID) np.put(self.coef[:, 0], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber], coef[:, 0]) np.put(self.coef[:, 1], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber], coef[:, 1]) np.put(self.coef[:, 2], self.refAxis.topo.lIndex[axisNumber], coef[:, 2])
[docs] def extractS(self, axisID): """Extract the parametric positions of the control points. This is usually used in conjunction with extractCoef()""" axisNumber = self._getAxisNumber(axisID) return self.refAxis.curves[axisNumber].s.copy()
def _getAxisNumber(self, axisID): """Get the sequential axis number from the name tag axisID""" try: return list(self.axis.keys()).index(axisID) except IndexError as e: raise Error("'The 'axisID' was invalid!") from e
[docs] def updateCalculations(self, new_pts, isComplex, config): """ The core update routine. pulled out here to eliminate duplication between update and update_deriv. """ if self.isChild: # If this is a child, update the links between the ref axis and the # coefficients on the nested FFD now that the nested FFD has been # moved. # **Important**: this expects the FFD coef to be clean on this level, # meaning that the only changes to FFD.coef can be coming from # higher levels. # just use complex dtype here. we will convert to real in the end self.links_x = self.links_x.astype("D") for ipt in range(self.nPtAttach): base_pt = self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) self.links_x[ipt] = self.FFD.coef[self.ptAttachInd[ipt], :] - base_pt # Run Global Design Vars for key in self.DV_listGlobal: self.DV_listGlobal[key](self, config) # update the reference axis now that the new global vars have been run self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() for ipt in range(self.nPtAttach): base_pt = self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) # Variables for rotType = 0 rotation + scaling ang = self.axis[self.curveIDNames[ipt]]["rot0ang"] ax_dir = self.axis[self.curveIDNames[ipt]]["rot0axis"] scale = self.scale[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) scale_x = self.scale_x[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) scale_y = self.scale_y[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) scale_z = self.scale_z[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) rotType = self.axis[self.curveIDNames[ipt]]["rotType"] if rotType == 0: bp_ = np.copy(base_pt) # copy of original pointset - will not be rotated deriv = self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[ipt]].getDerivative(self.links_s[ipt]) deriv /= geo_utils.euclideanNorm(deriv) # Normalize new_vec = -np.cross(deriv, self.links_n[ipt]) if isComplex: new_pts[ipt] = bp_ + new_vec * scale # using "unrotated" bp_ vector else: new_pts[ipt] = np.real(bp_ + new_vec * scale) if isinstance(ang, (float, int)): # rotation active only if a non-default value is provided ang *= np.pi / 180 # conv to [rad] # Rotating the FFD according to inputs to be aligned with main sys ref nv_ = np.copy(new_vec) new_vec = geo_utils.rotVbyW(nv_, ax_dir, ang) # Apply scaling new_vec[0] *= scale_x new_vec[1] *= scale_y new_vec[2] *= scale_z if isinstance(ang, (float, int)): # Rotating back the scaled pointset to its original position nv_rot = np.copy(new_vec) # nv_rot is scaled and rotated new_vec = geo_utils.rotVbyW(nv_rot, ax_dir, -ang) new_vec = geo_utils.rotVbyW( new_vec, deriv, self.rot_theta[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) * np.pi / 180 ) if isComplex: new_pts[ipt] = bp_ + new_vec else: new_pts[ipt] = np.real(bp_ + new_vec) else: rotX = geo_utils.rotxM(self.rot_x[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt])) rotY = geo_utils.rotyM(self.rot_y[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt])) rotZ = geo_utils.rotzM(self.rot_z[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt])) D = self.links_x[ipt] rotM = self._getRotMatrix(rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotType) # if necessary, assign rotation matrix for each ffd coef if self.coefRotM is not None: attachedPoint = self.ptAttachInd[ipt] if isComplex: self.coefRotM[attachedPoint] = rotM else: self.coefRotM[attachedPoint] = np.real(rotM) D =, D) if rotType == 7: # only apply the theta rotations in certain cases deriv = self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[ipt]].getDerivative(self.links_s[ipt]) deriv /= geo_utils.euclideanNorm(deriv) # Normalize D = geo_utils.rotVbyW( D, deriv, np.pi / 180 * self.rot_theta[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt]) ) elif rotType == 8: varname = self.axis[self.curveIDNames[ipt]]["rotAxisVar"] slVar = self.DV_listSectionLocal[varname] attachedPoint = self.ptAttachInd[ipt] W = slVar.sectionTransform[slVar.sectionLink[attachedPoint]][:, 2] D = geo_utils.rotVbyW(D, W, np.pi / 180 * self.rot_theta[self.curveIDNames[ipt]](self.links_s[ipt])) D[0] *= scale_x D[1] *= scale_y D[2] *= scale_z if isComplex: new_pts[ipt] = base_pt + D * scale else: new_pts[ipt] = np.real(base_pt + D * scale)
[docs] def update(self, ptSetName, childDelta=True, config=None): """ This is the main routine for returning coordinates that have been updated by design variables. Parameters ---------- ptSetName : str Name of point-set to return. This must match ones of the given in an :func:`addPointSet()` call. childDelta : bool Return updates on child as a delta. The user should not need to ever change this parameter. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. """ self.curPtSet = ptSetName # We've postponed things as long as we the finalization. self._finalize() # Make sure coefficients are complex self._complexifyCoef() # Set all coef Values back to initial values if not self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = self.origFFDCoef.copy() self._setInitialValues() for childName, child in self.children.items(): if len(child.axis) > 0: child._finalize() refaxis_ptSetName = f"{childName}_axis" if refaxis_ptSetName not in self.FFD.embeddedVolumes: self.FFD.attachPoints(child.refAxis.coef, refaxis_ptSetName) self.FFD.calcdPtdCoef(f"{childName}_axis") else: for childName, child in self.children.items(): if len(child.axis) > 0: refaxis_ptSetName = f"{childName}_axis" if refaxis_ptSetName not in self.FFD.embeddedVolumes: raise Error( f"refaxis {refaxis_ptSetName} cannot be added to child FFD after child is appended to parent" ) # Update all coef self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Evaluate starting pointset Xstart = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(ptSetName) if self.complex: # Now we have to propagate the complex part through Xstart tempCoef = self.FFD.coef.copy().astype("D") Xstart = Xstart.astype("D") imag_part = np.imag(tempCoef) imag_j = 1j dPtdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef if dPtdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): Xstart[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) # Step 1: Call all the design variables IFF we have ref axis: if len(self.axis) > 0: if self.complex: new_pts = np.zeros((self.nPtAttach, 3), "D") else: new_pts = np.zeros((self.nPtAttach, 3), "d") # Apply the global design variables self.updateCalculations(new_pts, isComplex=self.complex, config=config) # Put the update FFD points in their proper place temp = np.real(new_pts) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, temp[:, 0]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, temp[:, 1]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, temp[:, 2]) # Now add in the spanwise local DVs for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, config) # Now add in the section local DVs for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: self.DV_listSectionLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) # Now add in the local DVs for key in self.DV_listLocal: self.DV_listLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, config) # Update all coef self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Evaluate coordinates from the parent Xfinal = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(ptSetName) # Propagate the complex part through the volume artificially if self.complex: # Above, we only took the real part of the coef because # _updateVolumeCoef gets rid of it anyway. Here, we need to include # the complex part because we want to propagate it through tempCoef = self.FFD.coef.copy().astype("D") if len(self.axis) > 0: np.put(tempCoef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 0]) np.put(tempCoef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 1]) np.put(tempCoef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 2]) # Apply just the complex part of the local variables for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].updateComplex(tempCoef, config) for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].updateComplex(tempCoef, self.coefRotM, config) for key in self.DV_listLocal: self.DV_listLocal[key].updateComplex(tempCoef, config) Xfinal = Xfinal.astype("D") imag_part = np.imag(tempCoef) imag_j = 1j dPtdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef if dPtdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): Xfinal[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) # Now loop over the children set the FFD and refAxis control # points as evaluated from the parent for childName, child in self.children.items(): child._finalize() self.applyToChild(childName) if self.complex: # need to propagate the sensitivity to the children Xfinal here to do this # correctly child._complexifyCoef() child.FFD.coef = child.FFD.coef.astype("D") dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef if dXrefdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): child.coef[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) if dCcdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): child.FFD.coef[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) child.refAxis.coef = child.coef.copy() child.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() if ptSetName in child.points: # only get this child's contribution if it is active for this pointset # we don't skip the other computations for consistency Xfinal += child.update(ptSetName, childDelta=True, config=config) self._unComplexifyCoef() # Finally flag this pointSet as being up to date: self.updated[ptSetName] = True if self.isChild and childDelta: return Xfinal - Xstart else: # we only check if we need to apply the coordinate transformation # and move the pointset to the reference frame of the application, # if this is the last pygeo in the chain if ptSetName in self.coordXfer: Xfinal = self.coordXfer[ptSetName](Xfinal, mode="fwd", applyDisplacement=True) return Xfinal
[docs] def applyToChild(self, childName): """ This function is used to apply the changes in the parent FFD to the child FFD points and child reference axis points. """ child = self.children[childName] # Set FFD points and reference axis points from parent child.FFD.coef = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(f"{childName}_coef") child.coef = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(f"{childName}_axis") # Update the reference axes on the child child.refAxis.coef = child.coef.copy() child.refAxis._updateCurveCoef()
[docs] def convertSensitivityToDict(self, dIdx, out1D=False, useCompositeNames=False): """ This function takes the result of totalSensitivity and converts it to a dict for use in pyOptSparse Parameters ---------- dIdx : array Flattened array of length getNDV(). Generally it comes from a call to totalSensitivity() out1D : boolean If true, creates a 1D array in the dictionary instead of 2D. This function is used in the matrix-vector product calculation. useCompositeNames : boolean Whether the sensitivity dIdx is with respect to the composite DVs or the original DVGeo DVs. If False, the returned dictionary will have keys corresponding to the original set of geometric DVs. If True, the returned dictionary will have replace those with a single key corresponding to the composite DV name. Returns ------- dIdxDict : dictionary Dictionary of the same information keyed by this object's design variables """ # compute the various DV offsets DVCountGlobal, DVCountLocal, DVCountSecLoc, DVCountSpanLoc = self._getDVOffsets() i = DVCountGlobal dIdxDict = {} for key in self.DV_listGlobal: dv = self.DV_listGlobal[key] if out1D: dIdxDict[] = np.ravel(dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal]) else: dIdxDict[] = dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountSpanLoc for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dv = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key] if out1D: dIdxDict[] = np.ravel(dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal]) else: dIdxDict[] = dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountSecLoc for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: dv = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key] if out1D: dIdxDict[] = np.ravel(dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal]) else: dIdxDict[] = dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountLocal for key in self.DV_listLocal: dv = self.DV_listLocal[key] if out1D: dIdxDict[] = np.ravel(dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal]) else: dIdxDict[] = dIdx[:, i : i + dv.nVal] i += dv.nVal # Add in child portion for child in self.children.values(): childdIdx = child.convertSensitivityToDict(dIdx, out1D=out1D, useCompositeNames=useCompositeNames) # update the total sensitivities with the derivatives from the child for key in childdIdx: if key in dIdxDict.keys(): dIdxDict[key] += childdIdx[key] else: dIdxDict[key] = childdIdx[key] # replace other names with user if useCompositeNames and self.useComposite: array = [] for _key, val in dIdxDict.items(): array.append(val) array = np.hstack(array) dIdxDict = { array} return dIdxDict
[docs] def convertDictToSensitivity(self, dIdxDict): """ This function performs the reverse operation of convertSensitivityToDict(); it transforms the dictionary back into an array. This function is important for the matrix-free interface. Parameters ---------- dIdxDict : dictionary Dictionary of information keyed by this object's design variables Returns ------- dIdx : array Flattened array of length getNDV(). """ DVCountGlobal, DVCountLocal, DVCountSecLoc, DVCountSpanLoc = self._getDVOffsets() dIdx = np.zeros(self.nDV_T, self.dtype) i = DVCountGlobal for key in self.DV_listGlobal: dv = self.DV_listGlobal[key] dIdx[i : i + dv.nVal] = dIdxDict[] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountLocal for key in self.DV_listLocal: dv = self.DV_listLocal[key] dIdx[i : i + dv.nVal] = dIdxDict[] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountSecLoc for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: dv = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key] dIdx[i : i + dv.nVal] = dIdxDict[] i += dv.nVal i = DVCountSpanLoc for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dv = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key] dIdx[i : i + dv.nVal] = dIdxDict[] i += dv.nVal # Note: not sure if this works with (multiple) sibling child FFDs for child in self.children.values(): childdIdx = child.convertDictToSensitivity(dIdxDict) # update the total sensitivities with the derivatives from the child dIdx += childdIdx return dIdx
[docs] def getVarNames(self, pyOptSparse=False): """ Return a list of the design variable names. This is typically used when specifying a wrt= argument for pyOptSparse. Parameters ---------- pyOptSparse : bool Flag to specify whether the DVs returned should be those in the optProb or those internal to DVGeo. Only relevant if using composite DVs. Examples -------- optProb.addCon(.....wrt=DVGeo.getVarNames()) """ if not pyOptSparse or not self.useComposite: names = list(self.DV_listGlobal.keys()) names.extend(list(self.DV_listLocal.keys())) names.extend(list(self.DV_listSectionLocal.keys())) names.extend(list(self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal.keys())) else: names = [] # Call the children recursively for child in self.children.values(): names.extend(child.getVarNames()) return names
[docs] def totalSensitivity(self, dIdpt, ptSetName, comm=None, config=None): r""" This function computes sensitivity information. Specifically, it computes the following: :math:`\frac{dX_{pt}}{dX_{DV}}^T \frac{dI}{d_{pt}}` Parameters ---------- dIdpt : array of size (Npt, 3) or (N, Npt, 3) This is the total derivative of the objective or function of interest with respect to the coordinates in 'ptSetName'. This can be a single array of size (Npt, 3) **or** a group of N vectors of size (Npt, 3, N). If you have many to do, it is faster to do many at once. ptSetName : str The name of set of points we are dealing with comm : MPI.IntraComm The communicator to use to reduce the final derivative. If comm is None, no reduction takes place. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. Returns ------- dIdxDict : dic The dictionary containing the derivatives, suitable for pyOptSparse Notes ----- The ``child`` and ``nDVStore`` options are only used internally and should not be changed by the user. """ # Make dIdpt at least 3D if len(dIdpt.shape) == 2: dIdpt = np.array([dIdpt]) N = dIdpt.shape[0] # apply the coordinate transformation on dIdpt if this pointset has it. if ptSetName in self.coordXfer: # loop over functions for ifunc in range(N): # its important to remember that dIdpt are vector-like values, # so we don't apply the transformations and only the rotations! dIdpt[ifunc] = self.coordXfer[ptSetName](dIdpt[ifunc], mode="bwd", applyDisplacement=False) # generate the total Jacobian self.JT self.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName, config=config) # now that we have self.JT compute the Mat-Mat multiplication nDV = self._getNDV() dIdx_local = np.zeros((N, nDV), "d") for i in range(N): if self.JT[ptSetName] is not None: dIdx_local[i, :] = self.JT[ptSetName].dot(dIdpt[i, :, :].flatten()) if comm: # If we have a comm, globaly reduce with sum dIdx = comm.allreduce(dIdx_local, op=MPI.SUM) else: dIdx = dIdx_local if self.useComposite: dIdx = self.mapSensToComp(dIdx) # Now convert to dict: dIdx = self.convertSensitivityToDict(dIdx, useCompositeNames=True) return dIdx
[docs] def totalSensitivityProd(self, vec, ptSetName, config=None): r""" This function computes sensitivity information. Specifically, it computes the following: :math:`\frac{dX_{pt}}{dX_{DV}} \times\mathrm{vec}` This is useful for forward AD mode. Parameters ---------- vec : dictionary whose keys are the design variable names, and whose values are the derivative seeds of the corresponding design variable. ptSetName : str The name of set of points we are dealing with config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. Returns ------- xsdot : array (Nx3) -> Array with derivative seeds of the surface nodes. """ self.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName, config=config) # This computes and updates self.JT names = self.getVarNames() newvec = np.zeros(self.getNDV(), self.dtype) i = 0 missingVars = set(names) # set of variables to find in this DVGeo or its children for vecKey in vec: # check if the seed DV is actually a design variable for the DVGeo object if vecKey not in names: raise Error(f"{vecKey} is not a design variable, the full list is:{names}") DVGeoList = self.getFlattenedChildren() # iterate over parent and children/grandchildren FFDs for geoObj in DVGeoList: for key in names: if key in geoObj.DV_listGlobal: dv = geoObj.DV_listGlobal[key] missingVars.discard(key) # remove DV from missing list, if present elif key in geoObj.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dv = geoObj.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key] missingVars.discard(key) elif key in geoObj.DV_listSectionLocal: dv = geoObj.DV_listSectionLocal[key] missingVars.discard(key) elif key in geoObj.DV_listLocal: dv = geoObj.DV_listLocal[key] missingVars.discard(key) else: continue if key in vec: newvec[i : i + dv.nVal] = vec[key] # Update the DV vector with the seed i += dv.nVal # update the starting position in the vector update for the next key if missingVars: # if a DV name is listed by getVarNames() but was not found in the previous loop then something is wrong... raise Error(f"The following DV did not belong to any DVGeo object: {missingVars}") # perform the product if self.JT[ptSetName] is None: xsdot = np.zeros((0, 3)) else: xsdot = self.JT[ptSetName] xsdot.reshape(len(xsdot) // 3, 3) # check if we have a coordinate transformation on this ptset if ptSetName in self.coordXfer: # its important to remember that dIdpt are vector-like values, # so we don't apply the transformations and only the rotations! xsdot = self.coordXfer[ptSetName](xsdot, mode="fwd", applyDisplacement=False) # Maybe this should be: # xsdot = xsdot.reshape(len(xsdot)//3, 3) return xsdot
[docs] def totalSensitivityTransProd(self, vec, ptSetName, config=None): r""" This function computes sensitivity information. Specifically, it computes the following: :math:`\frac{dX_{pt}}{dX_{DV}}^T \times\mathrm{vec}` This is useful for reverse AD mode. Parameters ---------- dIdpt : array of size (Npt, 3) or (N, Npt, 3) This is the total derivative of the objective or function of interest with respect to the coordinates in 'ptSetName'. This can be a single array of size (Npt, 3) **or** a group of N vectors of size (Npt, 3, N). If you have many to do, it is faster to do many at once. ptSetName : str The name of set of points we are dealing with comm : MPI.IntraComm The communicator to use to reduce the final derivative. If comm is None, no reduction takes place. config : str or list Define what configurations this design variable will be applied to Use a string for a single configuration or a list for multiple configurations. The default value of None implies that the design variable applies to *ALL* configurations. Returns ------- dIdxDict : dic The dictionary containing the derivatives, suitable for pyOptSparse Notes ----- The ``child`` and ``nDVStore`` options are only used internally and should not be changed by the user. """ self.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName, config=config) # perform the product if self.JT[ptSetName] is None: xsdot = np.zeros((0, 3)) else: # check if we have a coordinate transformation on this ptset if ptSetName in self.coordXfer: # its important to remember that dIdpt are vector-like values, # so we don't apply the transformations and only the rotations! vec = self.coordXfer[ptSetName](vec, mode="bwd", applyDisplacement=False) xsdot = self.JT[ptSetName].dot(np.ravel(vec)) # Pack result into dictionary xsdict = {} names = self.getVarNames() i = 0 for key in names: if key in self.DV_listGlobal: dv = self.DV_listGlobal[key] elif key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dv = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key] elif key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: dv = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key] else: dv = self.DV_listLocal[key] xsdict[key] = xsdot[i : i + dv.nVal] i += dv.nVal return xsdict
[docs] def computeDVJacobian(self, config=None): """ return dCoefdDV for a given config """ # if dCoefdDV is not out of date, return immediately if self.dCoefdDVUpdated: return self.dCoefdDV # These routines are not recursive. They compute the derivatives at this level and # pass information down one level for the next pass call from the routine above # This is going to be DENSE in general J_attach = self._attachedPtJacobian(config=config) # Compute local normal jacobian J_spanwiselocal = self._spanwiselocalDVJacobian(config=config) # Compute local normal jacobian J_sectionlocal = self._sectionlocalDVJacobian(config=config) # This is the sparse jacobian for the local DVs that affect # Control points directly. J_local = self._localDVJacobian(config=config) # this is the jacobian from accumulated derivative dependence from parent to child J_casc = self._cascadedDVJacobian(config=config) dCoefdDV = None # add them together if J_attach is not None: dCoefdDV = sparse.lil_matrix(J_attach) if J_spanwiselocal is not None: if dCoefdDV is None: dCoefdDV = sparse.lil_matrix(J_spanwiselocal) else: dCoefdDV += J_spanwiselocal if J_sectionlocal is not None: if dCoefdDV is None: dCoefdDV = sparse.lil_matrix(J_sectionlocal) else: dCoefdDV += J_sectionlocal if J_local is not None: if dCoefdDV is None: dCoefdDV = sparse.lil_matrix(J_local) else: dCoefdDV += J_local if J_casc is not None: if dCoefdDV is None: dCoefdDV = sparse.lil_matrix(J_casc) else: dCoefdDV += J_casc self.dCoefdDV = dCoefdDV self.dCoefdDVUpdated = True return dCoefdDV
[docs] def computeTotalJacobian(self, ptSetName, config=None): """Return the total point jacobian in CSR format since we need this for TACS""" # Finalize the object, if not done yet self._finalize() self.curPtSet = ptSetName if self.JT[ptSetName] is not None: return # compute the derivatives of the coefficients of this level wrt all of the design # variables at this level and all levels above dCoefdDV = self.computeDVJacobian(config=config) # now get the derivative of the points for this level wrt the coefficients(dPtdCoef) if self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef is not None: dPtdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef.tocoo() # We have a slight problem...dPtdCoef only has the shape # functions, so it size Npt x Coef. We need a matrix of # size 3*Npt x 3*nCoef, where each non-zero entry of # dPtdCoef is replaced by value * 3x3 Identity matrix. # Extract IJV Triplet from dPtdCoef row = dPtdCoef.row col = dPtdCoef.col data = new_row = np.zeros(3 * len(row), "int") new_col = np.zeros(3 * len(row), "int") new_data = np.zeros(3 * len(row)) # Loop over each entry and expand: for j in range(3): new_data[j::3] = data new_row[j::3] = row * 3 + j new_col[j::3] = col * 3 + j # Size of New Matrix: Nrow = dPtdCoef.shape[0] * 3 Ncol = dPtdCoef.shape[1] * 3 # Create new matrix in coo-dinate format and convert to csr new_dPtdCoef = sparse.coo_matrix((new_data, (new_row, new_col)), shape=(Nrow, Ncol)).tocsr() # Do Sparse Mat-Mat multiplication and resort indices if dCoefdDV is not None: self.JT[ptSetName] = (dCoefdDV.T * new_dPtdCoef.T).tocsr() self.JT[ptSetName].sort_indices() # Add in child portion for childName, child in self.children.items(): # Reset control points on child for child link derivatives self.applyToChild(childName) if ptSetName in child.points: child.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName, config=config) if self.JT[ptSetName] is not None: self.JT[ptSetName] = self.JT[ptSetName] + child.JT[ptSetName] else: self.JT[ptSetName] = child.JT[ptSetName] else: self.JT[ptSetName] = None
[docs] def computeTotalJacobianCS(self, ptSetName, config=None): """Return the total point jacobian in CSR format since we need this for TACS""" self._finalize() self.curPtSet = ptSetName if self.JT[ptSetName] is not None: return if self.isChild: refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.FFD.coef) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef) if self.nPts[ptSetName] is None: self.nPts[ptSetName] = len(self.update(ptSetName).flatten()) for child in self.children.values(): child.nPts[ptSetName] = self.nPts[ptSetName] DVGlobalCount, DVLocalCount, DVSecLocCount, DVSpanLocCount = self._getDVOffsets() h = 1e-40j self.JT[ptSetName] = np.zeros([self.nDV_T, self.nPts[ptSetName]]) self._complexifyCoef() for key in self.DV_listGlobal: for j in range(self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] += h deriv = np.imag(self._update_deriv_cs(ptSetName, config=config).flatten()) / np.imag(h) self.JT[ptSetName][DVGlobalCount, :] = deriv DVGlobalCount += 1 self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] = refVal self._unComplexifyCoef() for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] += h deriv = np.imag(self._update_deriv_cs(ptSetName, config=config).flatten()) / np.imag(h) self.JT[ptSetName][DVSpanLocCount, :] = deriv DVSpanLocCount += 1 self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] += h deriv = np.imag(self._update_deriv_cs(ptSetName, config=config).flatten()) / np.imag(h) self.JT[ptSetName][DVSecLocCount, :] = deriv DVSecLocCount += 1 self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] += h deriv = np.imag(self._update_deriv_cs(ptSetName, config=config).flatten()) / np.imag(h) self.JT[ptSetName][DVLocalCount, :] = deriv DVLocalCount += 1 self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for childName, child in self.children.items(): child._finalize() # In the updates applied previously, the FFD points on the children # will have been set as deltas. We need to set them as absolute # coordinates based on the changes in the parent before moving down # to the next level self.applyToChild(childName) # Now get jacobian from child and add to parent jacobian child.computeTotalJacobianCS(ptSetName, config=config) self.JT[ptSetName] = self.JT[ptSetName] + child.JT[ptSetName]
[docs] def addVariablesPyOpt( self, optProb, globalVars=True, localVars=True, sectionlocalVars=True, spanwiselocalVars=True, ignoreVars=None, freezeVars=None, ): """ Add the current set of variables to the optProb object. Parameters ---------- optProb : pyOpt_optimization class Optimization problem definition to which variables are added globalVars : bool Flag specifying whether global variables are to be added localVars : bool Flag specifying whether local variables are to be added sectionlocalVars : bool Flag specifying whether section local variables are to be added spanwiselocalVars : bool Flag specifying whether spanwiselocal variables are to be added ignoreVars : list of strings List of design variables the user doesn't want to use as optimization variables. freezeVars : list of string List of design variables the user wants to add as optimization variables, but to have the lower and upper bounds set at the current variable. This effectively eliminates the variable, but it the variable is still part of the optimization. """ if ignoreVars is None: ignoreVars = set() if freezeVars is None: freezeVars = set() # Add design variables from the master: varLists = OrderedDict( [ ("globalVars", self.DV_listGlobal), ("localVars", self.DV_listLocal), ("sectionlocalVars", self.DV_listSectionLocal), ("spanwiselocalVars", self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal), ] ) # we add the composite DVs, and construct linear constraints that replace the existing bounds # then we simply return without adding any of the other DVs if self.useComposite: dv = self.DVComposite optProb.addVarGroup(, dv.nVal, "c", value=dv.value.real, lower=dv.lower, upper=dv.upper, scale=dv.scale ) # add the linear DV constraints that replace the existing bounds! # Note that we assume all DVs are added here, i.e. no ignoreVars or any of the vars = False if len(ignoreVars) != 0: warnings.warn("Use of ignoreVars is incompatible with composite DVs", stacklevel=2) lb = {} ub = {} for lst in varLists: for key in varLists[lst]: dv = varLists[lst][key] lb[key] = dv.lower ub[key] = dv.upper lb = self.convertDictToSensitivity(lb) ub = self.convertDictToSensitivity(ub) optProb.addConGroup( f"{}_con", self.getNDV(), lower=lb, upper=ub, scale=1.0, linear=True,, jac={ self.DVComposite.u}, ) return for lst in varLists: if ( lst == "globalVars" and globalVars or lst == "localVars" and localVars or lst == "sectionlocalVars" and sectionlocalVars or lst == "spanwiselocalVars" and spanwiselocalVars ): for key in varLists[lst]: if key not in ignoreVars: dv = varLists[lst][key] if key not in freezeVars: optProb.addVarGroup(, dv.nVal, "c", value=dv.value.real, lower=dv.lower, upper=dv.upper, scale=dv.scale, ) else: optProb.addVarGroup(, dv.nVal, "c", value=dv.value.real, lower=dv.value, upper=dv.value, scale=dv.scale, ) # Add variables from the children for child in self.children.values(): child.addVariablesPyOpt( optProb, globalVars, localVars, sectionlocalVars, spanwiselocalVars, ignoreVars, freezeVars )
[docs] def writeTecplot(self, fileName, solutionTime=None): """Write the (deformed) current state of the FFD's to a tecplot file, including the children Parameters ---------- fileName : str Filename for tecplot file. Should have a .dat extension SolutionTime : float Solution time to write to the file. This could be a fictitious time to make visualization easier in tecplot. """ # Name here doesn't matter, just take the first one if len(self.points) > 0: keyToUpdate = list(self.points.keys())[0] self.update(keyToUpdate, childDelta=False) f = openTecplot(fileName, 3) vol_counter = 0 # Write master volumes: vol_counter += self._writeVols(f, vol_counter, solutionTime) closeTecplot(f) if len(self.points) > 0: self.update(keyToUpdate, childDelta=True)
[docs] def writeRefAxes(self, fileName): """Write the (deformed) current state of the RefAxes to a tecplot file, including the children Parameters ---------- fileName : str Filename for tecplot file. Should have a no extension,an extension will be added. """ # Name here doesnt matter, just take the first one self.update(list(self.points.keys())[0], childDelta=False) gFileName = fileName + "_parent.dat" if not len(self.axis) == 0: self.refAxis.writeTecplot(gFileName, orig=True, curves=True, coef=True) # Write children axes: for childName, child in self.children.items(): cFileName = fileName + f"_{childName}.dat" child.refAxis.writeTecplot(cFileName, orig=True, curves=True, coef=True)
[docs] def writePointSet(self, name, fileName, solutionTime=None): """ Write a given point set to a tecplot file Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the point set to write to a file fileName : str Filename for tecplot file. Should have no extension, an extension will be added SolutionTime : float Solution time to write to the file. This could be a fictitious time to make visualization easier in tecplot. """ if self.isChild: raise Error('Must call "writePointSet" from parent DVGeo.') else: coords = self.update(name, childDelta=True) fileName = fileName + "_%s.dat" % name f = openTecplot(fileName, 3) writeTecplot1D(f, name, coords, solutionTime) closeTecplot(f)
[docs] def writePlot3d(self, fileName): """Write the (deformed) current state of the FFD object into a plot3D file. This file could then be used as the base-line FFD for a subsequent optimization. This function is not typically used in a regular basis, but may be useful in certain situaions, i.e. a sequence of optimizations Parameters ---------- fileName : str Filename of the plot3D file to write. Should have a .fmt file extension. """ self.FFD.writePlot3dCoef(fileName)
[docs] def updatePyGeo(self, geo, outputType, fileName, nRefU=0, nRefV=0): """Deform a pyGeo object and write to a file of specified type given the (deformed) current state of the FFD object. Parameters ---------- geo : pyGeo object A pyGeo object containing an initialized object outputType: str Type of output file to be written. Can be `iges` or `tecplot` fileName: str Filename for the output file. Should have no extension, an extension will be added nRefU: int or list of ints Number of spline refinement points to add in the surface B-Spline u-direction. If scalar, it is applied across each surface. If list, the length must match the number of surfaces in the object and corresponding entries are matched with surfaces. nRefV: int or list of ints Number of spline refinement points to add in the surface B-Spline v-direction. If scalar, it is applied across each surface. If list, the length must match the number of surfaces in the object and corresponding entries are matched with surfaces """ # Function to check if value matches a knot point # (set to 1e-12 to match pySpline mult. tolerance) def check_mult(val, knots): for iKnot in range(len(knots)): if np.isclose(val, knots[iKnot], atol=1e-12): return True return False # Refine Surface -- U-Direction if isinstance(nRefU, int): # Refine BSplines by adding knot points Refine_U = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nRefU + 2) for iSurf in range(geo.nSurf): for iX in Refine_U: if not check_mult(iX, geo.surfs[iSurf].tu): geo.surfs[iSurf].insertKnot("u", iX, 1) elif isinstance(nRefU, list): if len(nRefU) != geo.nSurf: raise RuntimeError("Length of nRefU does not match number of surfaces in object") # Refine BSplines by adding knot points for iSurf in range(geo.nSurf): Refine_U = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nRefU[iSurf] + 2) for iX in Refine_U: if not check_mult(iX, geo.surfs[iSurf].tu): geo.surfs[iSurf].insertKnot("u", iX, 1) else: raise TypeError("nRefU type not recognized, must be: integer or list of integers") # Refine Surface -- V-Direction if isinstance(nRefV, int): # Refine BSplines by adding knot points Refine_V = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nRefV + 2) for iSurf in range(geo.nSurf): for iY in Refine_V: if not check_mult(iY, geo.surfs[iSurf].tv): geo.surfs[iSurf].insertKnot("v", iY, 1) elif isinstance(nRefV, list): if len(nRefU) != geo.nSurf: raise RuntimeError("Length of nRefV does not match number of surfaces in object") # Refine BSplines by adding knot points for iSurf in range(geo.nSurf): Refine_V = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nRefV[iSurf] + 2) for iY in Refine_V: if not check_mult(iY, geo.surfs[iSurf].tv): geo.surfs[iSurf].insertKnot("v", iY, 1) else: raise TypeError("nRefV type not recognized, must be: integer or list of integers") # Update Coefficients for iSurf in range(geo.nSurf): # Add Point Sets npt = geo.surfs[iSurf].nCtlu * geo.surfs[iSurf].nCtlv self.addPointSet(geo.surfs[iSurf].coef.reshape((npt, 3)), "coef%d" % iSurf) # Update and Overwrite Old Values geo.surfs[iSurf].coef = self.update("coef%d" % iSurf).reshape(geo.surfs[iSurf].coef.shape) # Write File if outputType == "iges": geo.writeIGES(fileName + ".igs") elif outputType == "tecplot": geo.writeTecplot(fileName + ".plt") else: raise ValueError(f"Type {outputType} not recognized. Must be either 'iges' or 'tecplot'")
[docs] def getLocalIndex(self, iVol, comp=None): """Return the local index mapping that points to the global coefficient list for a given volume""" return self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol].copy()
[docs] def getFlattenedChildren(self): """ Return a flattened list of all DVGeo objects in the family hierarchy. """ flatChildren = [self] for child in self.children.values(): flatChildren += child.getFlattenedChildren() return flatChildren
[docs] def demoDesignVars( self, directory, includeLocal=True, includeGlobal=True, pointSet=None, CFDSolver=None, callBack=None, freq=2 ): """ This function can be used to "test" the design variable parametrization for a given optimization problem. It should be called in the script after DVGeo has been set up. The function will loop through all the design variables and write out a deformed FFD volume for the upper and lower bound of every design variable. It can also write out deformed point sets and surface meshes. Parameters ---------- directory : str The directory where the files should be written. includeLocal : boolean, optional False if you don't want to include the shape variables. includeGlobal : boolean, optional False if you don't want to include global variables. pointSet : str, optional Name of the point set to write out. If None, no point set output is generated. CFDSolver : str, optional An ADflow instance that will be used to write out deformed surface meshes. This instance must have as members: 1. This DVGeometry object (set using ``CFDSolver.setDVGeo``) 2. A mesh warping object from IDWarp (set using ``CFDSolver.setMesh``) 3. An AeroProblem (set using ``CFDSolver.setAeroProblem``) If CFDSolver is None, no surface mesh output is generated. callBack : function, optional This allows the user to perform an additional task at each new design variable iteration. The callback function must take two inputs: 1. the output directory name (str) and 2. the iteration count (int). freq : int, optional Number of snapshots to take between the upper and lower bounds of a given variable. If greater than 2, will do a sinusoidal sweep. """ # Generate directories os.makedirs(f"{directory}/ffd", exist_ok=True) if pointSet is not None: os.makedirs(f"{directory}/pointset", exist_ok=True) if CFDSolver is not None: os.makedirs(f"{directory}/surf", exist_ok=True) # Get design variables dvDict = self.getValues() # Loop through design variables on self and children geoList = self.getFlattenedChildren() for geo in geoList: for key in dvDict: lower = [] upper = [] if key in geo.DV_listLocal: if not includeLocal: continue lower = geo.DV_listLocal[key].lower upper = geo.DV_listLocal[key].upper elif key in geo.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: if not includeLocal: continue lower = geo.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].lower upper = geo.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].upper elif key in geo.DV_listSectionLocal: if not includeLocal: continue lower = geo.DV_listSectionLocal[key].lower upper = geo.DV_listSectionLocal[key].upper elif key in geo.DV_listGlobal: if not includeGlobal: continue lower = geo.DV_listGlobal[key].lower upper = geo.DV_listGlobal[key].upper if lower is None or upper is None: raise Error("demoDesignVars requires upper and lower bounds on all design variables.") x = dvDict[key].flatten() nDV = len(lower) for j in range(nDV): count = 0 if freq == 2: stops = [lower[j], upper[j]] elif freq > 2: sinusoid = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, freq)) down_swing = x[j] + (lower[j] - x[j]) * sinusoid up_swing = x[j] + (upper[j] - x[j]) * sinusoid stops = np.concatenate((down_swing[:-1], up_swing[:-1])) for val in stops: # Add perturbation to the design variable and update old_val = x[j] x[j] = val dvDict.update({key: x}) self.setDesignVars(dvDict) # Set output filename outFile = f"{key}_{j:03d}_iter_{count:03d}" # Write FFD self.writeTecplot(f"{directory}/ffd/{outFile}.dat") # Write point set if pointSet is not None: self.update(pointSet) self.writePointSet(pointSet, f"{directory}/pointset/{outFile}") # Write surface mesh if CFDSolver is not None: CFDSolver.DVGeo.setDesignVars(dvDict) CFDSolver.setAeroProblem(CFDSolver.curAP) CFDSolver.writeSurfaceSolutionFileTecplot(f"{directory}/surf/{outFile}") # Call user function if callBack is not None: callBack(directory, count) # Reset variable x[j] = old_val dvDict.update({key: x}) # Iterate counter count += 1 # Reset DVs to their original values self.setDesignVars(dvDict)
[docs] def setVolBounds(self, volBounds): """ Routine to set the FFD embedding volume bounds after initialization Parameters ---------- volBounds : dict Dictionary where volume embedding bounds for each FFD volume is specified. Keys of the dictionary specifies the FFD volume index. Values are lists of lists. First list contains the min and max bounds for the u parameter, second v, third w. This parameter can also be set after initialization using the `setVolBounds` method. For example if the FFD has 3 volumes, setting volBounds to: >>> volBounds = { >>> 0: [[0., 0.5], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]], >>> 1: [[0., 1.], [0.5, 1.], [0., 1.]] >>> } will set the parametric bounds of the first and second volumes, while the third volume can still embed points using the usual bounds of 0 to 1 for all parametric directions. In this example, the first volume only embeds points if the u coordinate of the projection is between 0 and 0.5. Similarly, the second volume only embeds a point if the v coordinate of the projection is between 0.5 and 1.0. This is useful when multiple overlapping FFD volumes are used to either mimic circular or symmetric FFDs. """ # self.FFD.setVolBounds(volBounds)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # THE REMAINDER OF THE FUNCTIONS NEED NOT BE CALLED BY THE USER # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _finalizeAxis(self): """ Internal function that sets up the collection of curve that the user has added one at a time. This will create the internal pyNetwork object """ if len(self.axis) == 0: return curves = [] for axis in self.axis: curves.append(self.axis[axis]["curve"]) # Setup the network of reference axis curves self.refAxis = pyNetwork(curves) # These are the rotations self.rot_x = OrderedDict() self.rot_y = OrderedDict() self.rot_z = OrderedDict() self.rot_theta = OrderedDict() self.scale = OrderedDict() self.scale_x = OrderedDict() self.scale_y = OrderedDict() self.scale_z = OrderedDict() self.coef = self.refAxis.coef # pointer self.coef0 = self.coef.copy().astype(self.dtype) i = 0 for key in self.axis: # curves in ref axis are indexed sequentially...this is ok # since self.axis is an ORDERED dict t = self.refAxis.curves[i].t k = self.refAxis.curves[i].k N = len(self.refAxis.curves[i].coef) z = np.zeros((N, 1), self.dtype) o = np.ones((N, 1), self.dtype) self.rot_x[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=z.copy()) self.rot_y[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=z.copy()) self.rot_z[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=z.copy()) self.rot_theta[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=z.copy()) self.scale[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=o.copy()) self.scale_x[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=o.copy()) self.scale_y[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=o.copy()) self.scale_z[key] = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=o.copy()) i += 1 # Need to keep track of initail scale values self.scale0 = self.scale.copy() self.scale_x0 = self.scale_x.copy() self.scale_y0 = self.scale_y.copy() self.scale_z0 = self.scale_z.copy() self.rot_x0 = self.rot_x.copy() self.rot_y0 = self.rot_y.copy() self.rot_z0 = self.rot_z.copy() self.rot_theta0 = self.rot_theta.copy() def _finalize(self): if self.finalized: return self._finalizeAxis() if len(self.axis) == 0: self.finalized = True self.nPtAttachFull = len(self.FFD.coef) return # What we need to figure out is which of the control points # are connected to an axis, and which ones are not connected # to an axis. # Retrieve all the pointset masks coefMask = self.masks self.ptAttachInd = [] self.ptAttach = [] curveIDs = [] s = [] curveID = 0 # Loop over the axis we have: for key in self.axis: vol_list = np.atleast_1d(self.axis[key]["volumes"]).astype("intc") temp = [] for iVol in vol_list: for i in range(self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlu): for j in range(self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlv): for k in range(self.FFD.vols[iVol].nCtlw): ind = self.FFD.topo.lIndex[iVol][i, j, k] if (not coefMask[ind]) and (ind not in self.axis[key]["ignoreInd"]): temp.append(ind) # Unique the values and append to the master list curPtAttach = geo_utils.unique(temp) self.ptAttachInd.extend(curPtAttach) curPts = self.FFD.coef.take(curPtAttach, axis=0).real self.ptAttach.extend(curPts) # Now do the projections for *just* the axis defined by my # key. if self.axis[key]["axis"] is None: tmpIDs, tmpS0 = self.refAxis.projectPoints(curPts, curves=[curveID]) else: if isinstance(self.axis[key]["axis"], str) and len(self.axis[key]["axis"]) == 1: # The axis can be a string of length one. # If so, we follow the ray projection approach. if self.axis[key]["axis"].lower() == "x": axis = np.array([1, 0, 0], "d") elif self.axis[key]["axis"].lower() == "y": axis = np.array([0, 1, 0], "d") elif self.axis[key]["axis"].lower() == "z": axis = np.array([0, 0, 1], "d") tmpIDs, tmpS0 = self.refAxis.projectRays( curPts, axis, curves=[curveID], raySize=self.axis[key]["raySize"] ) elif isinstance(self.axis[key]["axis"], np.ndarray) and len(self.axis[key]["axis"]) == 3: # we want to intersect a plane that crosses the cur pts and the normal # defined by the "axis" parameter used when adding the ref axis. tmpIDs, tmpS0 = self.refAxis.intersectPlanes( curPts, self.axis[key]["axis"], curves=[curveID], raySize=self.axis[key]["raySize"] ) else: raise Error( "The 'axis' parameter when adding the reference axis must be a single character " "specifying the direction ('x', 'y', or 'z') or a numpy array of size 3 that " "defines the normal of the plane which will be used for reference axis projections." ) curveIDs.extend(tmpIDs) s.extend(tmpS0) curveID += 1 self.ptAttachFull = self.FFD.coef.copy().real self.nPtAttach = len(self.ptAttach) self.nPtAttachFull = len(self.ptAttachFull) self.curveIDs = curveIDs self.curveIDNames = [] axisKeys = list(self.axis.keys()) for i in range(len(curveIDs)): self.curveIDNames.append(axisKeys[self.curveIDs[i]]) self.links_s = np.array(s) self.links_x = [] self.links_n = [] for i in range(self.nPtAttach): self.links_x.append(self.ptAttach[i] - self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[i]](s[i])) deriv = self.refAxis.curves[self.curveIDs[i]].getDerivative(self.links_s[i]) deriv /= geo_utils.euclideanNorm(deriv) # Normalize self.links_n.append(np.cross(deriv, self.links_x[-1])) # using the element just appended to self.links_x self.links_x = np.array(self.links_x) self.links_s = np.array(self.links_s) self.links_n = np.array(self.links_n) self.finalized = True def _setInitialValues(self): if len(self.axis) > 0: self.coef[:, :] = copy.deepcopy(self.coef0) for key in self.axis: self.scale[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.scale0[key].coef) self.scale_x[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.scale_x0[key].coef) self.scale_y[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.scale_y0[key].coef) self.scale_z[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.scale_z0[key].coef) self.rot_x[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.rot_x0[key].coef) self.rot_y[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.rot_y0[key].coef) self.rot_z[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.rot_z0[key].coef) self.rot_theta[key].coef[:] = copy.deepcopy(self.rot_theta0[key].coef) def _getRotMatrix(self, rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotType): if rotType == 1: D =,, rotX)) elif rotType == 2: D =,, rotX)) elif rotType == 3: D =,, rotY)) elif rotType == 4: D =,, rotY)) elif rotType == 5: D =,, rotZ)) elif rotType == 6: D =,, rotZ)) elif rotType == 7: D =,, rotZ)) elif rotType == 8: D =,, rotZ)) return D def _getNDV(self): """Return the actual number of design variables, global + local + section local + spanwise local """ return self._getNDVGlobal() + self._getNDVLocal() + self._getNDVSectionLocal() + self._getNDVSpanwiseLocal()
[docs] def getNDV(self): """ Return the total number of design variables this object has. Returns ------- nDV : int Total number of design variables """ return self._getNDV()
def _getNDVGlobal(self): """ Get total number of global variables, inclding any children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listGlobal: nDV += self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal for child in self.children.values(): nDV += child._getNDVGlobal() return nDV def _getNDVLocal(self): """ Get total number of local variables, inclding any children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listLocal: nDV += self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal for child in self.children.values(): nDV += child._getNDVLocal() return nDV def _getNDVSectionLocal(self): """ Get total number of local variables, inclding any children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: nDV += self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal for child in self.children.values(): nDV += child._getNDVSectionLocal() return nDV def _getNDVSpanwiseLocal(self): """ Get total number of local variables, inclding any children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: nDV += self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal for child in self.children.values(): nDV += child._getNDVSpanwiseLocal() return nDV def _getNDVSelf(self): """ Get total number of local and global variables, not including children """ return self._getNDVGlobalSelf() + self._getNDVLocalSelf() def _getNDVGlobalSelf(self): """ Get total number of global variables, not including children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listGlobal: nDV += self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal return nDV def _getNDVLocalSelf(self): """ Get total number of local variables, not including children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listLocal: nDV += self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal return nDV def _getNDVSectionLocalSelf(self): """ Get total number of local variables, not including children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: nDV += self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal return nDV def _getNDVSpanwiseLocalSelf(self): """ Get total number of local variables, not including children """ nDV = 0 for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: nDV += self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal return nDV def _getDVOffsets(self): """ return the global and local DV offsets for this FFD """ # figure out the split between local and global Variables # All global vars at all levels come first # then spanwise, then section local vars and then local vars. # Parent Vars come before child Vars # get the global and local DV numbers on the parents if we don't have them if ( self.nDV_T is None or self.nDVG_T is None or self.nDVL_T is None or self.nDVSL_T is None or self.nDVSW_T is None ): self.nDV_T = self._getNDV() self.nDVG_T = self._getNDVGlobal() self.nDVL_T = self._getNDVLocal() self.nDVSL_T = self._getNDVSectionLocal() self.nDVSW_T = self._getNDVSpanwiseLocal() self.nDVG_count = 0 self.nDVSL_count = self.nDVG_T self.nDVL_count = self.nDVG_T + self.nDVSL_T self.nDVSW_count = self.nDVG_T + self.nDVSL_T + self.nDVL_T nDVG = self._getNDVGlobalSelf() nDVL = self._getNDVLocalSelf() nDVSL = self._getNDVSectionLocalSelf() nDVSW = self._getNDVSpanwiseLocalSelf() # Set the total number of global and local DVs into any children of this parent for child in self.children.values(): # now get the numbers for the current parent child child.nDV_T = self.nDV_T child.nDVG_T = self.nDVG_T child.nDVL_T = self.nDVL_T child.nDVSL_T = self.nDVSL_T child.nDVSW_T = self.nDVSW_T child.nDVG_count = self.nDVG_count + nDVG child.nDVL_count = self.nDVL_count + nDVL child.nDVSL_count = self.nDVSL_count + nDVSL child.nDVSW_count = self.nDVSW_count + nDVSW # Increment the counters for the children nDVG += child._getNDVGlobalSelf() nDVL += child._getNDVLocalSelf() nDVSL += child._getNDVSectionLocalSelf() nDVSW += child._getNDVSpanwiseLocalSelf() return self.nDVG_count, self.nDVL_count, self.nDVSL_count, self.nDVSW_count def _update_deriv(self, iDV=0, oneoverh=1.0 / 1e-40, config=None, localDV=False): """Copy of update function for derivative calc""" new_pts = np.zeros((self.nPtAttach, 3), "D") # Step 1: Call all the design variables IFF we have ref axis: if len(self.axis) > 0: # Recompute changes due to global dvs at current point + h self.updateCalculations(new_pts, isComplex=True, config=config) # create a vector of the size of the full FFD np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 0]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 1]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 2]) # Add dependence of section variables on the global dv rotations for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].updateComplex(self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) # Send values back to new_pts new_pts[:, 0] = self.FFD.coef[self.ptAttachInd, 0] new_pts[:, 1] = self.FFD.coef[self.ptAttachInd, 1] new_pts[:, 2] = self.FFD.coef[self.ptAttachInd, 2] # set the forward effect of the global design vars in each child for childName, child in self.children.items(): # get the derivative of the child axis and control points wrt the parent # control points dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef # create a vector with the derivative of the parent control points wrt the # parent global variables tmp = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape, dtype="d") np.put(tmp[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, np.imag(new_pts[:, 0]) * oneoverh) np.put(tmp[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, np.imag(new_pts[:, 1]) * oneoverh) np.put(tmp[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, np.imag(new_pts[:, 2]) * oneoverh) # create variables for the total derivative of the child axis and control # points wrt the parent global variables dXrefdXdv = np.zeros((dXrefdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dCcdXdv = np.zeros((dCcdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") # multiply the derivative of the child axis wrt the parent control points # by the derivative of the parent control points wrt the parent global vars. # this is just chain rule dXrefdXdv[0::3] =[:, 0]) dXrefdXdv[1::3] =[:, 1]) dXrefdXdv[2::3] =[:, 2]) # do the same for the child control points dCcdXdv[0::3] =[:, 0]) dCcdXdv[1::3] =[:, 1]) dCcdXdv[2::3] =[:, 2]) if localDV and self._getNDVLocalSelf(): child.dXrefdXdvl[:, iDV] += dXrefdXdv child.dCcdXdvl[:, iDV] += dCcdXdv elif self._getNDVGlobalSelf(): child.dXrefdXdvg[:, iDV] += dXrefdXdv.real child.dCcdXdvg[:, iDV] += dCcdXdv.real return new_pts def _update_deriv_cs(self, ptSetName, config=None): """ A version of the update_deriv function specifically for use in the computeTotalJacobianCS function.""" new_pts = np.zeros((self.nPtAttachFull, 3), "D") # Make sure coefficients are complex self._complexifyCoef() # Set all coef Values back to initial values if not self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.astype("D") self._setInitialValues() else: # Update all coef self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.astype("D") self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Evaluate starting pointset Xstart = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(ptSetName) # Now we have to propagate the complex part through Xstart tempCoef = self.FFD.coef.copy().astype("D") Xstart = Xstart.astype("D") imag_part = np.imag(tempCoef) imag_j = 1j dPtdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef if dPtdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): Xstart[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) # Step 1: Call all the design variables IFF we have ref axis: if len(self.axis) > 0: # Compute changes due to global design vars self.updateCalculations(new_pts, isComplex=True, config=config) # Put the update FFD points in their proper place np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 0]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 1]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 2]) # Apply the real and complex parts separately for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].updateComplex(self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: self.DV_listSectionLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].updateComplex(self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) for key in self.DV_listLocal: self.DV_listLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, config) self.DV_listLocal[key].updateComplex(self.FFD.coef, config) # Update all coef self.FFD._updateVolumeCoef() # Evaluate coordinates from the parent Xfinal = self.FFD.getAttachedPoints(ptSetName) # now project derivs through from the coef to the pts Xfinal = Xfinal.astype("D") imag_part = np.imag(self.FFD.coef) imag_j = 1j dPtdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[ptSetName].dPtdCoef if dPtdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): Xfinal[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) # now do the same for the children for childName, child in self.children.items(): # first, update the coef. to their new locations child._finalize() self.applyToChild(childName) # now cast forward the complex part of the derivative child._complexifyCoef() child.FFD.coef = child.FFD.coef.astype("D") dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef if dXrefdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): child.coef[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) if dCcdCoef is not None: for ii in range(3): child.FFD.coef[:, ii] += imag_j *[:, ii]) child.refAxis.coef = child.coef.copy() child.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() Xfinal += child._update_deriv_cs(ptSetName, config=config) child._unComplexifyCoef() self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.real.astype("d") if self.isChild: return Xfinal - Xstart else: return Xfinal def _complexifyCoef(self): """Convert coef to complex temporarily""" if len(self.axis) > 0: for key in self.axis: self.rot_x[key].coef = self.rot_x[key].coef.astype("D") self.rot_y[key].coef = self.rot_y[key].coef.astype("D") self.rot_z[key].coef = self.rot_z[key].coef.astype("D") self.rot_theta[key].coef = self.rot_theta[key].coef.astype("D") self.scale[key].coef = self.scale[key].coef.astype("D") self.scale_x[key].coef = self.scale_x[key].coef.astype("D") self.scale_y[key].coef = self.scale_y[key].coef.astype("D") self.scale_z[key].coef = self.scale_z[key].coef.astype("D") for i in range(self.refAxis.nCurve): self.refAxis.curves[i].coef = self.refAxis.curves[i].coef.astype("D") self.coef = self.coef.astype("D") def _unComplexifyCoef(self): """Convert coef back to reals""" if len(self.axis) > 0 and not self.complex: for key in self.axis: self.rot_x[key].coef = self.rot_x[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.rot_y[key].coef = self.rot_y[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.rot_z[key].coef = self.rot_z[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.rot_theta[key].coef = self.rot_theta[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.scale[key].coef = self.scale[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.scale_x[key].coef = self.scale_x[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.scale_y[key].coef = self.scale_y[key].coef.real.astype("d") self.scale_z[key].coef = self.scale_z[key].coef.real.astype("d") for i in range(self.refAxis.nCurve): self.refAxis.curves[i].coef = self.refAxis.curves[i].coef.real.astype("d") self.coef = self.coef.real.astype("d")
[docs] def computeTotalJacobianFD(self, ptSetName, config=None): """This function takes the total derivative of an objective, I, with respect the points controlled on this processor using FD. We take the transpose prodducts and mpi_allreduce them to get the resulting value on each processor. Note that this function is slow and should eventually be replaced by an analytic version. """ self._finalize() self.curPtSet = ptSetName if self.JT[ptSetName] is not None: return if self.isChild: refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.FFD.coef) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef) # Here we set childDelta as False, but it really doesn't matter # whether it is True or False because we take a difference # between coordsph and coords0, so the Xstart would be cancelled # out in the end. coords0 = self.update(ptSetName, childDelta=False, config=config).flatten() if self.nPts[ptSetName] is None: self.nPts[ptSetName] = len(coords0.flatten()) for child in self.children.values(): child.nPts[ptSetName] = self.nPts[ptSetName] DVGlobalCount, DVLocalCount, DVSecLocCount, DVSpanLocCount = self._getDVOffsets() h = 1e-6 self.JT[ptSetName] = np.zeros([self.nDV_T, self.nPts[ptSetName]]) for key in self.DV_listGlobal: for j in range(self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName, childDelta=False, config=config).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h self.JT[ptSetName][DVGlobalCount, :] = deriv DVGlobalCount += 1 self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName, childDelta=False, config=config).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h self.JT[ptSetName][DVSpanLocCount, :] = deriv DVSpanLocCount += 1 self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName, childDelta=False, config=config).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h self.JT[ptSetName][DVSecLocCount, :] = deriv DVSecLocCount += 1 self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal): if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName, childDelta=False, config=config).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h self.JT[ptSetName][DVLocalCount, :] = deriv DVLocalCount += 1 self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for childName, child in self.children.items(): child._finalize() # In the updates applied previously, the FFD points on the children # will have been set as deltas. We need to set them as absolute # coordinates based on the changes in the parent before moving down # to the next level self.applyToChild(childName) # Now get jacobian from child and add to parent jacobian child.computeTotalJacobianFD(ptSetName, config=config) self.JT[ptSetName] = self.JT[ptSetName] + child.JT[ptSetName]
def _attachedPtJacobian(self, config): """ Compute the derivative of the the attached points """ nDV = self._getNDVGlobalSelf() self._getDVOffsets() h = 1.0e-40j oneoverh = 1.0 / 1e-40 # Just do a CS loop over the coef # First sum the actual number of globalDVs if nDV != 0: # check this # create a jacobian the size of nPtAttached full by self.nDV_T, the total number of # dvs Jacobian = np.zeros((self.nPtAttachFull * 3, self.nDV_T)) # Create the storage arrays for the information that must be # passed to the children for childName, child in self.children.items(): N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].N # Derivative of reference axis points wrt global DVs at this level child.dXrefdXdvg = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].N # derivative of the control points wrt the global DVs at this level child.dCcdXdvg = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) # We need to save the reference state so that we can always start # from the same place when calling _update_deriv if not self.isChild: refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.origFFDCoef.astype("D")) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef0.astype("D")) else: refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.FFD.coef) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef) iDV = self.nDVG_count for key in self.DV_listGlobal: if ( self.DV_listGlobal[key].config is None or config is None or any(c0 == config for c0 in self.DV_listGlobal[key].config) ): nVal = self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal for j in range(nVal): refVal = self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] += h # Reset coefficients self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.astype("D") # ffd coefficients self.coef = refCoef.astype("D") self.refAxis.coef = refCoef.astype("D") self._complexifyCoef() # Make sure coefficients are complex self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() deriv = oneoverh * np.imag(self._update_deriv(iDV, oneoverh, config=config)).flatten() # reset the FFD and axis self._unComplexifyCoef() self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.real.astype("d") np.put(Jacobian[0::3, iDV], self.ptAttachInd, deriv[0::3]) np.put(Jacobian[1::3, iDV], self.ptAttachInd, deriv[1::3]) np.put(Jacobian[2::3, iDV], self.ptAttachInd, deriv[2::3]) iDV += 1 self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] = refVal else: iDV += self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal else: Jacobian = None return Jacobian def _spanwiselocalDVJacobian(self, config=None): """ Return the derivative of the coefficients wrt the local normal design variables """ # This is relatively straight forward, since the matrix is # entirely one's or zeros nDV = self._getNDVSpanwiseLocalSelf() self._getDVOffsets() if nDV != 0: Jacobian = sparse.lil_matrix((self.nPtAttachFull * 3, self.nDV_T)) # Create the storage arrays for the information that must be # passed to the children for childName, child in self.children.items(): N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].N child.dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].N child.dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) iDVSpanwiseLocal = self.nDVSW_count for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: dv = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key] # check that the dv is active for this config if dv.config is None or config is None or any(c0 == config for c0 in dv.config): nVal = dv.nVal # apply this dv to FFD self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, config) # loop over value of the dv # (for example a single shape dv may have 20 values that # control the shape of the FFD at 20 points) for j in range(nVal): coefs = dv.dv_to_coefs[j] # affected control points of FFD # this is map from dvs to coef for coef in coefs: irow = coef * 3 + dv.axis # *3 because the jacobian has a row for each x,y,z of the FFD # It is basically # row number = coef index * n dimensions + dimension index # value of FFD node location = x0 + dv_SWLocal[j] # so partial(FFD node location)/partial(dv_SWLocal) = 1 # for each node effected by the dv_SWLocal[j] Jacobian[irow, iDVSpanwiseLocal] = 1.0 for childName, child in self.children.items(): # Get derivatives of child ref axis and FFD control # points w.r.t. parent's FFD control points dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef # derivative of Change in the FFD coef due to DVs # same as Jacobian above, but differnt ordering dCoefdXdvl = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape, dtype="d") for coef in coefs: dCoefdXdvl[coef, dv.axis] = 1.0 dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((dXrefdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((dCcdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dXrefdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dXrefdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dXrefdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) dCcdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dCcdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dCcdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) # TODO: the += here is to allow recursion check this with multiple nesting # levels child.dXrefdXdvl[:, iDVSpanwiseLocal] += dXrefdXdvl child.dCcdXdvl[:, iDVSpanwiseLocal] += dCcdXdvl iDVSpanwiseLocal += 1 else: iDVSpanwiseLocal += self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal # end if config check # end for else: Jacobian = None return Jacobian def _sectionlocalDVJacobian(self, config=None): """ Return the derivative of the coefficients wrt the local normal design variables """ # This is relatively straight forward, since the matrix is # entirely one's or zeros nDV = self._getNDVSectionLocalSelf() self._getDVOffsets() if nDV != 0: Jacobian = sparse.lil_matrix((self.nPtAttachFull * 3, self.nDV_T)) # Create the storage arrays for the information that must be # passed to the children for childName, child in self.children.items(): N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].N child.dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].N child.dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) iDVSectionLocal = self.nDVSL_count for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: dv = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key] if dv.config is None or config is None or any(c0 == config for c0 in dv.config): nVal = dv.nVal self.DV_listSectionLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, self.coefRotM, config) for j in range(nVal): coef = dv.coefList[j] # affected control point T = dv.sectionTransform[dv.sectionLink[coef]] inFrame = np.zeros((3, 1)) # Set axis that is being perturbed to 1.0 inFrame[dv.axis] = 1.0 R = np.real(self.coefRotM[coef]) # this is a bug fix for scipy 1.3+ related to fancy indexing # the original was: # rows = range(coef*3,(coef+1)*3) # Jacobian[rows, iDVSectionLocal] += Jacobian[coef * 3 : (coef + 1) * 3, iDVSectionLocal] += for childName, child in self.children.items(): dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef tmp = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape, dtype="d") tmp[coef, :] = dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((dXrefdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((dCcdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dXrefdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dXrefdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dXrefdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) dCcdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dCcdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dCcdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) # TODO: the += here is to allow recursion check this with multiple nesting # levels child.dXrefdXdvl[:, iDVSectionLocal] += dXrefdXdvl child.dCcdXdvl[:, iDVSectionLocal] += dCcdXdvl iDVSectionLocal += 1 else: iDVSectionLocal += self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal # end if config check # end for else: Jacobian = None return Jacobian def _localDVJacobian(self, config=None): """ Return the derivative of the coefficients wrt the local and shape function design variables """ # This is relatively straight forward, since the matrix is entirely one's or zeros for local DVs, # and the sparsity pattern is explicitly provided for the shape function dvs with the definition of the shapes. nDV = self._getNDVLocalSelf() self._getDVOffsets() if nDV != 0: Jacobian = sparse.lil_matrix((self.nPtAttachFull * 3, self.nDV_T)) # Create the storage arrays for the information that must be # passed to the children for childName, child in self.children.items(): N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].N child.dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) N = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].N child.dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((N * 3, self.nDV_T)) iDVLocal = self.nDVL_count for key in self.DV_listLocal: if ( self.DV_listLocal[key].config is None or config is None or any(c0 == config for c0 in self.DV_listLocal[key].config) ): self.DV_listLocal[key](self.FFD.coef, config) # figure out if this is a regular local DV or if its a shapeFunc DV if hasattr(self.DV_listLocal[key], "shapes"): shapeFunc = True else: shapeFunc = False nVal = self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal for j in range(nVal): if shapeFunc: # get the current shape shape = self.DV_listLocal[key].shapes[j] # loop over entries in shape and set values in jac for coefInd, direction in shape.items(): # set the 3 coordinates for jj in range(3): irow = coefInd * 3 + jj Jacobian[irow, iDVLocal] = direction[jj] else: pt_dv = self.DV_listLocal[key].coefList[j] irow = pt_dv[0] * 3 + pt_dv[1] Jacobian[irow, iDVLocal] = 1.0 for childName, child in self.children.items(): # Get derivatives of child ref axis and FFD control # points w.r.t. parent's FFD control points dXrefdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_axis"].dPtdCoef dCcdCoef = self.FFD.embeddedVolumes[f"{childName}_coef"].dPtdCoef tmp = np.zeros(self.FFD.coef.shape, dtype="d") if shapeFunc: # get the current shape shape = self.DV_listLocal[key].shapes[j] # loop over entries in shape and set values in jac for coefInd, direction in shape.items(): # set the 3 coordinates for jj in range(3): tmp[coefInd, jj] = direction[jj] else: tmp[pt_dv[0], pt_dv[1]] = 1.0 dXrefdXdvl = np.zeros((dXrefdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dCcdXdvl = np.zeros((dCcdCoef.shape[0] * 3), "d") dXrefdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dXrefdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dXrefdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) dCcdXdvl[0::3] =[:, 0]) dCcdXdvl[1::3] =[:, 1]) dCcdXdvl[2::3] =[:, 2]) # TODO: the += here is to allow recursion check this with multiple nesting # levels child.dXrefdXdvl[:, iDVLocal] += dXrefdXdvl child.dCcdXdvl[:, iDVLocal] += dCcdXdvl iDVLocal += 1 else: iDVLocal += self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal # end if config check # end for else: Jacobian = None return Jacobian def _cascadedDVJacobian(self, config=None): """ Compute the cascading derivatives from the parent to the child """ if not self.isChild: return None # we are now on a child. Add in dependence passed from parent Jacobian = sparse.lil_matrix((self.nPtAttachFull * 3, self.nDV_T)) # Save reference values (these are necessary so that we always start # from the base state on the current DVGeo, and then apply the design # variables from there). refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.FFD.coef) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef) h = 1.0e-40j oneoverh = 1.0 / 1e-40 if self.dXrefdXdvg is not None: for iDV in range(self.dXrefdXdvg.shape[1]): nz1 = np.count_nonzero(self.dXrefdXdvg[:, iDV]) nz2 = np.count_nonzero(self.dCcdXdvg[:, iDV]) if nz1 + nz2 == 0: continue # Complexify all of the coefficients self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.astype("D") self.coef = refCoef.astype("D") self._complexifyCoef() # Add a complex pertubation representing the change in the child # reference axis wrt the parent global DVs self.coef[:, 0] += self.dXrefdXdvg[0::3, iDV] * h self.coef[:, 1] += self.dXrefdXdvg[1::3, iDV] * h self.coef[:, 2] += self.dXrefdXdvg[2::3, iDV] * h # insert the new coef into the refAxis self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() # Complexify the child FFD coords tmp1 = np.zeros_like(self.FFD.coef, dtype="D") # add the effect of the global coordinates on the actual control points tmp1[:, 0] = self.dCcdXdvg[0::3, iDV] * h tmp1[:, 1] = self.dCcdXdvg[1::3, iDV] * h tmp1[:, 2] = self.dCcdXdvg[2::3, iDV] * h self.FFD.coef += tmp1 # Store the original FFD coordinates so that we can get the delta oldCoefLocations = self.FFD.coef.copy() # compute the deriv of the child FFD coords wrt the parent by processing # the above CS perturbation new_pts = self._update_deriv(iDV, oneoverh, config=config) # insert this result in the the correct locations of a vector the correct # size np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 0]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 1]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 2]) # We have to subtract off the oldCoefLocations because we only # want the cascading effect on the current design variables. The # complex part on oldCoefLocations was already accounted for on # the parent. self.FFD.coef -= oldCoefLocations # sum up all of the various influences Jacobian[0::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 0:1]) Jacobian[1::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 1:2]) Jacobian[2::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 2:3]) # decomplexify the coefficients self.coef = self.coef.real.astype("d") self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.real.astype("d") self._unComplexifyCoef() if self.dXrefdXdvl is not None: # Now repeat for the local variables for iDV in range(self.dXrefdXdvl.shape[1]): # check if there is any dependence on this DV nz1 = np.count_nonzero(self.dXrefdXdvl[:, iDV]) nz2 = np.count_nonzero(self.dCcdXdvl[:, iDV]) if nz1 + nz2 == 0: continue # Complexify all of the coefficients self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.astype("D") self.coef = refCoef.astype("D") self._complexifyCoef() # Add a complex pertubation representing the change in the child # reference axis wrt the parent local DVs self.coef[:, 0] += self.dXrefdXdvl[0::3, iDV] * h self.coef[:, 1] += self.dXrefdXdvl[1::3, iDV] * h self.coef[:, 2] += self.dXrefdXdvl[2::3, iDV] * h # insert the new coef into the refAxis self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() # Complexify the child FFD coords tmp1 = np.zeros_like(self.FFD.coef, dtype="D") # add the effect of the global coordinates on the actual control points tmp1[:, 0] = self.dCcdXdvl[0::3, iDV] * h tmp1[:, 1] = self.dCcdXdvl[1::3, iDV] * h tmp1[:, 2] = self.dCcdXdvl[2::3, iDV] * h self.FFD.coef += tmp1 # Store the original FFD coordinates so that we can get the delta oldCoefLocations = self.FFD.coef.copy() # compute the deriv of the child FFD coords wrt the parent by processing # the above CS perturbation new_pts = self._update_deriv(iDV, oneoverh, config=config, localDV=True) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 0], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 0]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 1], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 1]) np.put(self.FFD.coef[:, 2], self.ptAttachInd, new_pts[:, 2]) # We have to subtract off the oldCoefLocations because we only # want the cascading effect on the current design variables. The # complex part on oldCoefLocations was already accounted for on # the parent. self.FFD.coef -= oldCoefLocations # sum up all of the various influences Jacobian[0::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 0:1]) Jacobian[1::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 1:2]) Jacobian[2::3, iDV] += oneoverh * np.imag(self.FFD.coef[:, 2:3]) # decomplexify the coefficients self.coef = self.coef.real.astype("d") self.FFD.coef = self.FFD.coef.real.astype("d") self._unComplexifyCoef() return Jacobian def _writeVols(self, handle, vol_counter, solutionTime): for i in range(len(self.FFD.vols)): writeTecplot3D(handle, "FFD_vol%d" % i, self.FFD.vols[i].coef, solutionTime) self.FFD.vols[i].computeData(recompute=True) writeTecplot3D(handle, "embedding_vol", self.FFD.vols[i].data, solutionTime) vol_counter += 1 # Write children volumes: for child in self.children.values(): vol_counter += child._writeVols(handle, vol_counter, solutionTime) return vol_counter
[docs] def checkDerivatives(self, ptSetName): """ Run a brute force FD check on ALL design variables Parameters ---------- ptSetName : str name of the point set to check """ print("Computing Analytic Jacobian...") self.zeroJacobians(ptSetName) for child in self.children.values(): child.zeroJacobians(ptSetName) self.computeTotalJacobian(ptSetName) # self.computeTotalJacobian_fast(ptSetName) Jac = copy.deepcopy(self.JT[ptSetName]) # Global Variables print("========================================") print(" Global Variables ") print("========================================") if self.isChild: refFFDCoef = copy.copy(self.FFD.coef) refCoef = copy.copy(self.coef) coords0 = self.update(ptSetName).flatten() h = 1e-6 # figure out the split between local and global Variables DVCountGlob, DVCountLoc, DVCountSecLoc, DVCountSpanLoc = self._getDVOffsets() for key in self.DV_listGlobal: for j in range(self.DV_listGlobal[key].nVal): print("========================================") print(" GlobalVar(%s), Value(%d)" % (key, j)) print("========================================") if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h for ii in range(len(deriv)): relErr = (deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountGlob, ii]) / (1e-16 + Jac[DVCountGlob, ii]) absErr = deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountGlob, ii] if abs(relErr) > h * 10 and abs(absErr) > h * 10: print(ii, deriv[ii], Jac[DVCountGlob, ii], relErr, absErr) DVCountGlob += 1 self.DV_listGlobal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listLocal[key].nVal): print("========================================") print(" LocalVar(%s), Value(%d) " % (key, j)) print("========================================") if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h for ii in range(len(deriv)): relErr = (deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountLoc, ii]) / (1e-16 + Jac[DVCountLoc, ii]) absErr = deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountLoc, ii] if abs(relErr) > h and abs(absErr) > h: print(ii, deriv[ii], Jac[DVCountLoc, ii], relErr, absErr) DVCountLoc += 1 self.DV_listLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listSectionLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].nVal): print("========================================") print(" SectionLocalVar(%s), Value(%d) " % (key, j)) print("========================================") if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h for ii in range(len(deriv)): relErr = (deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountSecLoc, ii]) / (1e-16 + Jac[DVCountSecLoc, ii]) absErr = deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountSecLoc, ii] if abs(relErr) > h and abs(absErr) > h: print(ii, deriv[ii], Jac[DVCountSecLoc, ii], relErr, absErr) DVCountSecLoc += 1 self.DV_listSectionLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for key in self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal: for j in range(self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].nVal): print("========================================") print(" SpanwiseLocalVar(%s), Value(%d) " % (key, j)) print("========================================") if self.isChild: self.FFD.coef = refFFDCoef.copy() self.coef = refCoef.copy() self.refAxis.coef = self.coef.copy() self.refAxis._updateCurveCoef() refVal = self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] += h coordsph = self.update(ptSetName).flatten() deriv = (coordsph - coords0) / h for ii in range(len(deriv)): relErr = (deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountSpanLoc, ii]) / (1e-16 + Jac[DVCountSpanLoc, ii]) absErr = deriv[ii] - Jac[DVCountSpanLoc, ii] if abs(relErr) > h and abs(absErr) > h: print(ii, deriv[ii], Jac[DVCountSpanLoc, ii], relErr, absErr) DVCountSpanLoc += 1 self.DV_listSpanwiseLocal[key].value[j] = refVal for child in self.children.values(): child.checkDerivatives(ptSetName)
[docs] def printDesignVariables(self): """ Print a formatted list of design variables to the screen """ for dg in self.DV_listGlobal: print("%s" % (self.DV_listGlobal[dg].name)) for i in range(self.DV_listGlobal[dg].nVal): print("%20.15f" % (self.DV_listGlobal[dg].value[i])) for dl in self.DV_listLocal: print("%s" % (self.DV_listLocal[dl].name)) for i in range(self.DV_listLocal[dl].nVal): print("%20.15f" % (self.DV_listLocal[dl].value[i])) for dsl in self.DV_listSectionLocal: print("%s" % (self.DV_listSectionLocal[dsl].name)) for i in range(self.DV_listSectionLocal[dsl].nVal): print("%20.15f" % (self.DV_listSectionLocal[dsl].value[i])) for child in self.children.values(): child.printDesignVariables()
[docs] def sectionFrame(self, sectionIndex, sectionTransform, sectionLink, ivol=0, orient0=None, orient2="svd"): """ This function computes a unique reference coordinate frame for each section of an FFD volume. You can choose which axis of the FFD you would like these sections to be defined by. For example, if we have a wing with a winglet, the airfoil sections which make up the wing will not all lie in parallel planes. We want to find a reference frame for each of these airfoil sections so that we can constrain local control points to deform within the sectional plane. Let's say the wing FFD is oriented with indices: `i` along chord `j` normal to wing surface `k` along span If we choose ``sectionIndex='k'``, this function will compute a frame which has two axes aligned with the k-planes of the FFD volume. This is useful because in some cases (as with a winglet), we want to perturb sectional control points within the section plane instead of in the global coordinate directions. Assumptions: * the normal direction is computed along the block index with size 2 * all point for a given sectionIndex lie within a plane Parameters ---------- sectionIndex : `i`, `j`, or `k` This the index of the FFD which defines a section plane. orient0 : None, `i`, `j`, `k`, or numpy vector. Default is None. Although secIndex defines the '2' axis, the '0' and '1' axes are still free to rotate within the section plane. We will choose the orientation of the '0' axis and let '1' be orthogonal. See `addLocalSectionDV` for a more detailed description. ivol : integer Volume ID for the volume in which section normals will be computed. alignStreamwise : `x`, `y`, or `z` (optional) If given, section frames are rotated about the k-plane normal so that the longitudinal axis is parallel with the given streamwise direction. rootGlobal : list List of sections along specified axis that will be fixed to the global coordinate frame. Returns ------- sectionTransform : list of 3x3 arrays List of transformation matrices for the sections of a given volume. Transformations are set up from local section frame to global frame. """ # xyz_2_idx = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} ijk_2_idx = {"i": 0, "j": 1, "k": 2} lIndex = self.FFD.topo.lIndex[ivol] # Get normal index orient0idx = False orient0vec = False if orient0 is not None: if isinstance(orient0, str): orient0 = ijk_2_idx[orient0.lower()] orient0idx = True elif isinstance(orient0, np.ndarray): orient0vec = True else: raise Error("orient0 must be an index (i, j, or k) or a " "vector.") # Get section index and number of sections sectionIndex = ijk_2_idx[sectionIndex.lower()] nSections = lIndex.shape[sectionIndex] # Roll lIndex so that 0th index is sectionIndex and 1st index is orient0 rolledlIndex = np.rollaxis(lIndex, sectionIndex, 0) if orient0idx: if orient0 != 2: orient0 += 1 rolledlIndex = np.rollaxis(rolledlIndex, orient0, 1) # Length of sectionTransform Tcount = len(sectionTransform) for i in range(nSections): # Compute singular value decomposition of points in section (the # U matrix should provide us with a pretty good approximation # of the transformation matrix) pts = self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i, :, :]] nJ, nI = pts.shape[:-1] X = np.reshape(pts, (nI * nJ, 3)) c = np.mean(X, 0) A = X - c U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(A.T) # Choose section plane normal axis if orient2 == "svd": ax2 = U[:, 2] elif orient2 == "ffd": # Use a centered FD approximation (first order at the boundaries) if i == 0: pt = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ptp = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i + 1, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ax2 = ptp - pt elif i == nSections - 1: pt = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ptm = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i - 1, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ax2 = pt - ptm else: ptp = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i + 1, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ptm = np.mean(self.FFD.coef[rolledlIndex[i - 1, :, :]].reshape(nI * nJ, 3), 0) ax2 = ptp - ptm ax2 /= np.linalg.norm(ax2) else: raise Error("orient2 must be 'svd' or 'ffd'") # Options for choosing in-plane axes # 1. Align axis '0' with projection of the given vector on section # plane. # 2. Align axis '0' with the projection of an average # difference vector between opposing edges of FFD block # section plane # 3. Use the default SVD decomposition (in general this will work). # It will choose the chordwise direction as the best fit line # through the section points. if orient0vec or orient0idx: if orient0vec: u = orient0 / np.linalg.norm(orient0) else: u = np.mean((pts[-1, :] - pts[0, :]), axis=0) u = u / np.linalg.norm(u) ax0 = u - * ax2 ax1 = np.cross(ax2, ax0) else: ax0 = U[:, 0] ax1 = U[:, 1] T = np.vstack((ax0, ax1, ax2)).T sectionTransform.append(T) # Designate section transformation matrix for each control point in # section sectionLink[rolledlIndex[i, :, :]] = Tcount Tcount += 1 # Need to initialize coefRotM to identity matrix for case with no # global design variables for j in rolledlIndex[i, :, :]: for coef in j: self.coefRotM[coef] = np.eye(3) return nSections